1356 03 Flashcards
- The impact of the charge slowed down [to slow down]
- … they joined the left flank of the English line. B. vb = to equal/to add up to -> vb = to join
- … he put/positioned one end on the root of a tree that was sticking out [re his bow]
- Thomas “pushed/barged his way out” of the milling (as in, crowded) ranks.
- Let me know go around it.
- El impacto de la carga se enlenteció [enlentecer(se)]
- se sumaban al ala izquierda de la línea inglesa. B. sumar -> sumarSE
- colocó un extremo sobre la raíz de un árbol que sobresalía
- Thomas “salió a empujones del apiñamiento de las filas.
- Hazme saber si esos cabrones rodearlo.
- the slope became steeper at that point. B. What else adj mean?
- the soldiers began to inflict (or dish out) axe blows. [ONLY use vb in sense to give, re violence]
- a sturdy/strapping, broad-chested man
- He dealt him a blow [lit, here a mallet blow] that displaced (as in, moved) the pointy visor. B. to strike eg with a fist, sword
- That’s why the monarch indulged him. (as in, obliged or accommodated him)
- la pendiente se hacía más escarpada en aquel punto. B. escarpado, also rocky, as in difficult.
- … los soldados empezaron a propinarse golpes de hacha
- un hombre robusto + de pecho ancho
- le asestó un mazazo que desplazó la visera puntiaguda B. asestar
- Por eso el monarca lo complacía. [complacer A alguien]
- … the backward movement spread to the nearby[adj] French.
- The handle was topped off with a steel spike that … B. also to round off, as in to conclude
- loc vb: … dented the wounded man’s breastplate. B. a dent [N}
- “He’s an idiot”, said the dauphin bewildered [+ con N], and he takes delight/pleasure in his idiocy.
- … he looked like a real warrior, not like this clumsy (adj, poor quality) sham (N, also simulation) of a man.
- … el movimiento hacia atrás se propagó a los franceses vecinos
- El mango estaba rematado con un pincho de acero que … B. rematar
- … hizo una mella en el peto del herido. B. una melladura
- “Es un idiota” – afirmó el delfín con desconcierto - y él se regodea en la idiotez. [regodearse en]
- … parecía un guerrero de verdad, no como ese burdo simulacro de hombre
- … he leaned forward and slapped at a horsefly that had landed ON his steed’s neck. B. loc vb = to smack or to slap C. to land or to perch
- loc exp: the arrows flew off [ also means burst forth]
- … and then a sudden stillness reigned
- the man-at-arms began to plunder (or to rob) the corpse. [also to ransack]
- … a paladin of jousts of fearsome reputation.
- … se inclinó hacía adelante y dio un manotazo a un tábano que se había posado EN el cuello de su corcel. B. dar un manotazo C. posarSE en
- las flechas salieron despedidas [salir despedido]
- … y luego reinó una quietud repentina
- el hombre de armas empezaba a desvalijar al cadáver
- … un paladín de justas de temible reputación.
- Spread the word that they’re not to be heeded. [alsopass it on]
- His horse took a few small steps … [to take a step forwards]
- his name was X and his trade was fighting
- he felt as if he was observing himself, as if he were disembodied.
- … he could retrieve it in a jiffy (or in no time at all)
- Haced correr la voz de que no hay que hacerles ni caso.
- Su caballo dio unos pasitos … [dar un paso hacía adelanto]
- se llamaba a X y su oficio era luchar
- se sentía como si se estuviera observando a sí mismo, como si fuera incorpóreo.
- …la podía recuperar en un santiamén
- … but the enemy had dug ditches.
- … they were ON foot, kicking down the wooden stakes
- the drums pounded the morning [adj] air
- loc exp: … and leave him beaten to a pulp B. What N mean on own?
- loc exp: …. the men around him had quickened their pace.
- pero el enemigo había cavado zanjas
- … iban A pie, derribando a pataDas las estacas de madera
- los tambores martilleaban el aire matutino
- … y dejarlo hacer papilla B. papilla = mush or babyfood (comida triturada)
- … los hombres de su alrededor habían apretado el paso