A22 - Art. femoropatellaris and the cranial muscles of the thigh Flashcards
Art. femoropatellaris
- Sledge joint (monoaxial)
- Diarthrosis
Art. simplex (two bones)
- Facies articulari of patella → trochlea of femur
- Passive stay apparatus of the horse:
- The arrangement of the stifle joint gives a locking mechanism, which is an important part of the passive stay apparatus, by which one hindlimb supports a greater part of the body weight while the other is resting.
- The binding loop is completed by:
- Patella
- Lig. patellae mediale (eq, bo)
- Lig. patellae intermedium (eq, bo) ?
- Patella is locked over the trochlea by contraction of m. quadriceps femoris
From nomenclature:
- Capsula articularis
- Fibrocartilagines parapatellares (around patella)
- Recessus suprapatellaris (above patella)
- Lig. patellae (continuation of m. quadriceps femoris tendon → tuberositas tibia. Patella is a sesamoid bone in the tendon)
- Lig. patellae intermedium (eq, bo)
Retinaculum patellae mediale
- Lig. femoropatellare mediale (medial sesamoid bone → patella & epicondylus medialis of femur. Reinforcement of joint capsule)
- Lig. patellae mediale (eq, bo)
Retinaculum patellae laterale
- Lig. femoropatellare laterale (lateral sesamoid bone → patella & epicondylus medialis of femur. Reinforcement of joint capsule)
- Lig. patellae laterale (eq, bo)
Stifle joint, art. genus
Give the ligaments
Extracapsular ligaments:
Retinaculum patellae (1)
- From fascia lata and aponeurosis of muscle
- Covers stifle
Lig. patellae (2)
- Continuation of m. quadriceps femoris tendon, the patella is a sesamoid bone in the tendon before patellar ligament inserts on tuberosita tibia
Lig. collaterale laterale (3)
- From epicondylus lateralis of femur → caput fibularis
- A lesser part to condylus lateralis of tibia
- Underneath there is the tendon of m. popliteus
Lig. collaterale mediale (4)
- Epicondylus medialis of femur → distal part of condylus medialis of tibia
- Also attaches to meniscus medialis
Capsular ligaments:
Lig. femoropatellare laterale (5)
Lateral sesamoid bone →
- Patella
- Epicondylus lateralis of femur
- Reinforcement of join’t capsule
Lateral sesamoid bone →
Lig. femoropatellare mediale (6)
Medial sesamoid bone →
- **Patella
- Epicondylus lateralis of femur
- Reinforcement of join’t capsule
Medial sesamoid bone →
Lig. popliteum obliquum (23)
- Reinforcement in caudal wall of joint capsule
Intracapsular ligaments:
Lig. transversum genus (15)
- Connects cranial angles of the two meniscus
Ligg. meniscotibiales (cran/caud ends of both meniscus → tibia
Lig. craniale menisci laterale (16)
- Area intercondylaris cranialis lateralis
Lig. craniale menisci mediale (17)
- Area intercondylaris cranialis medialis
Lig. caudale menisci laterale (18)
- incisura poplitea
Lig. caudale menisci mediale (19)
- Area intercondylaris cuadalis
Lig. craniale menisci laterale (16)
Lig. cruticatum craniale (20)
- Condylus lateralis of femur →Area intercondylaris caudalis of tibia
Lig. cruticatum caudale (21)
Condylus medialis of femur →
- Area intercondylaris caudalis of tibia
- Incisura poplitea of tibia
Condylus medialis of femur →
Lig. meniscofemorale (22)
- Condylus medialis of femur → meniscus lateralis, caudal end
Synovial, protecting and fibrocartilaginous structure of stifle joint:
Corpus adiposum infrapatellare (7)
- Fatty tissue
- Under lig. patellare
Bursa infrapatellaris (8)
- Under lig. patellare at tuberositas tibiae
Recessus suprapatellaris (9)
- Behind and above patella
Recessus subextensorius (10)
- Around tendon of m. extensor digitorum longus
Recessus subpopliteus (11)
- Around tendon of m. popliteus
Meniscus medialis (12)
- Fibrocartilage between femur and tibia
Meniscus lateralis (13)
- Fibrocartilage between femur and tibia
Fibrocartilago parapatellaris (14)
- Around patalla, on both sides

Stifle joint, art. genus
Interspecies differences
- Lig. transversum genus (ø eq, bo)
- Lig. patellae mediale (eq, bo) (1)
- Lig. patellae intermedium (eq, bo) (2)
- Lig. patellae laterale (eq, bo) (3)
- Trochlea ossis femoris
- Tuberculum trochlea ossis femoris (eq) (4)
Cavities of the joint capsule (eq)
- Femorotibial joint has separated medial, lateral cavities (which forms proximal, sacs)
- Medial femorotibial joint communicates with femoropatellar joint cavity
Lig. cruciatum craniale (eq)
- Condylus lateralis of femur → area inercondylaris centralis of tibia

Name the cranial muscles of the thigh
M. quadriceps femoris
- M. rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
- M. iliopsoas
- M. sartorius
- (M. tensor fasciae latae)
M. quadriceps femoris
- 4 heads of origin, fused distally
- M. rectus femoris: corpus ossis ili (area m. recti femoris medialis et lateralis)
- M. vastus lateralis: proxiomal, craniolateral of femur
- M. vastus medialis: proximal, craniomedial of femur
- M. vastus intermedius: proximal, cranial of femur
- Insertion: Patella, and by means of patellar ligament on tuberositas tibiae
- Strongest exensor of the stifle joint
- M. rectus femoris: also flexes hip
- Innervation: N. femoralis

M. iliopsoas
M. Psoas major
- Origin: Lumbar vertebrae, on corpus and processus transversus
- Insertion: Trochanter minor of femur
- Action: Draw the thigh forewards by flexing the hip and turning the stifle outwards
M. Iliacus
- Origin: Arising between linea arcurata and lateral border of os iliaca (sacroiliac joint)
- Insertion: Trochanter minor of femur (medially) between m. Rectus femoris and m. Pectineus (together with M. psoas major)
- Action: Enforcement of the sacroiliac joint
M. sartorius
- Ca: divided into pars cranialis and pars caudalis
- Crista iliaca
- Spina iliaca cranialis ventralis
- Thoracolumbar fascia
- Radiating into fascia lata and crural fascia
- Pars cranialis: above stifle joint
- Pars caudalis: below stifle joint, medially reaches crista tibia
- Flexes hip
- Pars cranialis: extends stifle
- Pars caudalis: flexes stifle
- Innervation: N. femoralis
M. tensor fasciae latae
Tuber coxae
- Spina iliaca ventralis cranialis
- Spina alaris
Tuber coxae
- Radiates into fascia lata and fascia cruris
- Superficial fascial layer covers thigh
- Deep fascial layer surrounds m. quadriceps femoris and attaches to femur
- Tenses fascia lata
- Flexes hip
- Extends stifle
- Innervation: N. gluteus cranialis