C1 - Oral cavity and its features Flashcards
Oral cavity
Structures to mention in the oral cavity
- Vestibulum oris (Space between the teeth and lips and cheeks)
- Rima oris (Slit between lips, mouth opening)
- Labia oris (Lips)
- Labium suerius/maxillare (Upper lip)
- Philtrum (Median groove from the nasal septum to the upper lip)
- Labium inferius/mandibulare (Lower lip)
- Angulus oris
- Bucca (Cheek)
- Cavum oris proprium (Cavity enclosed by the teeth and limited caudally by the arcus palatoglossus)
- Palatum durum (Hard palate, supported by bone)
- Palatum molle [Velum palatinum] (Soft palate, caudal part of the palate)
- Raphe palati (Median line of junction of the halves of the palate)
- Recessus sublingualis lateralis (Space under the tongue, between the frenulum linguae and the mandible)
- Gingiva (Gum, mucous membrane attached to the teeth and alveolar bone)
- Caruncula sublingualis (Flattened projection rostrolateral to the frenulum linguae, ductus mandibularis and ductus sublingualis major opens there)
- Plica sublingualis (Fold of mucous membrane on the floor of the mouth lateral to the frenulum linguae, ends in carucula sublingualis)
- Papilla parotidea (Small elevation of the buccal mucosa at the orifice of the ductus partoideus opposite the upper fourth premolar)
- Papilla zygomatica (ca) (Short fold of buccal mucosa extending caudally form the papilla partoidea and bearing the orifices of the ductus glandulae zygomaticae opposite the upper molars)
- Rugae palatinae (Transvers ridges of the mucosa on the hard palate)
- Pulvinus dentalis (Dental pad)
- Papilla incisiva (Elevation of mucous membrane at the rostral end of the raphe palati)
- Plica pterygomandibularis (Dorsoventral fold of mucous membrane between the palate and the mandible behind the last molars)
Oral cavity
Interspecies differences
- Papilla zygomatica (ca)
- Gl. buccalis medius (ru)
- Gl. buccalis dorsalis:
- Car: medial to arcus zygomaticus, called gl. zygomaticus
- Fossa tonsillaris (car)
- Eq: hard palate contains venous plexus
Oral cavity
Give the osseus support of the oral cavity
- Os palatina (lamina horizontalis)
- Os incisiva
- Os maxilla (palatine & processus alveolaris)
- Mandibula
Oral cavity
Give the borders of the oral cavity
- Rostral: lips
- Lateral: cheeks
- Roof: hard palate
- Ventral: tongue
- Floor: suprahyal muscles
Oral cavity
Cavum oris proprium
Vestibulum and cavum oris proprium communicate via:
- Interdental space (diastema: space between incisors and cheek teeth)
- Space behind the last molars
- Enclosed by the teeth
- Caudal border: arcus palatoglossus
Oral cavity
Labia oris
Upper lip
- Ca, su: smaller
- Eq, ru: presents the chin
- Lower lip
Labial glands:
- In submucosa
- Well developed near angulus oris
Oral cavity
- Median cleft from septum nasi → upper lip
- Car, small ru: divides the upper lip

Oral cavity
Rima oris
- Oral cleft = rima oris
- Entrance to the oral cavity
- Bounded by the edges of the upper and lower lips
- Unite on each side at the angulus oris

Oral cavity
- Cheeks (buccae)
- Buccal glands
- Forms the lateral wall of the vestibulum
- Attached to margo alveolaris of the mandible and maxilla in the region of the cheek teeth
- Its caudal portion contains m. masseter
Buccal glands:
Gl. buccalis dorsalis
- Car: medial to arcus zygomaticus, called gl. zygomaticus
- Gl. buccalis ventralis
- Gl. buccalis medius (ru)
- Their ducts opens into vestibulum oris
Oral cavity
Gums (gingivae)
- Part of the oral mucosa
- United to the periosteum of the procussus alveolaris of the jaws
- Encircle the necks of the teeth - margo gingivalis
- Papilla gingivalis (interdentalis): mucosal elevation between the teeth
- Sulcus gingivalis: groove between gingiva and tooth
Gums in ruminants:
- Gums are modified
Pulvinus dentalis:
- Dental pad
- Formed by gum
- Takes the place of the upper incisors (in ru: takes place of the missing incisors)

Oral cavity
Hard palate
- Roof of the oral cavity proper
- Bounded laterally and rostrally by the upper dental arch
- Eq: its mucosa contains venous plexus
Ruga palatinae:
- On either side of raphe palatini
- Ru: the crests of the ridges are studded by cornified papillae
- Number of palatine ridges in different species:
- Ca: 6-10 pairs
- Su: 20-23 pairs
- Ox: 15-20 pairs
- Eq: 16-18 pairs
Papilla incisiva:
- Elevation of mucous membrane at the rostral end of the raphe palatini
- Found behind:
- Upper incisors
- Dental pad
- Conceals the orifices of ductus incisivi
Oral cavity
Draw a cross section of hard palate

Oral cavity
Draw the maxillary part of the oral cavity

Oral cavity
Soft palate (palatum molle)
- Su: rudimentary uvula
- Muscles of the soft palate:
M. palatinus
- O: free border of os palatinus
- I: caudal border of soft palate
- A: shortens the soft palate
M. tensor veli palatini
- O: proc. muscularis of pars tympanica of os temporale
- I: aponeurosis of soft palate
- A: Tenses, straightens the rostral part of the soft palate
M. levator veli palatini
- O: proc. muscularis of pars tympanica of os temporale
- I: soft palate
- A: raises the soft palate toward the basis cranii
M. palatinus
Arcus palatoglossus:
- Mucosal pillars
- Connect the soft palate with the radix linguae
- Forms the lateral boundaries of the isthmus faucium
Arcus palatopharygeus:
- Mucosal pillars
- Connect the soft palate with the lateral wall of pharynx
- Contain lymphoid tissue
- Contain glandulae palatini
Oral cavity
Fossa tonsillaris
- Car
- Between arcus palatoglossus → arcus palatopharyngeus
- Houses palatine tonsile
Oral cavity
Give the blood supply of the oral cavity
A. maxillaris
- A. palatina minor
- A. palatina major
- A. alveolaris inferior
A. lingualis (ca, sus: ex a. carotis externa, eq, ru: ex tr. linguofacialis)
- A. sublingualis (eq, ca: ex. a. submentalis, ru, sus: ex. a. lingualis)
- A. palatina ascendens (eq: ex tr. linguofascialis, ca, sus: ex a. lingualis, ru: ex a. occipitalis)
- A. pharyngea ascendens (eq: ex a. thyroidea cranialis, ca: ex a. carotis externa, ru: ex a. carotis communis)
A. facialis (eq, ru: ex tr. linguofascialis, ca, sus: ex a. carotis externa)
- A. labialis inferior (sus: ex. a. buccalis)
- A. labialis superior (sus: ex. a. buccalis)
- A. angularis oris (ca: ex a. facialis, eq: ex a. labialis inferior, ru: ex a. labialis superior)
A. maxillaris
- A. palatina minor (→ soft palate?)
- A. palatina major (→ hard palate?)
- A. alveolaris inferior
A. lingualis
- A. sublingualis (ex. a. submentalis)
- A. palatina ascendens (ex a. lingualis) (→ tonsilla palatina)
- A. pharyngea ascendens (ca: ex a. carotis externa, eq: ex a. thyroidea cranialis)
A. fascialis
- A. labialis inferior
- A. labialis superior
- A. angularis oris
Oral cavity
Draw the general features of the entire oral cavity

Oral cavity
Draw cross section of isthmus faucium

Oral cavity
Draw the mandibular part of the oral cavity

Name the oral glands
- Gll. labialis (Glands of the lips)
Gll. buccales (Glands of the cheeks. Opens into vestibulum oris)
Gl. buccales dorsales
- Car: Gl. zygomatica (major salivary gland, medial to os zygomaticum)
- Gl. buccales ventrales
- Gl. buccales medi (ru)
Gl. buccales dorsales
- Gll. palatinae (Palatine glands on the oropharyngeal side of the soft palate)
- Gll. linguales (Lingual glands, mainly on root and margins of the tongue)
- Gll. gustatoriae (Taste glands, whose ducts discharge into the groove of a papilla vallata)