A2 - Os sphenoidale Flashcards
What is the cranium formed by?
- Os interparietale
- Os parietale
- Os frontale
Lateral walls on each side:
- Os temporale
- __Os sphenoidale
- Os praesphenoidale
- Os basisphenoidale
- Os occipitale, pars basilaris
- __Os sphenoidale
Nuchal wall:
- __Os occipitale, pars squamosa
- Os occipitale, pars lateralis
Nasal wall:
- __Os ethmoidale

What does os sphenoidale form?
The rostral part of the base of the skull
What are os sphenoidale divided into?
- Os presphenoidale
- Os basisphenoidale
- Both parts comprise:
- Median body (corpus)
- Wings (alae osisis praesphenoidale, ala ossis basisphenoidale)
- Processus pterygoideus
At birth the two parts are united by synchondroses intersphenoidalis, which becomes ossified during the first years of life
Structures to mention on os praesphenoidale
- Jugum sphenoidale
- Rostrum sphenoidale
- Crista sphenoidalis
- Sulcus chiasmatis (in caudal part of os presphenoidale. Houses chiasma opticum. Marked by the crista orbitosphenoidalis)
- Crista orbitosphenoidalis (Marks sulcus chiasmatis)
Sinus sphenoidalis (paired)
- Septum sinuum sphenoidalium
- Fossa cranii rostralis (forms the wings)
Ala [=orbitalis]
- Canalis opticus (at the root of the wings. Leads to the orbit. Houses n. opticus)
- Fissura orbitalis (ca, eq) (lies below and behind canalis opticus)
- Foramen rotundum (lies below fissura orbitalis. Ca, eq: opens rostrally into canalis alaris)
- Foramen orbirotundum (bo) (for. rotundum and fissura orbitalis unite)
- Foramen opticum
- Incisura ethmoidalis (eq)
- Processus clinoideus rostralis
Give the interspecies differences on os praesphenoidale
- Ala
- Fissura orbitalis (ca, eq)
- Incisura ethmoidalis (eq)
What does ala ossis presphenoidalis form?
- The outer surface participate to the formation of the orbit
- The inner surface forms the cranial cavity
Structures to mention on os basisphenoidale
- Fossa cranii media (formed by the body and wings of the basisphenoid)
Sella turcica (on the floor ot the cranial cavity)
- Fossa hypophysialis
Dorsum sellae (Ø eq)
- Processus clinoideus caudalis
- Sulcus caroticus (eq, ca)
Ala [=ala temporalis]
- Foramen rotundum (eq, ca)
- Foramen caroticum (ca) (formed by pars tympanica od os temporale)
- Foramen ovale (ca, bo)
- Foramen spinosum (ca)
- Fossa piriformis (houses lobus piriformis of the brain. Lateral from sulcus n. maxillaris)
- Spina ossis sphenoidalis
- Sulcus n. ophthalmici (ca, eq) (medial one, communicates with fissura orbitalis)
- Sulcus n. maxillaris (ca, eq) (lateral one, leads to for. rotundum)
- Sulcus nn. ophthalmici et maxillaris (bo, su) (on the cerebral surface, connects the for. orbirotundum with the orbit)
Foramen lacerum (eq, su) (the caudal border of each wing demarcates the rostral margin)
- Incisura carotica (eq, su) (medial. Eq: doubled)
- Incisura ovalis (eq, su) (lateral)
- Incisura spinosa (eq, su)
Processus pterygoideus
Canalis alaris (eq, ca)
- Foramen alare rostrale
- Foramen alare caudale
- Foramen alare parvum (eq)
- Crista pterygoidea (Ø ca)
- Canalis pterygoideus
- Sulcus n. canalis pterygoidei
Give the interspecies differences on os basisphenoidale
- Sella turica
- Dorsum sellae (ø eq)
- Sulcus caroticus (eq, ca)
Ala [=ala temporalis]
- Foramen rotundum (eq, ca)
- Incisura carotica (eq: dupla, su)
- Foramen caroticum (ca)
- Foramen ovale (ca, bo)
- Incisura ovalis (eq, su)
- Foramen spinosum (ca)
- Incisura spinosa (eq, su)
- Sulcus n. opthalmichi (ca, eq)
- Sulcus n. maxillaris (ca, eq)
- Sulcus nn. opthalmichi et maxillaris (bo, su)
- Foramen lacerum (eq)
Processus pterygoideus
Canalis alaris (eq, ca)
- Foramen alare parvum (eq)
- Crista pterygoidea (ø ca)
Os praesphenoidale
Processus pterygoideus
- Arises laterally from the rostral end of os basisphenoid
- Projects downwards, forwards
- Unites with the perpendicular plate of the os palatinum
- Make up the margin of choanae
In powerpoint:
- Hamulus pterygoideus
Canalis alaris (ca, eq) (on its root)
- For. alare rostrale
- For. alare caudale
- For. alare parvum (eq)
- Crista pterygoidea (ø ca) (crest continuing proc. pterygoideus dorsally. Borders fossa peterygopalatina)
- Canalis pterygoideus (through the base of proc. pterygoideus)
- Sulcus n. canalis pterygoideus (caudal continuation of canalis pterygoideus)
Give the division of the base of the neurocranium
Fossa cranii rostralis
- Between laminae cribosa → alae ossis presphenoidalis
Fossa cranii media
- From the caudal borders of the alae ossis presphenoidalis → crista sphenooccipitalis and crista partis petrosae
Fossa cranii caudalis
- From crisa sphenooccipitalis and cristae partis petrosae → for. magnum
Draw the base of the neurocranium

Foramens and channels related to os sphenoidale
For. rotundum (eq, ca)
- For. rotundum → canalis alaris → sulcus n. maxillaris
- For n. maxillaris
For. caroticum (ca)
- Rostral to bulla tympani, medial
- For a. carotis interna
For. ovale (ca, bo)
- Rostral to bulla tympani, lateral
- For n. mandibularis (V3)
For. spinosum (ca)
- Rostral to bulla tympani, next to for. ovale
- For a. meningea media
For. lacerum (eq, su) (between os basisphenoidale, os temporale and os occipitale. Unites with for. jugulare through fissura pterooccipitalis?????)
Incisura carotica (su, eq: doubeld)
- Medial
- For a. carotis interna
Incisura ovalis (eq, su)
- Middle
- For n. mandibularis (V3)
Incisura spinosa (eq, su)
- Lateral
- For a. meningea media
Incisura carotica (su, eq: doubeld)
Os basisphenoidale, proc. pterygoideus:
Canalis alaris (eq, ca) (passage for a. maxillaris
- For. alare rostrale
- For. alare caudale
For. alare parvum (eq)
- For a. temporalis profunda rostralis
Canalis pterygoideus
- For n. canalis pterygoidei
Sulcus n. canalis pterygoidei
- Caudal continuation of calanis pterygoideus
- Between corpus and processus pterygoideus of os basisphenoidale