Shackleton 02_02A Flashcards
1a. He shoved the magazine as best he could in his trouser pocket (explain vb)
1b. Yes you could, but should you. (expression, ie but not advisable then pero + reasons)
2. you live the fantasies typical of a little boy
3. you can get that poppycock out of your head (ie nonsense)(clue: said re an impertinent statement)
1a. Arrebujó la revista como pudo en el bolsillo del pantalón (arrebujar = to jumble things together + to tuck in a kid)
1b. Como poder, se puede.
2. vives fantasías propias de un chiquillo
3. puedes quitarte estas majaderías de tu cabeza
- the Norwegian replied, in crude English (as in rough, uneducated)
- shortly before + arriving she had been contemplating the filthy buildings (clue: arrive only 4 a port)
- piled up waiting [FOR] to be stripped of their flesh and grease (clue: las ballenas)
- dozens of men were toiling away stripping them, dismembering them (clue: to make a great effort)
- replicó el noruego, en un inglés basto
- poco antes de + arribar había contemplado los edificios mugrientos
- se apilaban a la espera de de que les arrancaran la carne y la grasa
- decenas de hombres se afanaban arrastrándolos, descuartizándolas
- I’m sure that I will be able to take some photos (clue: an indeterminant quantity)
- the faces of the inhabitants (alt to habitante)
- Who would want to venture in there?
- pointing at an avalanche + coming down one of the slopes
- estoy seguro de que podré hacer unas cuantas fotos
- los rostros de los moradores
- ¿Quién va a querer aventurarse ahí dentro?
- señalando un alud que descendía por una de laderas
- a stony face
- he had been carved out of a rock
- it offered such a stark contrast to London (clue: adj = tremendous)
- It’s just that … I didn’t decide [it] by myself
- un rostro pétreo
- lo habían esculpido en una roca
(Esculpir cf escupir - to spit) - ofrecía un contraste tan mayúsculo + con el Londres
- Es solo que … no lo decidí uno mismo
1a. The opposite to what usually happened to her in the hovels/shacks.
1b. Contrast N 4 a slum dwelling cf a slum area
2. said the guy who must have been Shackleton
3. the steamed up windows (also misty)
4. they are payable + on return (los 200 libras)
- Al contrario de lo que solía sucederle en los tugurios
1b. tugurio = chabola = slum (house) BUT arrabales = barrio bajo = slum(s) (area) - dijo el tipo que debía de ser Shackleton
- los cristales empañados (empañar/se = to mist up/ fog up CF empapar = to drench)
- son pagaderas + a la vuelta
- his tobacco pipe
- I also know how to get out of + jams (What N lit mean?)
- I’ve been managing to survive for years in … (vb - to manage)
- a crust of bread
- su cachimba de tabaco
- también sé salir de + atolladeros (atolladero = quagmire + morass)
- llevo años apañomelas para sobrevivir en … (apañarselas)
- un mendrugo de pan
- the beggars invade the streets (clue: alt to mendigo)
- its almost impossible to find a nook and cranny (ie a hidden corner)
3a. she got scared he saw the look on his face
3b. to frighten -> to get scared (clue: An A-vb but atemorizar or asustar)
3c. N = facial expression
- los pordioseros invaden las calles
- es casi imposible encontrar un recoveco
- ella se amedrentó al ver su semblante
3b. amedrentar -> amedrentarse
3c. semblante
- the ship’s rigging + what N de cabello?
- the dock workers/stevedors on the dock (N -> vb origin)
- they wasted + coal and had to burn the word from the dog kennels
- trying to hide the limp (what 2 vbs = to limp?)
- los aparejos del barco (tack)
- los estibadores en el muelle (estibar = to stow)
- han malgastado carbón y han tenido que quemar la madera de las perreras
- tratando de ocultar la renquera = cojera (renquear SAmer = cojear Esp)
- with sparse and thinning hair that barely covered his broad forehead
- That is an outrage! (explain vb origin)
- the emotion crawled its way up from her stomach (clue: to go up on all 4 limbs = clamber + what mean if insects?)
- If any of you gentlemen would like us to polish your boots.
- con pelo escaso y ralo que apenas cubría su frente amplia
- ¡Eso es un ultraje! (ultrajar = to afront, ie insult gravely)
- la emoción le trepaba desde el estómago (trepar) (creep if insects)
- Si alguno de los señores desea que le lustremos las botas (lustrar)
- it was the illness which afflicted the villian/rogue (rare term)
- a drunken man fell overboard
- I will take over the captain´s task/mission (clue - think assume)
- which was + excruciating for his leg (clue - 4 was think end of process)
- era el mal que aquejaba al sollastre (aquejar)
- un hombre borracho cayó por la borda
- yo asumiré el cometido de capitán
- lo que resultó lacerante para su pierna
1a. which he took off as soon as he saw him
1b. explain as soon as struct?
2. six pounds a week is rather parsimonious (clue: think frugal or sparse ie the adj’s other meanings)
3. Take it or leave it.
4a. the Australian stroked his chin (ie when thinking)
4b. he pulled his hair out (as in fig in desperation + lit with his hands)
1a. que se quitó nada más verle
1b. nada más + inf
2. seis libras a la semana es algo parco
3 O lo toma, o la deja
4a. El australiano se mesó la barbilla
4b. se mesa los cabellos
Get the crab ready! (clue: vb = to get ready, as in to prepare)
2a. it made him feel butterflies in his stomach (clue: not lit)
2b. what does N mean in other contexts? - Keep digging! (clue: keep as in continue)
- the squat and cranky school headmaster (squat, as in short ant thickset)
- ¡Alistad la cangreja! (alistar)
2a. le hizo sentir un hormigueo en el estómago
2b. hormigueo = a tingling, a prickly sensation -> hormiguear = to tingle, to prickle (ie experience X) - ¡Sigan cavando!
- el director rechoncho y cascarrabias de su escuela
- those bums that roam the port in search of floozies
- They emptied out the contents on the chair (vb = to knock over + to turn over, so contents fall out)
- the pain from the bump to the head
- with the end of a thick wet rope (not soga, but the big thick ropes on boats)
- esos haraganes que recorren el puerto en busca de mujerzuelas
- volcaron el contenido sobre la silla (volcar)
- el dolor del topetazo
- con el cabo de una maroma húmeda
- he was about to + throw him overboard (clue: alt vb to tirar)
- the wretched (or damned) Cape Horn
- Zara shuddered when … (vb = shudder-shiver, from fear + what mean if not reflexive?)
- he gave Blackborow a shove, who fell to the floor
- estuvo a punto de + arrojarle + por la borda
- el condenado cabo de Hornos
- Zara se estremeció cuando … (estremecer = to shake eg por un temblor = tremor)
- le propinó un empellón a Blackborow, que cayó al suelo
- on the ice floe (a floating sheet of ice)
- when we were lost in a blizzard (clue: not perdido, think immersed)
3a. he stumbled (or staggered) out (clue: prep loc = to do with difficulty + in fits and starts)
3b. he pushed the men in the direction of the tarpaulins - We were going to take them as spares (backup)
- en el témpano de hielo
- cuando estamos inmersos en una ventisca
3a. salió a trompicones
3b. empujó a los hombres en dirección a las lonas - Las íbamos a llevar de repuesto