Capitán Riley 02_02 Flashcards
- Fiel a su palabra DE abandonar al espía en una ZANJA junto a la cuneta (long + straight also = trench)(zanjar = 1. to dig UP + to settle, eg resolve a matter)
- Riley iba al volante del vehículo (ir al volante + volante = driving wheel or flying gen.)
- serían repartidos EQUITATIVAMENTE entre (ganancios + beneficios)
- El sol ya frisaba el horizonte (frisar)
- True to his word TO abandon the spy in a DITCH beside the kerb (what type of ditch -> vb + vb = 2x meanings)
- Riley WAS DRIVING the vehicle (exp = to be driving + explain)
- they will be shared EQUITABLY between (ie profits = 2 N)
- The sun was already GETTING CLOSE TO the horizon (vb)
- un terrible dragón custodiaba … (custodiar)
- una ciudad que en su DILATADA historia (from dilatar = to extend, as in to prolong + to dilate)
- se había convertido en un PUJANTE centro comercial (pujante = algo que tiene PUJANZA = vigor, strength)
- se encaminaron hacia la puerta (encaminarse hacia)
- a terrible dragon GUARDED .. (as in watched over, NOT guardar or vigilar)
- a city that in its LONG DRAWN OUT history (explain adj)
- it had turned into a THRIVING commercial centre (explain adj -> N)
- THEY HEADED towards the port (alt to dirigirse a)
- daba paso a la PACÍFICA plaza del (dar paso a)
- seguidos DE CERCA por un gigante MALCARADO
- le costaba IR DEPRISA con sus babuchas (zapatilla)
- A MEDIDA QUE hablaba, iba alzando la voz (a medida = custom built + made to measure (adj))
- GAVE WAY TO the PEACEFUL plaza (exp to give way to)(origin of peaceful ->)
- followed CLOSELY by a GRIM-FACED giant (not so much ugly as face of comeone continually angry)
- he found it hard TO GO QUICKLY with morrocan slippers ie light + no heel (+ gen. slipper)
- WHILE she spoke, she was raising her voice (while = at the same time as, not mientras or al + verb) (what mean without the que)
- Carmen miró EN DERREDOR, imperturbable, y alzó una ceja DISPLICENTE + POR respuesta
1a. en derredor, around as in surrounding
1b. imperturbable, as in unfllappable, impassive or composed - Y tú un arrogante descerebrado
- ¿Pero a qué viene eso?
- la creciente CONCURRENCIA
- Carmen looked AROUND, COOL HEADED, and raised a DISDAINFULL eyebrow IN reply
1a explain arround
1b. explain cool-headed - And you a BRAINLESS arrogant TWIT (read brainless twit together)
- But, where’s that coming from? (natural exp)
- the increasing AUDIENCE (as in spectators, or turnout
- lucía en la BOCAMANGA los galones de sargento
- la multitud daba varios pasos atrás, POR SI LAS MOSCAS (dar un paso atrás)
- alarmados por el inesperado GIRO de los acontecimientos
- ya corría calle abajo como una gacela
4a. a gazelle ie antelope
- wearing sargeants stripes on the CUFF
- the crowd took several steps back JUST IN CASE (coloq exp = por si acaso) (exp = to take a step back)
- alarmed by the unexpected TURN of events
- she was already running down the street like a WHIPPET/hare (ie to run like a really fast animal)
4a. what literally is the fast animal?
1a. La medina de Larache SE PERECÍA A + LA de Tánger
1b. parecer = to seem (eg intelligent, sad) -> parecerSE
A = to resemble (ver semejante
2a. ASÍ COMO el TRASIEGO de personas, animales mercancías
2b. trasiego (N) = BUSTLE, idea of moving around -> TRASEGAR = 1. to move around (1 place to another) + 2. to decant, eg wine
3a. una especie de CHABOLA hecha de PLANCHAS de madera y CHAPA
3b. plank on boat (ganqway) + yoga position = plancha
3b. plank of wood = tabla
1a. Larache’s medina RESEMBLED + THAT of Tanger
1b. ? vb -> vb + extras = to look like, to resemble
2a. AS WELL AS the COMING AND GOING of people, animals and goods
2b. Other meaning for N? + explain vb derivation + 2 meanings.
3a. a type of SHACK made from PLANKS of wood and METAL SHEETS
3b. when word for plank different?
1a. también estaba mucho más SOSEGADO
1b. Un SOSIEGO que SE VIO + HECHO PEDAZOS cuando (hacer pedazos)
2. sin aflojar el paso entraron en tromba en un tetería (entrar como en tromba + tromba = whirlwind)
3. tengo el esquife amarrado aquí mismo
4. SE MECÍA lánguidamente en mitad de la bahía (mecerse = idea move back & forth therefore also swing + manearse = person)
1a. It was also much CALMER (adj)
1b. A TRANQUILITY (N) that was SHATTERED when (vbl exp = to shatter + to tear to pieces)
2. without SLACKENING their pace they BURST into the tearoom (vbl exp - to burst into + explain)
3. I have the SKIFF + MOORED right here
4. it SWAYED languidly in the middle of the bay (to sway + what vb use if a person?)
- ACRIBILLADO con agujeros de bala desde la proa hasta la popa (acribillado -> acribillar (a balazos) = to riddle + colloq = to pester s.o)
- pero solo REPASANDO CON LA MIRADA las apresuradas SOLDADURAS y remaches SE HACÍA EVIDENTE
2b. mirada (N) - repasar (vb) -> repasar con la mirada - cada una de aquellas JUNTURAS
- pon el motor a AVANTE poco
- RIDDLED with bullet holes from prow to stern (riddled with bullet holes) (adj -> vb (with bullets) + vb collq meaning)
2a. but only BY LOOKING OVER the rushed WELDS and rivets BECAME EVIDENT
2b. glance (N) - to glance at, ie look at rapidly(vb) -> to look over (vbl exp) - each of those JOINTS
- put (tu) the motor a little FORWARD
- no tenemos prisa POR llegar a ningún sitio
- Sonrió, girándose a medias (girarse)
- EN FIN, yo ya os he contado mis CORRERÍAS
- DENTRO DE LO QUE CABE hemos tenido suerte
1/ we are in no hurry TO get anywhere (note the prep)
- he smiled HALF turning (vb = to turn around)
- ANYWAY, I have already TOLD you (pl) ABOUT my ESCAPADES (note the vb and how diff to Engl)
- ALL THINGS CONSIDERED we’ve been lucky
- Jack SE REMOVIÓ inquieto en la silla (removerse - to toss and turn + to fidget, idea is to move much)
- me temo que las BOMBAS de ACHIQUE no darán abasto (dar abasto)
- Pero el gallego parecía REACIO a hablar
- y CON DESGANA volvió a sentarse
- Jack shifted uneasily in his chair (vb + explain)
- I fear that the BILGE + PUMPS won’t COPE (vb - to keep up OR to be enough, idea is to sufficient for the task)
- But the Galician seemed RELUCTANT to speak (reluctant ie unwilling or opposed to do
- and RELUCTANTLY sat back down (an alt exp to 3.)
1a. Déjate de RODEOS -> rodeo (N) = detour
1b. dejar de (stop) -> dejarse de (cuentos) = infml spoken
2. creemos que, A TENOR DE lo que hemos descubierto … (tomando en cuenta)
3. hojas de papel MECANOGRAFIADO -> mecanografiar
4. Alex SE ECHÓ HACIA ATRÁS en la silla, entrecerró los ojos y se masajeó las sienes
5. No te sigo.
1a. Stop BEATING AROUND THE BUSH + explain N
1b. explain stop, like cut the (crap)
2. we believe that, BASED ON what we have discovered … (+ alt exp?)
3. sheets of TYPED paper ->to type or to type out (vb)
4. Jack LEANT BACK (infml) in his chair, half shut his eyes and massaged his temples
5. I don´t follow.
- tratando de INSUFLAR calma a su tono de voz (insulfar = to breathe (eg air, life) into, from a medical term)
- Antes de que Riley formulara la pregunta, Jack se apresuró a PRECISAR
- Jack puso su ROLLIZA + MANAZA sobre el mapa (orondo)
4a. TRAZABA una línea recta que comenzaba en Las Azores y SE DESPLAZABA hacía el oeste hasta
4b. desplazarse = to go or to travel or to move = trasladarse = viajar
- trying to INJECT calm INTO the tone of his voice + explain vml vb (used metaphorically here)
- Before Riley could ask the question, Jack RUSHED to CLARIFY (by being more specific, NOT aclarar or clarificar).
- Jack put his CHUBBY (infml) BIG HAND on the map (+ what fml adj = chubby)
- TRACING a straight line that started in the AZORES and TRAVELLED towards the west until
4a. explain to travel vb + 2 alt vb
- Ministerio de Hacienda
- los bombardeos nocturnos alemanes llevados a cabo por los Heinkel XX
3a. una pequeña lámpara de mesa ARROJABA ALGO DE LUX SOBRE ….
3a. arrojar = tirar (to throw) + arrojar algo de luz sobre = shed some light on, as in aclarar (fig)
4a. una botella de whisky apenas ESTRENADA
4b. estrenar = wear or use for the 1st time -> sin estrenar = unused + unworn or brand new
- Tax office or Inland Revenue (organismo recaudatorio)
- the nightly german bombing raids carried out by the Heinkel XX (nightly, as in at night NOT every nigh)
3a. the small table lamp THREW SOME LIGHT ON …
3b. vb = other vb + verbal exp = what figuratively?
4a. a whiskey bottle barely OPENED
4b. explain opened (not abrir)
- Déjese de FORMULISMO, Steve
- ¿Llevó a cabo la misión que le fue ENCOMENDADA?
- ESPARCIENDO una lluvia de cenizas sobre la mesa
- destruyan SIN MEDIAR + AVISO cualquier nave con las características del Pingarrón
- Cut the FORMALITY, Steve (as in stop it) (said Winston C)
- Did you carry out the mission I entrusted to you?
- SCATTERING a shower of ash on the table (when he moved his hand holding the cigar)
- destroy WITHOUT (exp) + WARNGIN (N) any ship with the characteristics of the Pingarrón
- DIO una profunda calada al cigarro y exhaló VOLUTAS de humo (voluta = a spiral or scroll)
- estarán buscando alguna piedra bajo la que esconderse
3a. pero no olvide que SE TRATA DE un simple puñado de contrabandistas
3b. tratarse de = TO BE, when referring to something mentioned
- he TOOK a deep puff-drag of his cigar and exhaled WHISPS of smoke (what N norm mean?)
- they will be looking for some rock to hide under (Note the structure)
3a. but don’t forget that they ARE just a BUNCH of smugglers. (bunch as in handful ie few)
3b Why that verb for are? (not estar or ser)