A17 - Vaginae et bursae synoviales of the equine hindlimb Flashcards
Give the accessory structures of muscles and define them
- Recessus: dilation of the joint capsule (not in this topic)
- Retinaculum: Thickened part of the fascia, which participates in fastening of the tendons without synovial layer (not in this topic)
- Bursa: Closed cavity that contains synovia
- Vagina synovialis: tendon sheath
Give the structure of the bursa
- Closed cavity that contains synovia
- Major role: padding
- soma bursa may communicate with the cavity of a nearby joint
- Stratum synoviale
- Stratum fibrosum
- Bursa synovialis submuscularis
- Bursa synovialis subfacialis
- Bursa synovialis subtendinea
- Bursa synovialis subcutanea
Vagina synovialis
- Vagian synovialis = tendon sheath
- Some tendon sheaths may communicate with the cavity of nearby joint
- Role:
- Padding
- Providing sliding surface
- Nutrition
- Vagina synoviales communis (contains more tendons)
- General structure (numbers on picture):
- Stratum fibrosum
- Stratum synoviale parietalis (lamina externa)
- Cavitas synovialis
- Stratum synoviale visceralis (lamina interna)
- Mesotendineum (blood and nerve supply of the tendon runs through this)
Hindlimb (eq)
Bursa subcutanea trochanterica
- Skin → trochanter major
Bursa subcutanea iliaca (coxalis)
- Skin → tuber coxae
- Run next to:
- A. circumflexa ilium profunda
- N. cutanea femoris lateralis
Bursa subfascialis prepatellaris
- Fascia → patella
- Bursa subtendiae prepatellaris
- M. quadriceps femoris→ patella
Bursa infrapatellaris proximalis
- Lig. patellae intermedium → patella
Bursa infrapatellaris distalis
- Lig. patellae intermedium → tibia
Bursa subcutanea calcanea
- Skin → tendo plantaris at tuber calcanei
Bursa calcanea m. flexoris digitorum superficialis (Bursa subtendinea calcanea)
- Tendo m. gastrocnemii → tendo m. flexor digitorum superficialis
- Extends one hand’s with proximal over the tarsus
- Extends until the middle of the tarsus distally, located between the tendo plantaris and the lig. plantare longum
- Eq: communicate with bursa tendinis calcanei
Bursa tendinis calcanei
- Tendo accessorius → tendo m. gastrocnemii
- Eq: communicates with bursa calcanea m. flexoris digitorum superficialis
On the flexor side of the tarsus:
- All tarsus flexors and digital extensors run in their own tendon sheath
- In canine, the m. ext. digitorum lateralis and the m. fibularis brevis run in a common tendon sheath
Bursa subtendinea m. tibialis cranialis
- medial insertion tendo of m. tibialis cranialis → inserting part om medial collateral ligament of tarsus
On the extensor side of the tarsus:
M. flexor diitorum superficialis
- Galea calcaneia fastens it onto the tuber calcanei
M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Each part runs on the tarsus in their own tendon sheath
- M. flexor digitorum profuncus is fastened by the retinaculum flexorium
- M. flexor digitorum medialis and m. tibialis caudalis runs on the sulcus mallelus medialis
- M. flexor digitorum lateralis runs on the sustentaculum tali
- Because of these, there is no need for proximal common tendon sheath
Vagina tendineum digitorum pedis
- Distal common tendon sheath
- Behind the fetlock joint, on the surface of the scutum proximale
- Fastened by the lig. anulare digiti
- Contains:
- The tendon for both digital flexors:
- M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Manica flexoria
- T**he superficial digital flexor’s tendon surrounds the deep digital flexor’s tendon)
- The tendon for both digital flexors:
Bursa subtendinea m. extensoris digitori longi
- M. extensoris digitori longi → fetlock joint
Bursae subtendineae mm. interosseum pedis
- Under the tractus appositus (Ex. m. interosseus medius) on both sides, at the ventral lateral/medial margins of the fetlock joint before they merge with the a m. extensor dig. longus
Bursae podotrochlearis pedis
- M. flexor digitorum profundus → distal sesamoid bone