D1 - Meninges of the brain and spinal cord, their blood supply Flashcards
Meninges of the brain and spinal cord
- The CNS is enclosed by soft tissue membranes, called meninges
- Divided into 3 different layers:
- Dura mater
- Arachnoidea
- Pia mater

Meninges of the brain and spinal cord
Dura mater
- Outer most layer, fused with inner periosteum
Separated form the periosteum linging of the vertebral canal by the epidural space
- Epidural space: Fat, fluid and internal venous system
- Splits from hemispheres at for. magnum
- 3 meninges converge caudal in filum terminale
- Falix cerebri: Extension form dorsal and rostral. DN in between 2 hemispheres
- Diaphragma sellae: Horizontal extension, separat of hypopyses form brain
Dura mater encephali
- Falix cerebri (within fissura longitudinalis cerebri)
- Tentorium cerebelli membranaceum (separating the two hemisphers from cerebellum)
- Diaphragma sellae (partly separating hypophysis from brain)
- Incisura tentorii (tentorial notch from the passage of the brainstem)
- Cavum trigeminale (pouch for ggl. trigeminale)
- Cavum subdurale (subdural cavity)
Dura mater spinalis (separated from the wall of vertebral canal by cavum epidurale)
- Filum durae matris spinalis (caudal end of dura mater spinalis)
- Cavum epidurale (epidural space, between dura mater spinalis and periosteum of canalis vertebralis)
- Cavum subdurale

Meninges of the brain and spinal cord
- Between dura mater and pia mater
- Has 2 layers
- Each layer is fused to one of the former parts
Subarachnoid space: Between the two membranes
- Filled with cerebrospinal fluid
- At certain sites, this space is enlarge to form cisternae, which can be used for the extraction of CSF or for injection
- Cerebellomedullary cistern: Where caudal surface of cerebellum meets the dorsal surface of medulla oblongata
Arachnoidea encephali (connected by trabeculae with pia)
- Cavum subarachnoidale (filled with liqour cerebrospinalis)
Arachnoidea spinalis
Cavum subarachnoidale (filled with liqour cerebrospinalis)
- Cisternae subarachnoidales (enlargement of cavum subarachnoidale)
- Cisterna cerebellomedullaris (enlargement of subarachnoid space between cerebellum and medulla oblogata. Can be reached in living animals by passing needle between atlas and skull → cisterna puncture)
- Cisternae valleculae lateralis (enlargement of subarachnoid space in vallecula lateralis cerebri)
- Cisterna chiasmatis (around chiasma opticum)
- Cisterna interpeduncularis (within fossa interpeduncularis)
- Granulationes arachnoideales (evaginations of arachnoidea through dura mater into sinus dura matirs)
Cavum subarachnoidale (filled with liqour cerebrospinalis)

Meninges of the brain and spinal cord
Pia mater
- The innermost layer of the meninges
- Directly attached to the brain and the spinal cord
- Attached to the outer surface of the brain and spinal cord
- Many branches from arteries within pia mater penetrate the brain and cord substances.
- A thickening of the pia mater fills the fissura ventralis of the spinal cord
- In direct contact with glia limiting membrane of neural tissue
Lig. denticulate: bilaterally thickening alont the lateral surface of the spinal cord
- Tranverese the subarachnoid space and attaches to dura mater
Pia mater encephali
- Tela choridea ventriculi quarti
- Plexus choroideus ventricul quarti
- Tela choridea ventriculi tertii
- Plexus choroideus ventricul lateralis
- Glomus choroideum
Pia mater spinalis
- Lig. denticulatum (fibrous anchors of medulla spinalis to dura)
- Septum intermedium (connective tissue separating faciculus gracilis from faciculus cuneatus in the cervical part of spinal cord)

Meninges of the brain and spinal cord
Blood supply?????