C14 - Duplicaturae serosae cavi pelvis. Canalis analis, blood supply and innervation Flashcards
Name the serous cavities present in the trunk
General knowledge
There are 4 serosal cavities
Cavum pleurae
- Left and right
- Formed by pleura
Cavum pericardii
- Formed by pericardium serosum
Cavum peritonei
- Fromed by peritoneum
Pelvic cavity
Define pelvic cavity
- Encircled by os pelvis
- Linea terminalis marks the pelvic inlet
- Cranial part of the pelvic cavity is lined by peritoneum
- Enclosed by:
- Dorsal: sacrum and first 3-4 caudal vertebrae
- Lateral: ileum
- Un: also formed by lig. sacrotuberale latum
- Ventral: os ilium, os ischium and os pubis
Abdominal peritoneum extends into the pelvic cavty
- Lines its cranial part
- Invest the pelvic organs and forms the ligaments associated with them
- Components of pelvic cavity:
- Rectum
- Canalis analis
- Portion of urinary bladder
- Urethra, pars pelvina
- Male: accessory genital glands
- female: genital organs, caudal part
Pelvic cavity
Pelvic inlet
Entrance in pelvic inlet is an osseus ovale ring: linea terminalis
Pelvic cavity
Pelvic outlet
- Formed by:
- Dorsal: 3rd-4th caudal vertebrae
- Lateral:
- Un: lig. sacroischiaticum, sacrotuberal part
- Ca: lig. sacrotuberale
- Ventral: tuber ischiadicum and the arch that connects them
- b
- Pelvic outlet is smaller than pelvic inlet (ø ca)
- Size can be increased by moving the tail
- Important during parturition
Pelvic cavity
What marks the pelvic inlet?
Linea terminalis
Circular line from promontorium, across ala ossis sacri, along linea arcurata and pecten ossis pubis
Pelvic cavity
List the serous duplications of the pelvic cavity
- Lig. vesice lateralis (male: dorsal pelvic wall)
- Lig. vesicae medialis
- Female:
Lig. latum uteri
- Folds of peritoneum attatching the intraperitoneal female genital organs to the dorsolateral body wall
- Arise from wall of pelvic cavity and caudal part of abdominal cavity
- Part of lig. latum uteri
- Contains the ovarian vessels
- Suspends the ovaries
- Homologous to the mesorchium
- Part of lig. latum uteri
- Fold laterally detached from lig. latum uteri
- Contains tuba uterina
- Forms lateral wall of bursa ovarica
- Ca, su: completely surrounds the ovary
Lig. suspensorium ovarii (free border of mesovarium)
- Part of lig. latum uteri
- Attached to cornu uteri and corpus uteri
Lig. latum uteri
- Male:
Plica genitalis
- Ampulla ductus defernts
- Ureter
- Gl. vesicularis (ø ca)
- Separates excavatio rectogenitalis from excavatio vesicogenitalis
Plica genitalis

Canalis analis
Structures to mention
- M. sphincter ani internus (Smooth muscle continous with the stratum circulare at the rectum)
- Linea anorectalis
Zona columnaris ani (ca, su) (Columnar zone of the anus)
- Columnae anales (Short longitudinal folds of mucosa extending caudally from the linea anorectalis)
- Sinus anales (Grooves between the columnae)
- Gll. anales (In the submucosa of outside the m. Sphincter ani internus)
- Zona intermedia (Between zona columnaris and linea anocutanea)
- Linea anocutanea (Boundary between mucous membrane and skin)
Zona cutanea (Cornified epidermis, skin glands, and hairs)
- Sinus paranalis (ca) (Lateral cutaneous pouch between canalis analis and m. Sphincter ani externus)
Gll. sinus paranalis (Glands of the paranal sinus, gll. Apocrine and gll. sebaceae)
- Gll. circumanales (ca) (Lobules)
- M. sphincter ani externus (Vide perineum)
- M. levator ani (O: pelvis. I: 3-7 caudal vertebrae)
- M. coccygeus (O: spina ischiadica. I: 2-5 caudal vertebrae)
- Anus (Terminal orifice of the intestine)
Canalis analis
Interspecies differences
Zona columnaris ani (ca, su)
- Columnae anales
- Sinus anales
- Gll. anales
- Zona cutanea
- Sinus paranalis (ca)
- Gll. sinus paranales
- Gll. circumanales (ca)
Canalis analis
Give the muscles of canalis analis
M. sphincter ani internus
- Smooth muscle continous with the stratum circulare at the rectum
M. sphincter ani externus
- Vide perineum
M. levator ani
- Origin: pelvis
- Insertion: 3-7 caudal vertebrae
M. coccygeus
- Origin: spina ischiadica
- Insertion: 2-5 caudal vertebrae
Canalis analis
Canalis analis of carnivores
- The short anal canla is the terminal part of the alimentary cana
- Opens to the outside of the anus
- The anus is controlled by internal and external sphincters
- M. sphincter ani internus: smooth muscle and a modification of the circular layer of the muscle coat of the rectum
- M. spincter externus: striated muscle, arising from the caudal vertebrae
- The mucosa is divided into 3 consecutive annular zones in carnovores:
- Zona columanris: First zone following the rectum, rich in lymphoid tissue, arranged in longitudinal folds (columnae anales) with grooves (sinus anales) between them
Zona intermedia: form of a sharp-edged scalloped fold
- Anocutaneous line: where the intermediate zone ends
- Anal glands: produce fatty secretion and open to the outside in columnar and intermediate zones
Cutaneous zone: surrounds the anus and its extent varies with the size of the underlying circumanal glands (which grow throughout life)
- The excretory ducts of anal sacs open on the surface of the cutaneous zone
- The anal sacs (sinus paranalis) are pea to marble sized sacs (great size comparison there) located between the inner smooth and outer striated sphincter muscles, contain the glands of the anal sacs (glandulae sacci paranales)
- The anal sacs are of clinical importance in dogs: they become frequently enlarged, due to accumulated secretion
Figute: anal canal in a dog

Canalis analis
Blood supply
M. spincter externus receives blood supply from:
- a. iliaca interna → a. pudenda interna → a. rectalis caudalis
Canalis analis
M. spincter externus receives nerve fibers from n. pudenda
- Innervated directly by motor fibers from the brain cortex