C6 - Pharynx, oesophagus, blood supply and innervation Flashcards
Structures to mention
Cavum pharyngis
- Pars nasalis pharyngis [=nasopharynx] (Extends from the choanae to the ostium intrapharygeum)
- Fornix pharyngis (Most dorsal part of the cavity)
- Ostium tubae auditivae (Pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube)
- Recessus pharyngeus (Un) (Niche at the caudodorsal angle of the nasopharynx)
- Diverticulum pharyngeum (su) (Median caudal blind sac formed by the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx dorsal to the esophagus)
- Ostium intrapharyngeum (Passage between pars nsalis and pars laryngea pharyngis, formed by the free border of the soft palate and the right and left arcus palatopharyngeus)
- Palatum molle
- Arcus palatoglossus (Ridge or fold of mucosa extending from the soft palate to the tongue at the boundary between mouth and pharynx)
- Arcus palatopharyngeus (Mucosal fold extending from the free border of the soft palate around the ostium intrapharyngeum)
- Isthmus faucium (Orifice between cavum oris and pars oralis pharyngis, bound by arcus palatoglossi, soft palate and tongue)
- Pars oralis pharyngis [=oropharynx] (Extends from the arcus palatoglossi to the base of the epiglottis)
- Tonsilla palatina (ø sus) (The tonsil related to the lateral attachment of the soft palate between arcus palatoglossus and alatopharyngeus)
- Plica semilunaris (ca) (Fold of mucosa from the ventral surface of the lateral part of the soft palate, forms the medial wall of the fossa tonsillaris)
- Fossa tonsillaris (ca) (Depression containing the palatine tonsil)
- Vallecula epiglottica (Depression between the tongue and the epiglottis and between plica glossoepiglottica mediana and lateralis)
- Plica glossoepiglottica mediana (Median fold from the tongue → epiglottis)
- Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis (Lateral fold from the tongue → epiglottis)
- Pars laryngea pharyngis [=laryngopharynx] (Part of the pharynx ventral to the ostium intrapharyngeum, extends from base of epiglottis → esophagus)
- Recessus piriformis (Channel between epiglottis, plica aryepiglottica and arytenoid cartilage medially, and membrana thyrohyoidea and thyroid cartilage laterally)
- Limen pharyngooesophageum (car) (Interior boundary between pharynx and esophagus)
Tunica muscularis pharyngis
- Raphe pharyngis (Median dorsal line of termination of the pharyngeal constrictors)
Mm. constrictores pharyngis rostr. (Muscle of soft palate)
- M. pterygopharyngeus
- M. stylopharyngeus rostralis (Ru)
- M. stylopharyngeus caudalis
M. constrictor pharyngis medius
- M. hyopharyngeus
Mm. constrictores pharyngis caud.
- M. thyreopharyngeus
- M. cricopharyngeus
Musculi palati et faucium
- M. levator veli palatini
- M. tensor veli palatini
- M. palatinus
- M. palatopharyngeus
Give the interspecies differences in cavum pharyngis
- Recessus pharyngeus (un) (Cavum pharyngis)
- Diverticulum pharyngeum (sus) (Cavum pharyngis)
- Tonsilla palatina (ø sus)
- Plica semilunaris (ca) (Oropharynx, covers the tonsils)
- Fossa tonsillaris (ca) (Oropharynx)
- Limen pharyngooesophageum (ca) (Laryngopharynx)
- M. stylopharyngeus rostralis (ru)
- Un: laryngopharynx extends caudoventrally
Give the division of the pharynx
- Divisions in the rostral portion of cavum pharyngis
- Divided by palatum molle into:
- Nasopharynx
- Oropharynx
- Laryngopharynx

Division of pharynx: nasopharynx
- Dorsal to palatum molle
- May be considered as a part of the oral cavity
- Extends from choanae → intrapharyngeal opening
- Roof (fornix pharyngis):
- Dorsal part
- Composed of:
- Septum pharyngis (su, ru)
Tonsilla pharyngea
- On the caudodorsal wall
- Su, ru: in septum pharyngis
- Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae
Torus tubarius
- Swelling caudodorsal to ostium tubae
- Caused by the median lamina of the cartilage of tuba auditiva
Torus levatorius
- Low ridge
- Runs from ostium pharyngeum tubae → palatum molle
Tonsilla tubaria
- Su, ru: at the ostium pharyngeum
Recessus pharyngeus (un)
- Niche at the caudodorsal angel of nasopharynx
Division of pharynx: oropharynx
- Most rostal
- Part of the digestive tract
- Extends from arcus palatoglossus → base of epiglottis
- Roof: Formed by palatum molle
- Floor: Formed by radix linguae
- Lateral walls:
- Arcus palatoglossus
- Arcus palatopharyngeus
Fossa tonsillaris (car)
- Tonsilla palatina
Plica semilunaris (car)
- Fold fo mucosa from palatum molle
- Forms the medial wall of fossa tonsillaris
- Tonsilla veli palatini (su, eq)
Plica glossoepiglottica meiana
- Median flod from tongue to epiglottis
Plica glossoepiglottica lateralis
- Lateral folds from tongue to epiglottis
Vallecula epiglottica
- Depression between the tongue and epiglottis
- Depression between plica glossoepiglottica mediana et lateralis
Isthmus faucium
- Orifice between oral cavity and oropharynx
Division of pharynx: laryngopharynx
- Caudal part
- Ventral to ostium intrapharyngeum
- Extends from base of epiglottis → esophagus
- Food and liquid pass through the recess into esophagus
- Esophagus is an direct continuation of laryngopharynx
Recessus piriformis
- On each side of epiglottis
- Channel between:
- Epiglottis
- Plica aryepiglottica
- Cartilao arythenoidea (medially)
- Membrana thyroidea
- Cartilago thyroidea (laterally)
Vestibulum esophagei (pars esophagea)
- Part of laryngopharynx between cartilago aryhenoidea and beginning of esophagus
Limen phaygoesophageum (car)
- Annular fold of mucous membrane
- Interior boundary between pharynx and esophagus
What is the pharynx bordering?
- Dorsal:
- Base of skull
- Tirst couple of cervical vertebrae
- Ventral:
- Larynx
- Radix linguae
- Lateral:
- M. pterygoideus
- Mandible
- Hyoid apparatus, dorsal part
- Epiglottis:
- Guarding the entrance of the laryx
Give the:
- Roof
- Floor
- Walls
- Related to:
- Vomer
- Corpus shenoidalis
- Basis cranii
- Car: extends to C2
- Eq:
- 19-20 cm
- Rostral third of roof attached to basis cranii
- Caudal two-thirds reladed to the guttural pouches
- Ru: short, does not extend caudayy beyond the base of the skull
- Su: extends to the level of the axis
Lateral walls:
- Related to:
- Sylohyoideus
- M. pterygoideus
- Eq: guttural pouches
- Mucous membrane → fascia → pharyngeal muscles → fascia
- Extends:
- From radix linguae
- Over and around aditus laryngis (laryngeal entrance)
- To the level of cartilage cricoidea
List the openings into the pharyngeal cavity
The pharyngeal cavity has 7 openings
Choanae → nasal cavity
- Paired
- Rostrodorsally
Ostium pharyngeum tubae auditivae → tuba auditiva of middle ear
- Paired
- Dorsolaterally
Isthmus faucium → oral cavity
- Oral cavity → oropharynx
- Bounded by:
- Arcus palatoglossus
- Palatum molle
- Tongue
Aditus laryngis → larynx
- Caudoventrally
- Closed by epiglottis during swallowing
Esophagus entrance → auditus esophageus
- Caudal end of laryngopharynx

List the ostium intrapharyngeum
- Located above aditus laryngis (entrance of larynx)
- Surrounded by:
- The free border of palatum molle
- Palatopharyngeal arches
- Through the ostium, nasopharynx communicates with laryngopharynx
- Openings between oropharynx → propper oral cavity
- Soft palate
- Arcus palatoglossus
- Arcus palatopharyngeus
- Linea pharyngeo-esophageum

List the structures of the pharyngeal wall
- Mucous membrane
- Pharyngeal muscles
- Fascia pharyngis
Raphe pharyngis
- Median, dorsal line
- Termination of constrictor muscles
Give the lymphatic organs of the pharynx
- Tonsilla palatina (ø sus) (Lateral wall of oropharynx, ventral aspect of soft palate)
- Tonsilla lingualis (In mucosa of radix linguae)
- Tonsilla epiglottica (ø eq) (Base of epiglottis)
- Tonsilla pharyngea (Root of nasopharynx)
- Tonsilla tubaria lateralis (Wall of pharyngeal opening to tuba auditiva)
- Tonsila veli palatini (Ventral of soft palate)
Give the muscles
Rostral pharyngeal constrictor muscles:
M. pterygopharyngeus
- Origin: os pterygoideum, aponeurosis palatina (ø eq)
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis
- Action: sphincter
M. palatopharyngeus
- Origin: os palatinum et pterygoideum
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis
- Action: sphincter
M. stylopharyngeus rostralis
- Origin: distal half of stylohyoideum
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis (occurs in ru??)
- Action: sphincter
M. stylopharyngeus caudalis
- Origin: proximal half of stylohyoideum
- Insertion: wall of pharynx
- Action: dilator
Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles:
M. ceratopharyngeus
- Origin: ceratohyoideum
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis
- Action: sphincter
M. chndropharyngeus
- Origin: tyrohyoideum
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis
- Action: sphincter
Caudal pharyngeal constrictor muscles:
M. thyropharyngeus
- Origin: linea obligua of cartilago thyroidea
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis
- Action: sphincter
M. cricopharyngeus
- Origin: cartilago cricoidea
- Insertion: raphe pharyngis
- Action: sphincter
Muscles of the palate and fauces:
M. levator veli palatini
- Origin: pars tympanica ossis temporalis
M. tensor veli palatini
- Origin: processus muscularis
- Insertion: aponeurosis palatini
M. palatinus
- Origin: lamina horizontalis ossis palatini
- Insertion: with palatopharyngeus
- Action: shortens the palate
Give the division of the esophageus
- Pars cervicalis (Pharynx → 1st rib)
- Pars thoracica (1st rib → diaphragm)
- Pars abdominalis (Diaphragm → stomach)
- It begins dorsal to cart. cricoidea of the larynx and follows the trachea down the neck
- Esophageus passes throug hiatus esophageus in diaphragm
Give the related structures
Cervical part:
- A. carotis communis
- V. jugularis interna
- Tracheal duct
- Cervical lymph nodes
- Tr. vagosympatheticus
- N. laryngeus recurrens
- Thymus (young animals)
Thoracic part:
- __Caudal to dorsal mediastinum
- Dorsal to bifucation trachealis
- Crosses right side of arcus aorta
- Lies between lungs ventral to arcus aorta
- Accompinied by n. vagus:
- R. dorsalis
- R. ventralis
- Passes through hiatus esophageus of diaphragm
Tendo cricoesophageus
- Attaches the esophageal musculature to the cricoid and arythenoid cartilage
Muscles of esophagus
- Striated muscles, except a caudal segment of smooth muscle in fe, su, eq
- M. esophageus longitudinalis dorsalis (eq, ru)
- M. esophageus longitudinalis lateralis
- M. esophageus longitudinalis ventralis
- M. bronchoesophageus
- M. pleuroesophageus
- Tendo cricoesophageus: attaches the esophageal musculature to the cricoid and arythenoid cartilages
Constrictons of esophagus
Isthmus oesophagei (cervical constriction)
- Above larynx
Isthmus thoracalis (thoracic constriction)
- At the level of C7
- Passes dorsal to the trachea
- Esophagus moves from the left side of trachea, above the trachea
Istmus diaphragmatica (abdominal constriction)
- The hiatus esophageus - where it passes through diaphragm in the posterior mediastinum
Blood supply
- A. thyroidea caudalis
A. thyroidea cranialis
- R. pharyngeus (→ pharyngeal wall in the region of the caudal constrictors of the pahrynx)
- R. cricoarythnoideus
- R. laryngeus caudalis
A. laryngea cranialis (ru, sus: ex a. carotis communis, eq: ex a. thyroidea cranialis, car: ex a. carotis externa)
- R. pharyngeus → r. laryngeus
A. pharyngea ascendens (ru: ex a. carotis communis, eq: ex a. laryngea cranialis, car: ex a. carotis externa, sus: ex a. lingualis)
- Rr. palatini (ø ru)
- Rr. tonsillaris (bo)
- V. thyroidea media (ex v. jugularis interna?)
V. thryoidea cranialis (ex v. jugularis interna?, eq: ex v. maxillaris)
- R. laryngeus cranialis
R. laryngeus caudalis
- Arcus laryngeus caudalis (ca)
- V. laryngeus cranialis? (bo)
- V. pharyngeus ascendens (eq) (ex a. laryngea cranialis)
Esophagus, pars cervicalis:
- A. carotis communis → rr. esophagei
- V. jugularis externa
Esophagus, pars thoracica:
- A. bronchoesophagea
- V. esophagea → v. azygous
- Car: V. esophagea → v. bronchoesophagea → v. azygous
- Parasympathetic:
N. vagus
Rr. pharyngei
- Rr. dorsalis
- Rr. ventralis
N. laryngeus cranialis (from ggl. distales)
- → for. thyroideum
- N. laryngeus recurrens
- N. laryngeus caudalis
Rr. pharyngei
N. vagus
- Sympathetic:
- N. sympatheticus
Vagosympathetic trunk
- N. sympatheticus (sympathetic)
N. vagus (parsympathetic)
- R. laryngeus recrurrens
- Internal ggl. of plexus myentericus in tunica muscularis