Unit4- 5.9~ Malfunctions of control and regulatory systems Flashcards
What is a stroke?
When blood stops flowing to the brain or is cut off.
What factors cause strokes?
- Lifestyle- high fat diet, salt diet, smoking
- Ischaemic- Obstruction to blood vessels/ blood clots restrited/ Restricted blow flow to the brain
- Haemorrhagic- Weak blood vessels/ bleeding in the brain/ damage to cells
What are the symptoms of a strokes?
- Face: Dropped on one side, cannot smile, or mouth/eye has dropped
- Arms: may not lift both arms, have numbness
- Speech: May be slurred or garbled, may not be able to talk
- Time: dial 999
What are the lifestyle changes/effects of a stroke?
Care plan:
* NHS continuing healthcare
* NHS funded nursing care
* Intermediate care- Short-term care provided at your home or residential home
* Rehabilitation
* Equipment such as wheelchairs, specialist beds
* Changes in diet and exercise
* Stop smoking
What is multiple sclerosis?
A chronic disease that affects the brain and spinal cord
What factors cause multiple sclerosis?
MS is an autoimmune condition, where something goes wrong with the immune system and it attacks a health part of the body
Causes (biological):
* Immune system attacks myelin
* Sheath
* Myelin sheath damaged
* Scar tissue
Risk factors:
* Genetics
* Female
* Viral infection
What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis?
- Fatigue
- Difficulty walking
- Vision problems
- Bladder problems
- Muscle stiffness
What are the lifestyle changes/effects of multiple sclerosis?
- Looking after self
- Regular reviews
- Stop smoking
- Mobility lessons
- support services
What is diabetes?
A chronic disease that occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or can’t use it properly
What factors cause diabetes?
Type 1:
* Body’s immune system attacks and destroys cells that produces insulin
Type 2:
* Body doesnt produce enough unsulin. Body cannot break down glucose into energy
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
- Feeling thirsty
- Urinating a lot
- Feeling tired
- Weight loss
What are the lifestyle changes/Effects of diabetes?
- Eat healthily
- Regular exercise
- Regular blood test to ensure blood glucose levels stays balanced
- Type 1: insulin injection for the rest of their life
- Type 2: Progressive condition, medication may be required. Can be reversed sometimes.
What is nephrotic syndrome?
A disorder that causes your body to pass too much protein in your urine
What factors cause nephrotic syndrome?
* Usually in children
* Affects boys more than girls
* Kidney problems like diabetes
Biological causes:
* Sodium & water retention: kidney response to low blood volume results in sodium & water retention, causing/worsening edema (swelling)
* Proteinurla: excessive loss of proteins weakens immune system, increasing risk to infection
What are the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome?
- Swelling
- Infections
- Urine changes
- Blood clots