Unit2- 1.3~ Support networks Flashcards
Equality, diversity and rights in health and social care
What is advocacy?
Getting support from others in order to help individuals express their views and wishes.
What are the advocacy services?
- British institute of learning disabilities
What does SEAP do?
SEAP is an independent charity that provides free independent and confidential advocacy services. They resolve issues or concerns about health and wellbeing. They aim to ensure individuals are in control of decisions.
What does Mencap do?
A charity that works in partnership with people with a learning disability and supports people to live the way they choose.
What does EMPOWER me do?
An organisation that supports mental health service users and people with learning disabilites to have a voice.
What does british institute of learning disabilities do?
A body that campaigns with learning disabilities to be valued equally, participate fully in their communities and be treated with dignity and respect.
What is ‘informal’ support?
The help you get from family members, or those who are not paid and not professionally trained care workers.
What are the support groups?
- Headway
- AgeUK
A charity that provides advice and support to empower those experiencing a mental health problem
What does AgeUK do?
A charity that raises awareness of the different situations faced by many older people, and keeps revelent issues in the public eye.
What does headway do?
An associate that promotes understanding about brain injuries and provides information, support and servces to survivors, families and carers.