caregiver- infant interactions Flashcards
what is attachment?
it’s a caregiver and infant interaction
-a strong, reciprocal bond between infant and caregiver for security and safety
why are babies atricial?
-born at an early stage of development and form bonds(protect and nurture)
what are precoical animals?
-advanced stage of development.
-foals when born are able to walk
attachment short and long term benefits
short- survival
long- emotional RS as template for later RS
how do you know an attachment has formed?
-promixity- physically close
-separation distress- stress when carer leaves
-secure base behaviour- regular contact w attachment figure and goes back regularly
what are caregiver infant interactions?
-non verbal communication
- can form attachment basis
-respond in sensitive manner
- address any signals
what is reciprocity ?
-responding to eachother
- taking turns
-non verbal
-say something to baby’s smile and may elicit a response
what is interactional synchrony?
-coordination of behaviour over time e.g smile, eye contact
what is synchronised?
carry out same action simultaneously
-mother and infant actions and emotions mirror the other.
what is melizoff and moores study (1977)?
-a systematic study-lab exp of interactional synchrony
-infant as young as 2 to 3 weeks imitated specific facial and hand gestures
-children’s expression filmed to adult model pulling 3 faces
- there was an association between infant and adult model
what’s the importance of attachment?
(isabella and synchrony)
-isabella observed 30 mothers and infants
-measured degree of synchrony
-more synchrony= better quality attachment
key point ab correlations?
correlations aren’t CAUSATION
what are alert phases?
-mothers respond 2/3 of the time
-varies based on mother behaviour
-stress affects
-at 3mnths interaction increases
-close attention, facial expressions
what is active involvement?
-saw babies as passive
-HOWEVER, babies actually take active role (imitate actions)
-like a ‘dance’
evaluating studies in international synchrony
-high controlled ob= small details recorded, wont miss any behvaiours
removes EVS, no baby distractions
-filmed interactions allow for more than one observer to establish inter rater reliablity
-no demand characterstics from a baby(they dk)
-practical application- more knowledge on attachments and teachers importance
-good reliablity and validity
evaluating studies in international synchrony(negatives)
- internationally-hard to draw conclusions(don’t know if it’s real intention) only see hand movements
not very mobile
dk babys perspective
e.g a hand twitch or triggered by caregiver?
purpose of certain behaviours not fully explained so is recipocity and synchorny necessary?
counterpoint w isabella!
-observer bias- see what they hope to find
-practical issues-can’t control when baby needs to sleep/eat (have to wait for right time)
-socially sensitive- if parents don’t act in accordance makes them feel not good parent