Unit3- 2.1~ Legislation Flashcards
Health, safety & security in health and social care
What are the 9 legislations that promote health, safety and security in care settings?
- Health and safety at work act (HASAWA) 1974
- Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations (MHSWR) 1999
- Food and safety act 1990
- Food safety (general food hygiene) Regulations
- Manual handling operations regulations 1992
- Reporting of injuries, disease and dangerous occurences regulations (RIDDOR) 2013
- Data Protection act 1998
- Control of substance hazardous to health regulations (COSHH) 2002
- Civil contingences act 2004
How does HASAWA 1974 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- It provides the basis for other health and safety regulations and guidelines
- It estabilished the Health & safety executive as the regulator for the health, safety and welfare for people in work settings
- It estabilished key duties and responsibilites of all employees and employers
How does MHSWR 1999 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Places duties on employers to carry out and implement risk assessments of employees and others who live and work in these settings
- Requires work settings to have arrangements in place to manage health, safety and security, and emergency situations that may arise
How does Food and Safety Act 1990 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Requires good personal hygiene to maintain when working with food is safe to eat
- Requires records are kept where food is from incase tracing is needed
- Reuires any food that is unsafe is removed and an incident report is complete
How does Food Safety (GFH) Regulations 1995 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Requires food safety hazards are identified
- Requires food safety controls are in place, maintained and reviewed
- Requires environments where food is cooked, prepared is clean
How does Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Requires employers to avoid hazardous manual handling tasks
- Requires employers eliminate or reduce risk associated with manual handling
- Requires employers to provide info, training, supervision about moving and handling
How does RIDDOR 2013 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Requires employers to report and keep records for 3 years of work-related accidents that causes death, injuries, diseases, etc
- Requires work settings to have procedures in place for reporting injuries, diseases and incidents
- Requires employers to provide info and training on reporting injuries, diseases and incidents
How does Data Protection Act 1998 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Protects the security of personal information
- Requires that information is accurate and up to date
- Requires that information is kept secure
How does Civil Contingencies Act 2004 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Sets out how organisations work together to plan and respond to local/national emergencies
- It establishes how organisations can work together and share information
- Requires risk assesments are undertaken and emergency plans are put in place
How does COSHH 2002 promote health, safety and security in health, social, child care settings?
- Requires employers to carry out risk assessments to prevent/control exposure of hazardous substances
- Requires employers to have procedures in place fr working safely with hazardous substances
- Requires employers to provide information, training and supervision so work activites can be carried out safely
What are the responsibilities of employers for HASAWA?
- Needs to ensure health, safety and welfare at work for all staff
- Should provide adequate facilities for staff welfare
- Safe equipment and machinery to perfom the work
What are the responsibilities of employees for HASAWA?
- Should take steps to protect the health & safety of themselves and colleagues
- Must not interfere with anything put in place of aid
- May be subject to fines/convictions if they’re found in a breach of regulations
What are the responsibilities of empoyers for MHSWR?
- Ensure employees are not given tasks beyond beyond their capabilities
- Provide employees with all H&S information in understandable format
- Have a clear, documented health and safety policy
What are the responsibilities of employees for MHSWR?
- Report dangerous situations, incidents and accidents
- Use equipment in line with training and instructions provided
- Report any issues regarding H&S arrangements. E.g. lack of PPE, training
What are the responsibilities of employers for the food safety act?
- Ensure equipment and facilities used for food prep and storage is hygienic
- Ensure all food handlers are fit for work and do not pose a risk to food safety
- Provide adequate training to employees to ensure they have necessary skills and knowlegde to handle food safely
What are the responsibilities of employees for the food safety act?
- Ensure food is handled, prepared and served in a safe hygienic manner
- Report any health issues that may affect their ability to handle food safely
- Report potential hazards that may pose a risk to food safety
What are the responsibilities of employers of food safety regulations?
- Identify safety hazrds
- Enforce food safety controls & review them
- Ensure environment where food is prepared/cooked is clean
What are the responsibilities of employees for food safety regulations?
- Keep food prep and cooking areas clean
- Follow food safety controls
- Prepare raw meat and ready-to-eat produce on seperate chopping boards
What are the responsibilities of employers for manual handling operations regulations?
- Provide information & training about mandle handling for anyone who needs to use it in their job
- Risk assess all manual handling activities
- Supervise employees
What are the responsibilities of employees for manual handling operations regulations?
- Only operate manual handling equipment if trained too
- Avoid manual handling unless it is essential
- Practice and plan lifting before doing it
What are the responsibilities of employers for Reporting of Injuries, diseases and dangerous regulations?
Keep written records:
* Accident that causes death
* Diseases
* Incidents that have potential to cause harm
What are the responsibilities of employers for data protection act?
- Must process data lawfully, keep it secure & accurate
- Have a legal basis for processing employee data
- Obtain consent to keep certain types of sensitive data
What are the responsibilities of employers for Control of substances hazardous to health?
- Carry out risk assessments, implement measures and provide staff training and information
- Ensure staff who use hazardous substance are trained
- Ensure potentially dangerous substances are safely stored
What are the responsibilities of employees for Control of substances hazardous to health?
- Must take full and corret use of any control measures
- Wear personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Report any incidents involving hazardous substances
What are the responsibilities of employees for Data protection act?
- Handle personal data properly
- Store data securly
- Complete their training
What are the responsibilities of employers for Civil contingences act?
- Assess risks and use information to create a community risk register
- Develop plans that includes procedures to determine if an emergency has occured
- Share information with other respondents to improve coordination
What are the responsibilities of employees for Civil contingences act?
- Particpate in regular training and emergency response excercises
- Contribute in risk assessments
- Report any incidents to authorities within their organisation