B2_07_Valeria Flashcards
- That answer knocked me for a six** [or **left me stunned] and I blinked. [fig, what vb lit mean?]
- Well, it’s a substitute for a** relationship. (Nb struct = **it’s + a substitute for a + N, eg it’s ersatz chocolate)
- because I believed her at face value** [ie **unquestioningly]
- I feared dying buried by some unchewed slice of pizza.
- We parked in a no-parking space on Orense Street [N what mean re river?]
- Aquella respuesta me noqueó y parpadeé. [noquer = to knock out, boxing]
- Bueno, es un sucedáneo de** relación. (**ser un sucedáneo de + N eg es un sucedáneo de chocolate]
- porque lo creía a pies juntillas
- Temí morir sepultado/a por algún trozo de pizza sin masticar
- Aparcamos en un vado en la calle Orense [un vado = a ford]
- She was finishing putting on her mascara and her mother was putting her hair into a ponytail. [1. struct of to be finishing X]
- he gave Borja a warm hug [Victor, warm as in affectionate]
- they laughed under their breath**, so as not **to encourage him too much [Exp also = to give [him] false hope] (explain loc exp - fig = under one’s breath + alt exp know]
- I don’t know what happens to all the women that have given birthI know [N = either a woman in labour OR a woman who has given birth]
- Ella terminaba de ponerse rímel y su madre le peinaba una coleta [1. past imp terminar de + inf]
- Le dio un abrazo afectuoso a Borja
- se reían con sordina**, por no **darle muchas alas** [**dar alas a alguien] [sordina = the damper pedal on a piano + por lo bajini]
- No sé qué les pasa a todas las parturientas que conozco
- Tell me, what’s up** **with your thing with Bruno? - What do you mean, + what’s up**? [Explain how use “**what’s up**” exp? **3 uses]
- Are you seeing anyone? [What is the prep which changes the meaning?]
- Exp: Silence means consent?
- I’m trying (or doing) my best! Fuck! [loc vb = to be really trying hard** or **to put in a lot of effort]
- You do it tremendously well.
- To add injury to insult, he must have been putting on his T-shirt … [Exp the expression]
- Dime, ¿de qué va lo tuyo con Bruno? ¿Cómo que + de qué va**? [**¿de qué va?** 1. **What was that for**? 2. **What´s his problem?** 3. **What´s up …?]
- ¿Te ves _co_n alguien? [verse con]
- Exp: ¿Quién calla otorga?
- ¡Pongo todo mi empeño! ¡Joder! [poner mucho empeño + empeño = effort or determination]
- Se te da tremendamente bien
- Para más inri debía de estar poniéndose la camiseta en el pasillo [Para más inri → inri = insult]
- said Lola before approaching Gonzalo to give him a cuddle.
- She’l put you in your place or you’ll soon find yourself with [a] bonnet cleaning her house. [loc exp = to put someone in their place]
- Do you want to have more children some time in the future**? [loc exp or, **at some future date]
- we then had telephone sex, dirty, crude (or rude) and brutal.
- dijo Lola antes de acercarse a Gonzalo para hacerle un arrumaco
- Párale los pies o pronto te encontrarás con cofia limpiándole la casa. [parar los pies a alguien]
- ¿tú quieres tener más hijos el día de mañana?
- Después tuvimos sexo telefónico, sucio, soez y brutal
- a bawling [or bellowing] brought Carmen out of her deep sleep [Q: How change bawling → tantrum?]
- but she couldn’t help being sappy (or namby pamby)
- he slept on his stomach, with his head tilted towards her. (adj ← vb)
- she pulled up her pyjama top and unclasped her bra cup. [What vb - pull up → mean re a car?] (Nb - verb tense = description)
- Borja stroked his little foot and smiled (referrring to baby)
- un berrido sacó a Carmen de su sueño profundo [berrido → berrinche]
- pero no podía evitar ser de ñoña
- dormía boca abajo, con la cabeza ladeada hacia ella (ladeado ← ladear = to tilt or to lean)
- se subía** **la parte de arriba del pijama y se desabrochaba la copa del sujetador [subirse → to get in, eg car]
- Borja le acarició un piececito y sonrió
- What are you doing? - Lola said in a monotone voice
- he was pointing to his crotch, where a bulging erection + was visible through his jeans. [explain - to be visible/show through]
- maybe if he wasn’t kissing her with that horrible alcoholic breath (colq exp)
- in reality it wasn’t a moan. It was more like a whimper.Suddenlyhe stiffened..
- ¿Qué haces? – dijo Lola con un tono de voz monocorde
- se estaba señalando la entrepierna, donde una erección de sobresaliente** + **se marcaba en su pantalón vaquero [marcarse en X - to show through + N, item of clothing eg T-shirt]
- quizá si no la besaba con ese horrible aliento etílico (lit means ethylic ie from ethyl)
- en realidad no era un gemido. Era más bien un quejidito. De pronto se puso tieso …
- she had forgotten her strip of pills
- Are you about to file a harassment complaint against me?
- You´d better keep jerking off in your office thinking about pulling my panties down. (vb to wank + alt vb know)
- I’ll tell** [it] you **straight** (or **straight up** or **point blank + alt exp, know)
- I’ll kick your ass on the way out
- había olvidado su blíster de pastillas
- ¿Estás a punto de ponerme una denuncia por acoso?
- mejor sigue pajeándote en tu despacho pensando en bajarme las bragas (pajearse + cascarsela)
- te lo diré sin rodeos [deci sin rodeos** + **a saco]
- te doy una paliza a la salida
- he was fondling her breasts through her blouse. [vb, involves touching repeatedly, exact meaning depends on context eg to finger, say clothes + 2. What syn already know?]
- It didn’t take long** to feef Jorge’s **thrusting**, **pumping her … [N = thrusting, only if sexual][to pump**, aggressive sex only → **built-in wardrobe → to fasten to the wall]
- One of those who sleeps with someone lightly (or heedlessly)
- You’re a dickhead (or cretin),” she said resentfully [resentment N ← vb 1. to sting (lit) 2. to cause bitterness/upset (fig)]
- It annoyed me to no end** [or **greatly** or **enormously** + What adj ramp up → **supremely]
- sobándole los pechos por encima de la blusa [sobar + manosear]
- No tardó en sentir la embestida de Jorge empotrándola … [→ armario empotrado ← empotrar]
- De esas que se acuestan con alguien a la ligera.
- Eres imbécil – dijo ella con resquemor [resquemor ← resquemar]
- Me fastidio sobremanera [→ soberanamente]
- some black skinny jeans [colq]
- I had pulled my hair back in a ponytail
- I was dressed warmly in a black jacket** [1. vb - **to wear, a loc vb not seen before] [2. jacket, like my Ted Baker or a Sea Captain]
- I have to give a quote** [to them] **for some renovations
- he averted his eyes from the roadway for a moment towards me [Clue - roadway, any paved surface for traffic ie road, avenue etc.HINK paved surface]
- unos pantalones vaqueros pitillo negros
- me había recogido el pelo en una cola de caballo
- iba abrigada con** un **chaquetón negro [ir con]
- Tengo que presupuestarles unas reformas
- desvió los ojos de la calzada un momento hacia mi
- when he told me to help him find a serviced apartment. [CLUE: Italics = NOTE verb tense]
- All things considered (or Given the situation), if I go somewhere else, …
- he took off his trousers and jumped on top of me
- when we had both unburdened ourselves (or vented)(adj ← vb ← vbse explained)
- to keep on rushing around {EXPLAIN - rushing phrase]
- cuando me dijo que le ayudara a encontrar un apartotel
- Visto lo visto, si me voy a otro sitio …
- se quitó el pantalón y se me echó encima
- cuando los dos nos hubimos desfogado (← desfogar con/en = to vent on/at ← desfogarse** = **to let** **off steam, idea a release)
- para seguir por ahí al trote (al trote = at a trot → irse al trote = to go off in a rush)
- I have already made the transfer of my professional** **fees to my account.
- I only have to pay** the cost of the **Land Registry, which will be around 300/400 euros.
- I am enclosing the “Official” [title] deed of the purchase of your property which I picked up yesterday and I paid your sum at the Notary’s office, [N = sum NOT coste o precio as emphasising the amount] [vb - to pay, fml]
- I shall proceed to settlement of the tax payment
- Ya he realizado la transferencia a mi cuenta de mis honorarios
- ya solo queda abonar** el coste del **Registro de la Propiedad que estará en torno a los 300/400 euros
- Te adjunto la escritura“Oficial” de la compra de tu vivienda que ya recogí ayer y aboné su importe en la Notaría, [abonar]
- procederé a la liquidación** del **pago del impuesto
- Carmen now was caught up in other things (loc vb, as in not paying attention)
- its not like I had adopted a puppy [Clue: NOT es como ie no extra word for “like”]
- Nerea would tell her to draw up a detailed plan of all the things she wanted to achieve. [Exp adj ← vb]
- … and a bunch of notes under his arm
- Carmen ahora estaba a otras cosas [estar a otras cosas]
- No es que hubiera adoptado un cachorrito [cachorro = puppy)
- Nerea le diría que diseñase un plan pormenorizado de todas aquellas cosas que quisiera conseguir [adj ← pormenorizar = to describe in detail] [diseñar - think to outline or to sketch etc]
- y un montón de apuntes bajo el brazo
- Do you remember the enormous (or huge) number of things I wanted to do?
- And I’d tell you that I’d end up wanking** [or **jerking off] in a … [Exp: reflex vb → rude vulgar vb]
- Do you expect me to go to*** (or ***come around to) your house with my dick out? - You’re a real pig [real, infml]
- You mean I have to fuck him!? - She asked excited that someone would have given her the go-ahead. [loc vb = to give the okay or go ahead] [NOTE the vb tenses etc]
- ¿Tú te acuerdas de la cantidad ingente de cosas que yo quería hacer?
- Y yo te decía que terminaría cascándome pajas en … [cascarse = to crack → cascarsela** = to wank, here used pajas instead of la]
- ¿Es que esperas que acuda a tu casa con la chorra _fuer_a? - Eres una cerda de cuidado.
- ¿¡Quieres decir que tengo que follármelo!? - Preguntó emocionada porque alguien le diera el visto bueno [dar el visto bueno]
- _You’re seeing_ that you’re becoming older … [which become vb?]
- Loc exp: Don’t spread yourself too thin [Explain exp?]
- The Lola of times gone by would tell you that you’ve become a bed-wetter. [which become vb?]
- Apply yourself to the story
- Victor stayed looking at the phone, deep in thought (or thoughtful) [Clue: stay = a to be vb]
- _Estás viendo_ que te haces _mayo_r …
- Quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta [abarcar = lit, to spread → fig, to take on, eg responsibility]
- La Lola de antes te diría que te has vuelto un mea-camas
- Aplícate el cuento
- Victor se quedó mirando el teléfono, meditabundo.
- I’m going to make you a bit of jealous ... I’m out +** **eating tapas around Granada. (Elvi) [1.Clue: Not a literal transl][2. NOTE struct to be out Xing]
- You’ve chosen the best city in Spain to buy a house.
- Jorge, you and I we have nothing in common** - **Of course, not (ironic). [Ironic exp means the exact opposite, eg we do have things in common]
- Use this ironic exp. 1. It’s not cold. 2. He’s not ugly
- How exp used as an ¡interjection! [What alt exp means the same thing?]
- Voy a darte un poco de envidia… estoy** **de + tapeo por Granada [estar + de tapeo, marcha etc]
- Has eligido la mejor ciudad de España para comrar una casa
- Jorge, tú y yo no tenemos nada que ver**. – **Anda que no.
- ¡Anda que no hace frío (ni nada)! (= hace mucho frío)
- ¡Anda que no es feo (ni nada)! (= es muy feo)
- ¡Anda que no! = Come on! No way! (denota molestia) [Venga ya]