Metabolism: Starvation and Exercise Pt. II Flashcards
Starved Adipocyte

Starved Muscle

Muscle, Liver, Adipocyte Starving Condition

Fuel Sources First 12 hrs

Fuel Sources During Starvation 2 Days

Fuel Sources During Starvation 2 Weeks

Summary of Starvation

Biochemical Basis for Starvation Changes

Feeding After Starvation

Weight Maintenance

Caloric Content of Macronutrients

Caloric Content of Common Foods

Respiratory Quotient of Foods

Metabolic Changes in Type I Diabetes

If you were to drink 100 g of alcohol with a full mean how many grams of glycogen that will be stored will be derived form ethanol?
0 — Ethanol cannot be used to make glucose. It will contribute to fat synthesis but not carbohydrate synthesis.
Ethanol Metabolism

A chronic alcoholic — binging— alcohol is only food supply. Hasn’t eaten in two weeks. Blood glucose is 35 mg/dL. What process is impaired?
Fatty acid oxidation
Glycogen Synthesis
Gluconeogenesis in the Chronic Alcoholic on a Binge

Energy Sources for Exercise
Glycogen to Lactate

Energy Sources for Exercise
(Glyogen to carbon dioxide)

Energy Sources for Exercise
Liver Glycogen to Carbon Dioxide

Energy Sources for Exercise
NEFA to Carbon Dioxide

Keys To Maximize Fuel Source

Rates of ATP Consumption During Exercise

Energy Utilization and Optimal Performance

Organ Function During Exercise

Production of Glucose by the Liver during Exercise

Fuels Used During Exercise

Rate of Energy Use in Tissues

Muscle Energy Reserves

Muscle Fibers

Which one of the following enzymes is inhibited by the AMP activated Protein Kinase:
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
Malonyl-CoA Decarboxylase
Pyruvate Kinase
Hormone Sensitive Lipase
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase
Biochemical Changes During Exercise:
Muscle Contracton and Epinephrine Release

Biochemical Changes During Exercise:
Glycolysis, Fatty Acid Oxidation, and Gluconeogenesis

Athletic Training:
Different Energy Sources and Carb Loading

Blood Doping and Marathon Runners

Oxygen Debt

Hormone Effects on Metabolism Fed State

Hormone Effects on Metabolism 12-24 Hour Fast

Hormone Effects on Metabolism 2 Day Starvation

Hormone Effects on Metabolism
2 weeks of Starvation

Hormone Effects on Metabolism in Diabetes

Hormone Effects on Metabolism
Aerobic Exercise