D2 - Arterial and venous blood supply of the brain and the spinal cord, the sinus system Flashcards
Blood supply of the brain
- Ca, eq: blood supply to brain form paired a. carotis interna
- Fe, Ru: a. maxillaris → a. carotis cerebri (cerebral carotid artery)
- A. carotis interna / a. carotis cerebri penetrated the dura mater at the diaphragmatica sellae → cerebral arterial circle ventral to hypothalamus
- Branches:
- A. cerebri rostralis
- A. cerebri media
- A. cerebri caudalis
- A. cerebellaris rostralis
- A. cerebellaris caudalis

Blood supply of the brain
The venous drainage
- Complicated system of venous sinuses which are enclosed in dura mater
- Divided into dorsal and ventral system
Dorsal system:
- Sinus saggitalis dorsalis
- SInus rectus
Sinus transversus
- Sinus temporalis
- Sinus sigmoideus
Ventral system:
- Sinus cavernosus
- Sinus basilaris
- Sinus petrosus ventralis
- Sinus intercavernosus
- Flow of blood into crania cavity:
- Spreading of infections
- Cooling the arterial blood supply to hypothalamus

Blood supply of the spinal cord
- The cervical spinal cord is vascularized by segmental arteries from a. vertebralis which branches from a. subclavia
- The rest receives blood from:
- A. cervicalis
- A. intercostalis
- A. lumbaris
- They enters the vertebral canal through for. intervertebrale
- Three arteries runs in length of the spinal cord:
A. spinalis ventralis
- Unpaired
- Follows surface of fissura mediana
- Supports grey matter and white substance
A. spinalis dorsalis
- Paired
- Runs close to dorsal root
A. spinalis ventralis
- All these three arteires receive reinforement by brances of regional arteries:
- A. vertebralis (neck)
- A. intercostales thoracica
- A. intercostales lumbales

Blood supply of the spinal cord
- Venous plexus: runs all length of vertebral column and drian blood with canalis vertebralis
- Plexus vertebralis internus ventralis (floor of canalis vertebralis)
- Plexus verebralis externus dors./ventr. (dors./ventr. aspect of columna vertebralis)
- V. intervertebralis (passes through for. intervertebrale)
- Vv. spinalis (longitudinal veins alont medulla spinalis)
- Vv. basivertebrae (perforate corpus vertebrae)
- The venous plexus gives rise to segmental veins that leave the canal through the forr. intervertebralis to join the principal venous channels of the neck and trunk:
- V. vertebralis
- V. cava cranialis
- V. azygous
- V. cava caudalis
- The major part of the plexus consists of paired channels within the epidural space ventral to the cord