D6 - Telencephalon Flashcards
Define telencephalon
Telencephalon = cerebrum
Forebrain (with diencephalon)
Cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, and lies either in front or on top of the brain stem
Which terms should be included?
Telencephalon = cerebrum
- Lamina terminalis
- Cerebral hemisphere (2 stk)
- Frontal lobe
- Occipital lobe
- Temporal lobe
- Parietal lobe
- Cerebral cortex
- Gyrus
- Cingulate gyri
- Sulcus
- Cruciate sulcus
- Coronal sulcus
- Gyrus
- White matter
- Corpus callosum
- Internal capsule
- Basal nuclei
- Caudate nuclei
- Lateral ventricle
- Interventricular formen
- Choroid plexus
What does the telencephalon consists of?
- 2 cerebral hemispheres (divided by the medial longitudianl fissura)
- They are connected across the midline by fibers that form corpus callosum:
- Rostral comissure of the hippocampus
- Dorsal comissure of the hippocampus
- Ventral comissure of the hippocampus
- They are connected across the midline by fibers that form corpus callosum:
Cerebral cortex
- Paleophallium (olfaction)
- Archipallium (makes up the hippocampus in humans)
- Neopallium (predominant part of the cerebellum)
Cerebral hemispheres
- 2 cerebral hemispheres divided by the medial longitudianl fissura
- They are connected across the midline by fibers that form corpus callosum:
- Rostral comissure of the hippocampus
- Dorsal comissure of the hippocampus
- Ventral comissure of the hippocampus
Cerebral cortex
- Outer layer of grey matter of the cerebrum. The surface have folds to create gyri and sulci increasing the surface area
- Divided into:
- Paleopallium (olfaction)
- Archipallium (makes up the hippocampus in humans)
- Neopallium (the predominant part of cerebrum)
Cerebral cortex: paleopallium
- Ventral part of each hemisphere
- Olfaction
- Separated from neopallium by sulcus rhinalis medialis (medial olfactory grooce: separates pedunculus olfactorius from neophallium)
- Rostrally: bulbus olfactorius (fits into the recess of os ethmoidale)
- Continued caudally by tractus olfactorius commuis → tractus olfactorius medialis et lateralis,separated bytrigonum olfactorium
Tractus olfactorius medialis
- Runs towards medial aspect of the hemisphers
- Some of the continuign fibers terminate within certain cortical gyra, other pass through comissura rostralis
Comissura rostralis:
- Rostral wall of 3rd ventricle
- Bridge of white matter which connects the right and left rhinencephalon
Tractus olfactorius lateralis
- Continues caudally to join the large lobus piriformis
Tractus olfactorius medialis
- Continued caudally by tractus olfactorius commuis → tractus olfactorius medialis et lateralis,separated bytrigonum olfactorium
- Lateral: bulbus piriformis
- Medial: commissura rostralia
Cerebral cortex: neopallium
- “Youngest part” of pallium
- Major part of telencephalon
- Location:
- Forms the dorsolateral part of each hemisphere
- Interposed between the ventral paleopallium and the medial archipallium
- Divided from paleopallium by sulcus rhinans medialis
- Divided from archipallium by sulcus splenialis
- On surface: gyri and sulci (role: increases surface size)
- Lateral side: sulcus sylvius
- Cruciate groove: extends from longitudinal cerebral fissure, running transversly on the rostrodorsal aspect
- Transverse cerebral groove: separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum
- 4 lobes:
Frontal lobe (motor area)
- → motor cortex → spinal cord → skeletal muscle
- → sensory cortex
- → prefrontal cortex → emotion, cognition function
Temporal lobe (auditory area)
- → auditory cortex
Parietal lobe (sensory area)
- → motor/somesthetic sensory cerebral cortex → pain
Occipital lobe (visual area)
- → visual cortex
Frontal lobe (motor area)
Basal nuclei
- Basal ganglia: a group of subcortical nuclei (cells) responsible for motor control
- Location: dorsal to paelopallium
- Corpus striatum: number of them combine with white substance
Caudate nucleus
- Protrudes at rostral part of floor of lateral ventricle
- Comma shaped: head, body, tail
Lentiform nucleus
Divided by fibrous intersection into:
- Globus pallidus (medial)
- Putamen (lateral)
Divided by fibrous intersection into:
- Part of basal ganglion, but functionally related to rhinencephalon
- Contains synapses to olfactory pathway
- Located rostral to cornu temporalis of lateral ventricle, near tail of caudate nucleus
- Narrow band of grey matter, separating putamen from insula
- Capsula on either side
- White matter
- Creats striation
Draw the basal nuclei