A25 - Flexores et extensores digitorum membri thoracici Flashcards
Digital extensors and flexors of the forelimb
Which muscles should be mentioned in the topic?
Extensors of the forelimb phalanges:
- M. extensor carpi radialis
- M. extensor carpi ulnaris
M. extensor digitorum communis
- Caput accessorium (eq, bo)
M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- Caput accessorium (eq)
- M. extensor digiti I et II (Ca)
- M. abductor digiti 1 longus
Flexors of the forelimb phalanges:
M. flexor digitalis superficialis
- Lig. accessorium (eq) (proximal check ligament)
- Manica flexoria
M. flexor digitalis profundus
- Caput humerale
- Caput ulnare
- Caput radiale
- Lig. accessorium (eq) (distal check ligament)
- Lamina transversa (eq, bo)
- M. flexor carpi radialis
M. flexor carpi ulnaris
- Caput humerale
- Caput ulnare
- M. interflexorii (ø eq)
- M. interossei
- M. flexor digitalis brevis (ca)
Give the extensors of the forelimb phalanges
- M. extensor carpi radialis
- M. extensor carpi ulnaris
M. extensor digitorum communis
- Caput accessorium (eq, bo)
M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- Caput accessorium (eq)
- M. extensor digiti I et II (Ca)
- M. abductor digiti 1 longus
M. extensor carpi radialis
- Origin: Crista supracondylaris lateralis of humerus
- Insertion: Mc 2-3, dorsal
- Action: Strongest extensor of carpal joints
- N. radialis
- r. profundus
- r. superficialis (med/lat)
- r. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis
- N. radialis
M. extensor carpi ulanris
- Origin: Epicondylus lateralis of humerus
- Lateral on Mc 5 (eq: Mc4 instead)
- A**ccessory carpal bone
- Abducts and lateral rotation of the carpal joint
- Extends the carpal joint
- N. radialis
- r. profundus
- r. superficialis (med/lat)
- r. cutaneus antebrachii lateralis
- N. radialis
M. extensor digitorum communis
- Eq: additional caput accessorium
- Ca: Epicondylus lateralis of humerus
- Eq: Caput radiale
- Ca: Processus extensorius of Ph3, digit 2-5
- Eq: Ph1 (with m. extensor digitorum lateralis)
- Action: Extends carpus and joints of digits
- Innervation: N. radialis
(eq: ikke i PowerPoint, adda selv)
M. extensor digitorum lateralis
- Ca: Epicondylus lateralis of humerus
- Eq: Radius and ulna, proximal
- Dog:
- Goes to digits 3-5, at the level of first digit it unites with tendons from m. extensor digitorum communis and m. interosseous
- Inserts on Ph3, processus extensorius
- Eq: Ph1, proximal (with m. extensor digitorum communis)
- Dog:
- Ca: Extend carpus and joints of digits 3, 4 and 5
- Eq: Extends carpus
- N. radialis
(eq: ikke på PowerPoints, adda selv)
M. extensor digiti I et II
- Origin: Middle third of ulna
- Pollicis: Mc 1, head
- Indicis: unites with m. extensor digitorum communis, together inserts on Ph3 of digit 2
- Extends digits 1 and 2
- Indicis adducts dew claw
- N. radialis
M. abductor digiti I longus
- Ca:
- Adjacent lateral surface of radius and ulna
- From interosseous membrane
- Eq: Middle of radius, craniolateral
- Ca:
Insertion: Mc, base (medially)
- Ca: Mc 1
- Eq, su : Mc 2
- Ru: Mc 3
- Ca: extends and abducts digit 1
- Other animals: extend the carpal joint
- Innervation: N. radialis
(eq: ikke i PowerPoint, adda selv)
Give the flexors of the forelimb phalanges
M. flexor digitalis superficialis
- Lig. accessorium (eq) (proximal check ligament)
- Manica flexoria
M. flexor digitalis profundus
- Caput humerale
- Caput ulnare
- Caput radiale
- Lig. accessorium (eq) (distal check ligament)
- Lamina transversa (eq, bo)
- M. flexor carpi radialis
M. flexor carpi ulnaris
- Caput humerale
- Caput ulnare
- M. interflexorii (ø eq)
- M. interossei
- M. flexor digitalis brevis (ca)
M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- Origin: Epicondylus medialis of humerus
Insertion: Ph2 palmar surface
- Dog: digit 2-5
- Ca: To flex the carpus and affected joints of digits II-V
- Eq:
- Flex digits and carpus
- Extends elbow joint
- Ca: N. medianus
- Eq: N. ulnaris
- Its insertion tendon divides for the major digits:
- Dog: Into 4
- Cat: Into 5
- Eq: Undivided
- Ru. sus: Into 2
- Additional lig. accessorium/proximal check ligament
- Coming from the distal portion of radius to m. flexor dig. superficialis
- The ligament is a part of the passive stay apparatus
M. flexor digitorum profundus
- Caput humerale: epicondylus medialis of the humerus
- Caput radiale: radius, caudal surface
- Caput ulnare: olecranon, medial
- Ca: Ph3 of digits 1-5, palmar surface on tuberculum flexorium
- Eq: Ph3, facies flexoria
- Flexes the carpus and all the digits
- Un: helps fixing the fetlock joint
- N. ulnaris
- N. medianus (ca)
- Caput ulnare: mostly tendinous
Lig. accessorium/distal check ligament
- Joining to m. flexor dig. profundus, which is the fibrous continuation of the palmar carpal ligament and a part of the passive stay apparatus
- The two digital flexor tendons are surrounded by vagina synovialis communis musculi flexorii proximalis at the carpal joint, and vagina synovialis communis musculi flexorii distalis at the fetlock joint
- Vagina synovialis communis mm. flexorium: around the flexor tendons, at the level of the carpus
M. flexor carpi radialis
- Origin: Epicondylus medialis of humerus
- Insertion: Mc 2-3 (palmar)
- Action: Flex carpus
- Innervation: N. medianus
M. flexor carpi ulnaris
- Caput ulnare: Olecranon on caudal border and medial surface
- Caput humerale: Epicondylus medialis of humerus
- Insertion: Accessory carpal bone
- Action: Flexes the carpus
Innervation: (same as m. flexor digitorum profundus)
N. ulnaris
- r. cutaneous antebrachii caudalis
N. ulnaris
- Eq: not divided, two heads unite
Mm. interflexorii
Ø eq
Binds the bellies or tendons of the superficial and deep flexors together
M. flexord digitorum brevis
- Origin: M. flexor digitorum superficialis
- Insertion: Dog: digit 5
- Action: To assist in flexing of digit(s)