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Anatomy 3 oral
> F5 - The development of the gut > Flashcards
F5 - The development of the gut Flashcards
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Anatomy 3 oral
(122 decks)
A1 - Os occipitale
A2 - Os sphenoidale
A3 - Os temporale and os parietale
A4 - Bones of the nasal cavity (forming its base, walls and dome)
A5 - The mandibula, art. temporomandibularis, ossa hyoidea, muscles of mastication
A6 - Connections between bones
A7 - Vertebrae cervicales, thoracales et lumbales, their junctions
A8 - Costae, sternum, their junctions, mm. respiratorii
A9 - Mm. cingulorum membri thoracici et pelvini
A10 - Art. humeri, and its muscles
A11 - Art. cubiti, art. radioulnaris and their muscles
A12 - Art. carpi and its muscles
A13 - The art. metacarpophalangea and the suspensory apparatus of the horse
A14 - The art. metacarpophalangea and the suspensory apparatus of ruminants
A15 - The horse’s artt. interphalangeae proximalis et distalis of the forelimb and their muscles
A16 - Vaginae et bursae synoviales of the equine forelimb
A17 - Vaginae et bursae synoviales of the equine hindlimb
A18 - Pelvis
A19 - Sacrum, art. sacroiliaca
A20 - Art. coxae, the dorsal, the deep and the caudal muscles of the buttock
A21 - Art. femorotibialis and the medial muscles of the thigh
A22 - Art. femoropatellaris and the cranial muscles of the thigh
A23 - Art. tarsi and its muscles
A24 - The horse’s artt. interphalangeae proximalis et distalis of the hindlimb and their muscles
A25 - Flexores et extensores digitorum membri thoracici
A26 - Flexores et extensores digitorum membri pelvini
A27 - Mm. abdominis, canalis inguinalis
A28 - General features of muscles, muscular auxiliary structures
A29 - The vertebral column, epaxial and hypaxial muscles, muscles moving the head
A30 - Statics of the forelimbs in horses, the phases of the step on the distal end of the forelimb
A31 - Statics of the hindlimbs in horses, the phases of the step on the distal end of the hindlimb
B1 - The external surface of the heart, its base and its structure
B2 - The left half of the heart
B3 - The right half of the heart
B4 - Pericardium, the heart’s own vessels, impulse generating and conducting systems
B5 - Arcus aortae, aorta thoracica
B6 - The v. cava cranialis and the venous blood supply of the thorax
B7 - A. carotis externa
B8 - A. maxillaris
B9 - Veins of the head, with the exception of the brain’s veins
B10 - Aorta abdominalis, v. cava caudalis, v. portae
B11 - A. coeliaca, a. mesenterica cranialis and caudalis
B12 - The superficial venous system of the forelimb and the hindlimb, the v. jugularis externa
B13 - Blood vessels of the forelimb down to the elbow joint
B14 - Blood vessels of the forelimb distal to the elbow joint
B15 - Blood vessels of the hindlimb down to the stifle joint
B16 - Blood vessels of the hind limb distal to the stifle joint
B17 - Pelvic arteries
B18 - Foetal circulation
B19 - General features of the lymphatic system, lymphonodi capitis et cervicis
B20 - Lymphonodi thoracis et membri thoracis
B21 - Lymphonodi abdominis, pelvis et membri pelvini
B22 - Hoof, horn
B23 - Mammary gland, blood supply and innervation
C1 - Oral cavity and its features
C2 - Gll. salivares
C3 - Tongue, blood supply and innervation
C4 - Teeth, structure, blood supply and innervation
C5 - Dentition, types of teeth
C6 - Pharynx, oesophagus, blood supply and innervation
C7 - The unilocular stomach, blood supply and innervation
C8 - The stomach of ruminants, blood supply and innervation
C9 - Liver, hepatic microcirculation, pancreas, blood supply and innervation
C10 - Spleen, omenta, blood supply and innervation
C11 - The hindgut of carnivores and horses, blood supply and innervation
C12 - The hindgut of carnivores and ruminants, blood supply and innervation
C13 - The hindgut of carnivores and pigs, blood supply and innervation
C14 - Duplicaturae serosae cavi pelvis. Canalis analis, blood supply and innervation
C15 - Nasal cavity, blood supply and innervation
C16 - Paranasal sinuses
C17 - Larynx, blood supply and innervation
C18 - Trachea, lungs, blood supply and innervation
C19 - Pleural cavity, mediastinum
C20 - Peritonenum, serous duplicatures in the abdominal cavity
C21 - Kidney and its blood supply
C22 - Urinary tract, blood supply and innervation
C23 - Scrotum, testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, accessory male genital glands, their blood supply and innervation
C24 - Penis, muscles of the male genital organs, prepuce, blood supply and innervation
C25 - Ovaries, uterine tube, their suspension, blood supply and innervation
C26 - Uterus, its suspension, blood supply and innervation
C27 - Vagina, female urethra, blood supply and innervation
D1 - Meninges of the brain and spinal cord, their blood supply
D2 - Arterial and venous blood supply of the brain and the spinal cord, the sinus system
D3 - Medulla spinalis, the spinal segment, formation of the spinal nerve
D4 - Rhombencephalon
D5 - Mesencephalon, diencephalon
D6 - Telencephalon
D7 - Rhinencephalon, limbic system
D8 - Major pathways of the brain and the spinal cord
D9 - The cavum system of the brain and the spinal cord, circulation of the CSF
D10 - Sympathetic system
D11 - Parasympathetic system
D12 - Cranial nerve V1.
D13 - Cranial nerve V2.
D14 - Cranial nerve V3.
D15 - Cranial nerve VII.
D16 - Cranial nerve IX.
D17 - Cranial nerve X.
D18 - Motor cranial nerves
D19 - The eyeball: tunics
D20 - The muscles of the eye, their innervation, accessory organs of the eye, blood supply of the eye
D21 - Refractive media of the eye, optical accomodation and the visual pathways
D22 - External ear, cavum tympani
D23 - Internal ear, acoustic and vestibular pathways
D24 - Nn. spinales cervicales et thoracis
D25 - Plexus brachialis down to the elbow joint
D26 - Plexus brachialis distal to the elbow joint
D27 - Plexus lumbalis
D28 - N. pudendus and n. ischiadicus down to the stifle joint
D29 - Nerves of the hindlimb distal to the stifle joint
E1 - The skeleton of domestic birds
E2 - The digestive system of domestic birds
E3 - The respiratory system of domestic birds
E4 - The urogenital system of domestic birds
E5 - The cardiovascular and nervous system of domestic birds
E6 - The skin and the skin’s features in domestic birds
F1 - The development of the apparatus urogenitalis
F2 - The development of the heart
F3 - The development of the pharynx and splanchnocranium
F4 - The development of the tongue
F5 - The development of the gut
F6 - The development of the nervous system