This class was created by Brainscape user Jorunn Nordrum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (122)

A1 - Os occipitale
What is the cranium formed by,
Which structures should be mentioned,
Give the interspecies differences...
5  cards
A2 - Os sphenoidale
What is the cranium formed by,
What does os sphenoidale form,
What are os sphenoidale divided into
12  cards
A3 - Os temporale and os parietale
What is the cranium formed by,
Os temporalewhat can os temporale...,
Os temporale pars petrosa structu...
15  cards
A4 - Bones of the nasal cavity (forming its base, walls and dome)
Os nasale,
Os lacrimale
19  cards
A5 - The mandibula, art. temporomandibularis, ossa hyoidea, muscles of mastication
Give the muscles of mastication,
M masseter,
M temporalis
20  cards
A6 - Connections between bones
What is the man division of joints,
Synovial joints what is present i...
9  cards
A7 - Vertebrae cervicales, thoracales et lumbales, their junctions
Give the number of vertebrae in t...,
Give the general structures of a ...,
Vertebrae cervicalis
20  cards
A8 - Costae, sternum, their junctions, mm. respiratorii
Give the respiratory muscles,
M serratus dorsalis cranialis,
M intercostalis externus
23  cards
A9 - Mm. cingulorum membri thoracici et pelvini
Give the muscles of the pectoral ...,
M trapezius,
Give the division of
17  cards
A10 - Art. humeri, and its muscles
Shoulder and elbow joint, and their muscles
14  cards
A11 - Art. cubiti, art. radioulnaris and their muscles
Shoulder and elbow joint, and their muscles
16  cards
A12 - Art. carpi and its muscles
Carpus list the muscles of the ca...,
M extensor carpi radialis,
M extensor carpi ulnaris
15  cards
A13 - The art. metacarpophalangea and the suspensory apparatus of the horse
What is another name for the art ...,
Classification of the fetlock joint,
Between where does the fetlock jo...
8  cards
A14 - The art. metacarpophalangea and the suspensory apparatus of ruminants
What is another name for the art ...,
Classification of the fetlock joint,
Between where does the fetlock jo...
6  cards
A15 - The horse’s artt. interphalangeae proximalis et distalis of the forelimb and their muscles
What is another name for art inte...,
Pastern joint,
Coffin joint
17  cards
A16 - Vaginae et bursae synoviales of the equine forelimb
Give the accessory structures of ...,
Bursagive the structure of the bursa,
Vagina synovialis
4  cards
A17 - Vaginae et bursae synoviales of the equine hindlimb
Give the accessory structures of ...,
Bursagive the structure of the bursa,
Vagina synovialis
4  cards
A18 - Pelvis
Pelvis which bones are the pelvis...,
Pelvis give the structures of os ...,
Pelvis os ilium
9  cards
A19 - Sacrum, art. sacroiliaca
Sacrumgeneral information,
Sacrum structures,
Sacrumgive the interspecies diffe...
4  cards
A20 - Art. coxae, the dorsal, the deep and the caudal muscles of the buttock
Hip joint and its muscles
25  cards
A21 - Art. femorotibialis and the medial muscles of the thigh
Art femorotibialis,
Stifle joint art genusgive the li...,
Stifle joint interspecies differe...
8  cards
A22 - Art. femoropatellaris and the cranial muscles of the thigh
Art femoropatellaris,
Stifle joint art genusgive the li...,
Stifle joint interspecies differe...
8  cards
A23 - Art. tarsi and its muscles
Bones of the tarsus,
Bones of the tarsus talus,
Bones of tarsuscalcaneus
23  cards
A24 - The horse’s artt. interphalangeae proximalis et distalis of the hindlimb and their muscles
What is another name for art inte...,
Pastern joint art interphalangeae...,
Coffin joint art interphalangea d...
16  cards
A25 - Flexores et extensores digitorum membri thoracici
Digital extensors and flexors of the forelimb
18  cards
A26 - Flexores et extensores digitorum membri pelvini
Which muscles should be mentioned...,
Give the extensors of the hindlim...,
M extensor digitalis longus
14  cards
A27 - Mm. abdominis, canalis inguinalis
Muscles of the abdominal wallgive...,
Give the muscles of the abdominal...,
M obliquus externus abdominalis
12  cards
A28 - General features of muscles, muscular auxiliary structures
General features of muscles,
Types of muscles,
On which terms can
15  cards
A29 - The vertebral column, epaxial and hypaxial muscles, muscles moving the head
Give the general structures of a ...,
Give the number of vertebrae,
Curvatures in the vertebral column
33  cards
A30 - Statics of the forelimbs in horses, the phases of the step on the distal end of the forelimb
Samme som A31, slått sammen
14  cards
A31 - Statics of the hindlimbs in horses, the phases of the step on the distal end of the hindlimb
Samme som A30, slått sammen
14  cards
B1 - The external surface of the heart, its base and its structure
Position of the heart,
The external surface of the heart...,
The external surface of the heart...
5  cards
B2 - The left half of the heart
The left half of the heart atrium...,
The left half of the heartventric...
2  cards
B3 - The right half of the heart
Atria dexter,
Ventriculus dexter
2  cards
B4 - Pericardium, the heart’s own vessels, impulse generating and conducting systems
Own vessels of the heart,
Impulse generation system of the ...
3  cards
B5 - Arcus aortae, aorta thoracica
Draw arcus aortae,
Draw the complete arterial system...,
Draw aorta thoracica
7  cards
B6 - The v. cava cranialis and the venous blood supply of the thorax
Draw vena cava cranialis dog,
Give the interspecies differences...
2  cards
B7 - A. carotis externa
Where does a carotis externa aris...,
Draw a carotis communis in dog,
Draw a carotis communis in the horse
11  cards
B8 - A. maxillaris
When does a maxillaris begin,
Draw the arterial blood supply ca,
Draw a maxillaris
5  cards
B9 - Veins of the head, with the exception of the brain’s veins
Draw v linguofacialis,
Draw the veonus blood supply dog,
Draw arcus hyoideus
6  cards
B10 - Aorta abdominalis, v. cava caudalis, v. portae
Aorta abdominalis,
Vena cava caudalis,
Vena cava caudalisdraw the termin...
6  cards
B11 - A. coeliaca, a. mesenterica cranialis and caudalis
A coeliaca,
A mesenterica cranialis,
A mesenterica caudalis
5  cards
B12 - The superficial venous system of the forelimb and the hindlimb, the v. jugularis externa
Superficial venous systeforelimb,
Superficial venous systehindlimb,
Superficial venous systeneck
3  cards
B13 - Blood vessels of the forelimb down to the elbow joint
Give the arterial system till the...,
Give the interspecies differences...,
Give the venous system of the dog
7  cards
B14 - Blood vessels of the forelimb distal to the elbow joint
Give the blood vessels in the dog,
Give the blood vessels in the horse,
Give the venous system
6  cards
B15 - Blood vessels of the hindlimb down to the stifle joint
Give the,
Give the venous blood supply in t...,
Give the arterial and venous bloo...
5  cards
B16 - Blood vessels of the hind limb distal to the stifle joint
Give the blood vessels of the dog,
Give the blood vessels of the horse,
Give the venous system
3  cards
B17 - Pelvic arteries
Give the main branches of the pel...,
A iliaca interna,
A glutea caudalis
9  cards
B18 - Foetal circulation
Fetal circulation from physiology,
Why does the fetus have its own c...,
Give the major shunts found in th...
5  cards
B19 - General features of the lymphatic system, lymphonodi capitis et cervicis
General features of the lymphatic...,
Draw the division of lymph nodes,
General about lymphatic vessels
9  cards
B20 - Lymphonodi thoracis et membri thoracis
Give the lymphatic centers of the...,
Lc axillare,
Lc thoracicum dorsale
7  cards
B21 - Lymphonodi abdominis, pelvis et membri pelvini
Give the lymph centers,
Lc lumbales,
Lc celiacum
11  cards
B22 - Hoof, horn
Hoof eq structures to mention,
Hoofwhat is the hoof composed of eq,
Hoof eq shape
18  cards
B23 - Mammary gland, blood supply and innervation
Give the usual nimber of mammae i...,
What does the mammary comlex cons...,
What is the mammary gland covered by
9  cards
C1 - Oral cavity and its features
Oral cavity structures to mention...,
Oral cavity interspecies differences,
Oral cavitygive the osseus suppor...
20  cards
C2 - Gll. salivares
Salivary glands name the salivary...,
Salivary glandsgl parotidea,
Salivary glandsgl mandibularis
5  cards
C3 - Tongue, blood supply and innervation
Structures to mention on the tongue,
Give the interspecies differences...,
Where does the radix linguae attach
24  cards
C4 - Teeth, structure, blood supply and innervation
Give the structures to mention of...,
Give the parts of the tooth,
Give the teeth surfaces
10  cards
C5 - Dentition, types of teeth
Give the number of teeth and loca...,
Give the different types of teeth,
Give the main groups of theeth
10  cards
C6 - Pharynx, oesophagus, blood supply and innervation
Pharynxstructures to mention,
Pharynxgive the interspecies diff...,
Pharynx give the division of the ...
20  cards
C7 - The unilocular stomach, blood supply and innervation
The unilocular stomachstructures ...,
Give the composition of the stoma...,
The unilocular stomachgive the su...
6  cards
C8 - The stomach of ruminants, blood supply and innervation
The stomach of ruminants give the...,
The stomach of ruminantsstructure...,
The stomach of ruminantsstructure...
9  cards
C9 - Liver, hepatic microcirculation, pancreas, blood supply and innervation
Liverstructures to mention in the...,
Livergive the interspecies differ...,
Liver give the lobes of the liver...
17  cards
C10 - Spleen, omenta, blood supply and innervation
Spleenstructures to mention on th...,
Spleeninterspecies differences
16  cards
C11 - The hindgut of carnivores and horses, blood supply and innervation
Define hindgut,
Give the portions of the hindgut,
11  cards
C12 - The hindgut of carnivores and ruminants, blood supply and innervation
Define hindgut,
Give the portions of the hindgut,
10  cards
C13 - The hindgut of carnivores and pigs, blood supply and innervation
Define hindgut,
Give the portions of the hindgut,
10  cards
C14 - Duplicaturae serosae cavi pelvis. Canalis analis, blood supply and innervation
Name the serous cavities present ...,
Pelvic cavitydefine pelvic cavity,
Pelvic cavity pelvic inlet
12  cards
C15 - Nasal cavity, blood supply and innervation
Structures to mention in cavum nasi,
List the interspecies structures ...,
Role of the nasal cavity
16  cards
C16 - Paranasal sinuses
Structures to mention in sinus pa...,
Give the interspecies differences...,
Define paranasal sinuses
19  cards
C17 - Larynx, blood supply and innervation
Role of larynx,
What does the larynx connect,
Location of larynx
16  cards
C18 - Trachea, lungs, blood supply and innervation
Tracheastructures to mention,
Trachesdraw a tansverse section o...,
Tracheafrom where to where does t...
12  cards
C19 - Pleural cavity, mediastinum
Structures to mention in cavum,
Name the serous cavities present ...,
Name the serous membranes
16  cards
C20 - Peritonenum, serous duplicatures in the abdominal cavity
Peritoneumstructures to mention,
Name the serous cavities present ...,
Peritoneum divisions
9  cards
C21 - Kidney and its blood supply
Structures to mention on the kidney,
Give the interspecies differences,
Give the function of the kidney
13  cards
C22 - Urinary tract, blood supply and innervation
Give the division of the urinary ...,
Histology of the urinary system,
Structures to mention
10  cards
C23 - Scrotum, testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, accessory male genital glands, their blood supply and innervation
Structures to mention,
21  cards
C24 - Penis, muscles of the male genital organs, prepuce, blood supply and innervation
Structures to mention,
Penis interspecies differences,
Penis location
19  cards
C25 - Ovaries, uterine tube, their suspension, blood supply and innervation
Structures to mention,
Ovaries give the interspecies dif...,
Tuba uterinagive the interspecies...
13  cards
C26 - Uterus, its suspension, blood supply and innervation
Uterus structures to mention,
Uterus interspecies differences,
Uterus location
13  cards
C27 - Vagina, female urethra, blood supply and innervation
Structures to mention,
Interspecies differences,
Vagina location
14  cards
D1 - Meninges of the brain and spinal cord, their blood supply
Meninges of the brain,
Meninges of the braindura mater,
Meninges of the brain arachnoidea
5  cards
D2 - Arterial and venous blood supply of the brain and the spinal cord, the sinus system
Blood supply of the brainarterial,
Blood supply of the brainthe veno...,
Blood supply of the spinal cord a...
4  cards
D3 - Medulla spinalis, the spinal segment, formation of the spinal nerve
Medulla spinalis,
The spinal segment,
Formation of the spinal nerve
3  cards
D4 - Rhombencephalon
Define rhombenche,
What does the rhombenchephalon co...,
Draw rhombecephalon
12  cards
D5 - Mesencephalon, diencephalon
Define mesencephalon,
Mesencephalonstructures to mention,
15  cards
D6 - Telencephalon
Define telencephalon,
Which terms should be included,
What does the telencephalon consi...
9  cards
D7 - Rhinencephalon, limbic system
Which terms should be included in...,
Which terms should be included in...
5  cards
D8 - Major pathways of the brain and the spinal cord
General about tracts in the cns,
What can the tracts of the cns ca...,
Where are the tracts found in the...
13  cards
D9 - The cavum system of the brain and the spinal cord, circulation of the CSF
Give the locations of the fluid e...,
Ventricular system,
What is cerebrospinal fluid forme...
8  cards
D10 - Sympathetic system
Give the division of the nervous ...,
Autonomic nervous systemrole,
Autonomic nervous systemstructure
8  cards
D11 - Parasympathetic system
Give the division of the nervous ...,
Autonomic nervous systemrole,
Autonomic nervous systemstructure
7  cards
D12 - Cranial nerve V1.
Name the cranial nerve v,
Give the role of cranial nerve v,
Give the main division of cranial...
5  cards
D13 - Cranial nerve V2.
Name the cranial nerve v,
Give the role of cranial nerve v,
Give the main division of cranial...
5  cards
D14 - Cranial nerve V3.
Name the cranial nerve v,
Give the role of cranial nerve v,
Give the main division of cranial...
5  cards
D15 - Cranial nerve VII.
Vii name the cranial nerve vii,
Vii where does the nerve arise wh...,
Vii give the branches of the nerv...
6  cards
D16 - Cranial nerve IX.
Ix name the cranial nerve ix,
Ix what type of nerve give the or...,
Ixwhere does the nerve leave the ...
4  cards
D17 - Cranial nerve X.
What is the name of cranial nerve x,
Type of nerve,
Where does the nerve arise from
11  cards
D18 - Motor cranial nerves
List the motor cranial nerves,
Cranial nerve iii,
Cranial nerve iv
6  cards
D19 - The eyeball: tunics
What does the visual organ consis...,
Define orbit general knowledge,
Give the division of the interior...
10  cards
D20 - The muscles of the eye, their innervation, accessory organs of the eye, blood supply of the eye
What does the visual organ consis...,
Define orbit general knowledge,
Give the division of the interior...
13  cards
D21 - Refractive media of the eye, optical accomodation and the visual pathways
Define refractive media of the eye,
Refractive media of the eyedraw,
Refractive media of the eye cornea
9  cards
D22 - External ear, cavum tympani
Give the subdivision of the ear,
External earwhat is the extenal e...,
External earauricle
10  cards
D23 - Internal ear, acoustic and vestibular pathways
Internal ear what is the inner ea...,
Internal earvestibule,
Inner earvestibular labyrinth
10  cards
D24 - Nn. spinales cervicales et thoracis
Nn spinales cervicalesgive the nu...,
Nn spinales cervicales
2  cards
D25 - Plexus brachialis down to the elbow joint
Location of plexus brachialis,
Which spinal nerves is the brachi...,
Give the branches of the first gr...
6  cards
D26 - Plexus brachialis distal to the elbow joint
Location of plexus brachialis,
Which spinal nerves is the brachi...,
Give the branches of the first gr...
6  cards
D27 - Plexus lumbalis
Define plexus lumbalis,
Which spinal nerves gives rise to...,
Which nerves arise from the lumba...
10  cards
D28 - N. pudendus and n. ischiadicus down to the stifle joint
Give the sciatic plexus,
N pudendus
6  cards
D29 - Nerves of the hindlimb distal to the stifle joint
1  cards
E1 - The skeleton of domestic birds
Skeleton give the characteristics...,
Skeleton vertebral column
7  cards
E2 - The digestive system of domestic birds
Digestive system main divisions o...,
Digestive system beak,
Digestive system esophagus
9  cards
E3 - The respiratory system of domestic birds
Respiratory system nasal cavity,
Respiratory system larynx,
Respiratory systemlungs
3  cards
E4 - The urogenital system of domestic birds
Urogenital system urinary system,
Urogenital systemmale genital system,
Urogenital systemfemale genital s...
3  cards
E5 - The cardiovascular and nervous system of domestic birds
Cardiovascular systemheart,
Cardiovacular systemkidney,
Cardiovascular system
7  cards
E6 - The skin and the skin’s features in domestic birds
General features of avian skin,
Scale covered skin,
Feathered skin and feathers
8  cards
F1 - The development of the apparatus urogenitalis
What are the,
Which system of the urinary syste...,
Development of the kidney
5  cards
F2 - The development of the heart
0  cards
F3 - The development of the pharynx and splanchnocranium
0  cards
F4 - The development of the tongue
0  cards
F5 - The development of the gut
0  cards
F6 - The development of the nervous system
0  cards

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Anatomy 3 oral

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