A16 - Vaginae et bursae synoviales of the equine forelimb Flashcards
Give the accessory structures of muscles and define them
- Recessus: dilation of the joint capsule (not in this topic)
- Retinaculum: Thickened part of the fascia, which participates in fastening of the tendons without synovial layer (not in this topic)
- Bursa: Closed cavity that contains synovia
- Vagina synovialis: tendon sheath
Give the structure of the bursa
- Closed cavity that contains synovia
- Major role: padding
- soma bursa may communicate with the cavity of a nearby joint
- Stratum synoviale
- Stratum fibrosum
- Bursa synovialis submuscularis
- Bursa synovialis subfacialis
- Bursa synovialis subtendinea
- Bursa synovialis subcutanea
Vagina synovialis
- Vagian synovialis = tendon sheath
- Some tendon sheaths may communicate with the cavity of nearby joint
- Role:
- Padding
- Providing sliding surface
- Nutrition
- Vagina synoviales communis (contains more tendons)
- General structure (numbers on picture):
- Stratum fibrosum
- Stratum synoviale parietalis (lamina externa)
- Cavitas synovialis
- Stratum synoviale visceralis (lamina interna)
- Mesotendineum (blood and nerve supply of the tendon runs through this)

Forelimb (eq)
Bursa subligamentosa supraspinalis
- Lig. nuchae/lig. supraspinale → proc. spinosus of the first thoracic vertebra (Th 2-5)
- Role: formation of the withers and carrying the saddle load
Bursa subcutanea prescapularis
- Skin → spina scapulae
Bursa intertubercularis
- In the sulcus intertubercularis, under the originating tendon of the m. biceps brachii (origin: tub. supraglenoidale)
- Communicates with the shoulder joint (!)
- In canine there is a tendon sheath instead (vagina synovialis intertubercularis), which does not communicate with the shoulder joint
Bursa subcutanea olecrani
- Skin → olecranon
- Bursa intratendinea olecreani
- M. triceps brachii, caput mediale & caput longum → olecranon
- Bursa subtendinea m. tricipitalis brachii
- Inserting tendon of m. triceps brachii → olecranon
On the extensor side of the carpal joint:
- All muscles are running through in their own tendon sheath, in the corresponding groove of the distal cranial part on the radius
- e.g.: sulcus tendinis m. extensor carpi radialis
On the flexor side of the carpal joint:
Canalis carpi
- Bony base: proximal row of carpus
- Retinaculum flexorium closes it to be a channel where the digital flexors run through
Vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorum (proximal common tendon sheath)
- In the canalis carpi
- Fastened by retinaculum flexorium
- Contains the tendon for both digital flexors:
- M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Includes the:
- A. dig. palmaris communis II (palmari, final portion of a. mediana)
- N. palmaris medialis (n. digitalis palmaris communis II, ex n. medianus)
Vagina tendineum digitorum manus (distal common tendon sheath)
- Behind the fetlock joint, on the surface of the scutum proximale
- Fastened by lig. anulare digiti
- Contains the tendons for both digital flexors:
- M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Contains manica flexoria
- The superficial digital flexor’s tendon surrounds the deep digital flexor’s tendon
- Bursa subtendinea m. extensorius digitorum communis
- M. extensor digitorum communis → fetlock joint
- Bursae subtendinea mm. interosseum manus
- Under the tractus appostus (ex. m. interosseus medius) on both sides, at the vental lateral/medial margins of the fetlock joint before they merge with the m. extensor digitorum communis
- Bursa podotrochlearis manus
- M. flexor digitorum profundus → distal sesamoid bone