1356 Flashcards
- sword in his belt, while the remaining rider. B. explain the “al hombro” structure?
- the bitter wind that was blowing in the gorge/pass (ie a narrow break in the mountains)
- in the vicinity of the tower
- the village in the dip (as in the fold, in the hills)
- bundles of herbs (as in, a bunch of things together)
- espada al cinto, en tanto que el jinete restante … B. la preposición ‘a’ se usa para expresar el lugar y, a su vez, el modo de llevar algo en el cuerpo; en algunos contextos puede alternar con la preposición ‘en’.
- el crudo viento que soplaba en el desfiladero
- en las proximidades de la torre
- el pueblo en la hondonada
- manojos de hierbas
- Shelter the horses, walk them, brush them … [Vb as in, give shelter to]
- Praise be to god (or, Praise the lord). He’s alive.
- … the smoke swirled around in the room. B. to swirl around
- worn out (or threadbare) carpets
- two wooden chests
- Guarece a los caballos. Paséalos, cepillalos … [guaracer a]
- Alabado sea Díos, está vivo.
- … el humo se arremolinaba en la habitación. B. arremolinar
- alfombras raídas
- dos cofres de madera
- his grim presence
- they hobnobbed with the rich B. to rub shoulders with
- they used it as a beacon B. to use as a X
- a heartless + rogue
- men are argumentative (or quarrelsome)
- su torva presencia
- se codeaban con los ricos B. codearse con
- le sirvieron de + almenara B. servir de
- un granuja + impío
- los hombres son pendencieros
- a bishops staff B. Describe it.
- the dead wore the golden merlon. B. It’s a type of hawk
- the corpses were skewered (also speared by some arrows. B. What vb mean re a needle? What idea of vb?
- he went stumbling down the street B. loc vb = to stumble
- the women screamed (or shrieked)
- un báculo de obispo B. One of those catholic ones with curved circular top.
- los muertos llevaban el esmerejón dorado B. el halcón
- los cadáveres estaban ensartados por unas flechas B. ensartar = to thread, as in to pass through s.th.
- se fue calle abajo dando traspiés B. dar un traspié
- las mujeres chillaban
- a man IN dark livery
- then they all got shit faced
- he knelt down B. loc vb = to kneel down C. reg vb = to kneel
- the short feathered metallic darts empendolated with strips of crossbowmen’s leather B. vb = to put feather’s on an arrow
- “a war party” B. What N more generally mean?
- un hombre CON librea oscura
- luego se ponen todos como un cubA
- se hincó de rodillas B. hincarse de rodillas, una rodilla = a knee C. arrodillarse
- los dardos cortos metálicos empendolados con tiras de cuero de ballesteros B. empendolar
- “un cuadrilla de guerra” B. a gang or crew of workers
- the battlements of the castle
- the birds nesting in the fissures (or cracks, in hard surface not all way) of the war. B. vb to nest
- the cloud of smoke (as in, lots) and the fire
- the intestines splattered all over the stones of the patio. B. vb usually means re liquid?
- a plaintive (or whiny) sobbing
- las almenas del castillo
- … los pájaros anidados en las hendiduras del muro. B. anidar
- la humareda y el fuego
- los intestinos desparramados por las piedras del patio B. desparramar = to spill
- un sollozo quejumbroso
- he will slit your belly (as in, to slit a throat)
- … he wore [A] coat of mail, breastplate and greaves.
- he slowed his horse’s pace B. to slow (down), as in reduce speed
- the walls of the city were crumbling/collapsing. B. What vb fig mean?
- … amongst all that dross (refer to thing). B. what mean if refer to people?
- te rayará el vientre
- … llevaba cota de malla, peto y grebas
- aminoró el paso de su caballo B. aminorar
- las murallas de la ciudad se desmoronaban B. desmoronarse = to fall apart, as in to have a breakdown
- … entre toda esa escoria. B. scum
- his men stripped off their armour B. to strip off (or take off) clothes
- the pigs were rooting in amongst the trunks
- blood dripped on her tattered (as in shreds) clothes/clothing
- From there the road ran straight down the hill(side) to X
- his expression betrayed nothing B. Explain loc vb
- sus hombres se despojaron de la armadura B. despojarse de
- los cerdos hozaban entre los troncos (hozar)
- la sangre goteó sobre su vestido + hecho jirones
- Desde allí el camino transcurría recta ladera abajo hasta X
- su expresión no dejó traslucir nada B. no dejar traslucir -> traslucir = to show o.s. (or to reveal)
- he was preaching nonsense [NOT tonterias] … B. the friars were preachers C. to preach
- the overhangs of the houses B. Alt N?
- a standard-bearer rode beside the men-at-arms
- some filthy/dirty and matted rags
- … it will peel off like a whore’s scabs
- estaba predicando disparates … B. los frailes eran predicadores C. predicra
- los voladizos de las casas B. saliente
- un portaestandarte cabalgaba junto a los hombres de armas
- unos harapos mugrientes y apelmazados
- … se pelará como las costras de una puta
- I would hold him prisoner to collect a ransom.
- I swore an oath
- they had their horses tied to stakes about a hundred yards away. [stake, a sharpened pole]
- they were riding steeds
- to avoid running into/coming across strangers
- lo retendría para cobrar un rescate
- hice un juramento [hacer un juramento]
- tenían los caballos atados a unas estacas a unas cien yardas de distancia
- iban montado corceles
- para evitar toparse con desconocidos
- a talkative woman
- but anyway I thought X was a strange man
- una mujer parlanchina
- pero de todos modos creía que X era un hombre estraño