Early Middle Ages Flashcards
What is a caliph?
Muslim religious and political leader
What is an infidel?
A term used on a person who does not accept a certain religion
What is a Shi’ite?
Member of the Shiah sect of the Muslim religion
What is a Sunnite?
Member of the orthodox sect of the Muslim religion
What is a synod?
Assembly to discuss and decide church affairs
Who was Justinian the Great?
-Ruled Eastern Empire
-famous for codification of Roman law
-sorting and collecting Roman
laws was called Corpus Juris Civilis
Which two emperors regained part of Justinian’s empire?
Heraclius I and Leo III
Who were the 4 men who were ‘doctors’ of the church?
Gregory the Great
Who was Ambrose?
monk who translated the Bible into Latin
Who was Augustine of Hippo?
- studied under ambrose
- made the Confessions, The City of God, and Concerning the Trinity
Who was Gregory the Great?
- A roman official when he decided to become a monk
- responsible for spread of Christianity in Britain, Spain and Italy
Who was Cassiodorus?
A historian whose textbooks about arts and sciences were used in the Middle Ages
Who was Boethius?
- philosopher
- wrote Consolation of Philosophy
Who was Gregory of Tours and Isidore of Seville?
G- History of the Franks
I- Etymologies
gave insight to people in 6th and 7th centuries
Who was Benedict?
A Hermit who established a monastery in Italy at Monte Cassino
What was the Benedictine Rule?
- followed by monks who took vows of poverty
- basis for European monasteries
Why were monks important in the missionary movement?
they converted and civilized barbarians
Who were the 2 important monks in the missionary movement?
Patrick- missionary to Ireland
Augustine of Canterbury- Roman monk who was sent to Anglo-Saxon England
What was the Synod of Whitby?
- 664
- caused by differences, especially over the date of Easter
Who was Bede?
- monk in Northumbria
- probably most educated man in Western Europe during that time
- recorded history of Christianity in Anglo-Saxon England in ‘Ecclesiastical History of English People’
Who was Ulfila (Wulfila)?
- Arian missionary
- converted Germanic Tribes
- developed Gothic alphabet to translate Bible into Gothic language
What does Islam mean?
submission to God
What is the holy book of Islam?
Koran (Qu’ran)
Who was Muhammad?
claimed to be the Messenger of Allah (God)
Where did Muhammad claim the Holy City of Islam?
Why did the Arabs set out holy wars and conquer much of the Eastern Empire?
They did it in the name of Islam
What stopped the Arabs from moving from Spain to farther Europe?
The Battle of Tours in 732
Who run the government after the death of Muhammad?
It was run by a caliph
Who were the first four caliphs who ruled the Arab empire?
Abu Bakr
Ali (civil war broke out causing his assassination)
Who was Muawiya?
- Leader of the opposing Umayyad forces
- became caliph and moved the capital of Islam to Damascus
Which 2 groups appeared that were the result of civil wars that separated the Muslim world in the late 7th century?
Shi’ites and Sunnites
Who were the followers of Muhammed known by?
Muslim, Moor, Saracen