Julia Navarro Flashcards
- to smarten oneself up
- a wasteland eg Palenstine
- her scrunched-up handwriting
- I see you haven’t had your tea and it’s gone cold.
- If it’s not too much trouble
- asearse
- un erial
- su letra apiñada
- Veo no SE ha tomado el té y se le ha quedado frío
- Si no es mucha molestia
- vb = to take away, how remember?
- His answers were evasive.
- Ahmed urged on his mother-in-law. B. Vb has an edge of threaten to it, what else mean eg if police say it?
- they were determined to cultivate that land
- it only brought/gave them headaches
- arrebatar = to grab, hence also to take away.
- Sus respuestas eran esquivas.
- Ahmed conminó a su suegra. conminar = to order
- estaban empeñados en cultivar aquella tierra
- sólo les traía quebraderos de cabeza
- the distance that Ahmed was determined to put between them. [Clue: NOT estar + part.]
- the end of the journey undertaken [Clue: not viaje or desplazamiento]
- the milk and honey didn’t pour forth that the bible promised. [Clue: reverse order] B. vb idea of to flow, liquid
- in his heart of hearts [or deep down] he knew that ….
- she would roll up her skirt showing her calf whilst clearing out/weeding weeds. B. What vb = show mean in a classroom?
- La distancia que Ahmed se empeñaba en poner entre los dos
- el final de camino emprendido
- No manaba la leche y la miel que prometía la Biblia. B. manar
- en su fuero íntimo sabía que …
- se remangara la falda enseñando la pantorrilla mientras desbrozaba hierbas B. to teach
- The lithuanian pretended not to know/notice. B. What loc vb mean w/o “no”?
- Samuel immediately got along well with X, but found it harder to get along with Y. [2 alts to llevarse bien]
- those spendthrift/wasteful (perj) and insensitive aristocrats
- … she had inherited from his mother and she from hers, and so on.
- the yoke of the Tzar
- La lituana no se daba por enterada … (no darse por enterado) B. darse por enterado = to acknowledge
- Samuel simpatizó de inmediato con X, pero le costó más congeniar con Y.
- aquellos aristócratas manirrotos y insensibles
- … … había heredado de su madre y ésta de la suya, y así sucesivamente.
- el yugo del zar
- Samuel’s words fell on deaf ears.
- Neither X nor Y objected to her staying with them.
- a mutiny on the battleship Potemkin B. what N re battleship mean if adj?
- there are skirmishes with the Arabs
- Samuel shuddered.
- Las palabras de Samuel caían en saco roto.
- Ni X ni Y pusieron reparos a QUE se quedara con ellos. [poner reparos a algo]
- un motín en el acorazado Potemkin B. acorazado (adj) = armoured
- hay escaramuzas con las árabes
- Samuel se estremeció.
- Most certainly or Of course, yes [response to request for help]
- a dangerous opponent
- … very commendable of you.
- Frase hecha: s/he’s just going through the motions, nothing more. B. Explain the 2 vbs
- there was a hint of [a] plea that they not leave her alone
- Desde luego que sí.
- un contrincante peligroso
- … muy loable por su parte
- Trata de cubrir un trámite, nada más. B. Tratar de = to be about, cubrir un trámite = to do s.th without interest
- había un deje de súplica para que no la dejaron sola
- Don’t be [a] matchmaker.
- As for the future, …
- even if it was as trivial as whether or buy a hoe or not [word order diff]
- I know you are fond of him. [polite]
- Samuel didn’t scrimp on (or spare) a single gramm of the morphine dose
- No seas casamentera.
- En cuanto al porvenir, …
- aunque sea tan nimio como comprar o no una azada
- Sé que le tienes afecto
- Samuel no **escatimó **ni un gramo de la dosis de morfina
- It’s good for you to regain your strength (eg chicken soup). B. What else loc exp mean?
- You take it for granted
- that knife is very sharp
- he allowed his wife to strut around (or swagger) like a man
- Blessed be eg his name
- Es bueno que reponga fuerzas B. reponer fuerzas = to recharge your batteries, use when person needs to recover.
- Da usted por sentado [dar por sentado]
- ese cuchillo está muy afilado
- permitía que su esposa se pavoneara como si fuera un hombre [pavonearse]
- Loado sea
- X contributed to his nephew’s support/care.
- X and Y joined the funeral procession. B. Explain procession N? What else?
- they learned to be wary of Jews
- he behaved like the best host, trying to please his guests. B. trying to do X
- The mayority faithless (or ungodly, adj)
- X contribuía a la manutención de su sobrino.
- X y Y se sumaron al cortejo fúnebre [sumarse] B. People that accompany HENCE also entourage
- aprendieron a recelar de los judíos
- se comportaba como el mejor anfitrión procurando complacer a sus invitados. B procurar
- La mayoría impíoS
- It doesn’t matter. You’ll leave tomorrow. B. Alt exp?
- Do you want everyone gossiping about her? [As in, talk behind s.o’s back]
- X is always nosing around/prying into everyone else’s life.
- His wife listened mesmerized (fig).
- olive tree -> olives -> olive grove -> olive mill
- Tanto da. Te irás mañana. B. Da igual, to indicate indifference to what other person wants.
- ¿Quires que todos murmuren sobre ella?
- X siempre está fisgoneando en la vida de lo demás. [fisgonear]
- Su esposa le escuchaba maravillada.
- el olivo -> aceitunas -> olivar -> almazara
- I don’t want to dampen your joy [idea of vb is to tarnish]
- The doctor gave him a liquid to drink
- He was evasive with his parents [CLUE: re “to be” THINK “show/reveal”]
- Thanks to Dinah’s wheeling and dealing/jiggery pokery. [IDEA: shady dealings]
- She wanted to show off INFRONT OF/BEFORE her sister-in-law the prominence her son seemed to have acquired.
- No quiero empañar vuestra alegría
- El médico le dio a beber un liquido
- Se mostró esquivo con sus padres
- Gracias a las tejemanejes de Dina.
- Querría presumir ANTE su cuñada de la relevancia que parecía haber adquirido su hijo.
- Overcoming her usual idleness, X organised a meal.
- You can tell me what you think, I won’t tell anyone.
- All the sacrifices and heartaches/troubles had been little enough to enable Mohamed to study.
- She hadn’t expected that the conversation would go this way.
- She felt drained (as in, exhausted).
- Venciendo su habitual desidia, X organizó una comida.
- Puedes decirme lo que piensas, no se lo diré a nadie.
- Todos los sacrificios y sinsabores habían sido pocos para que Mohamed pudiera estudiar.
- No esperaba que la conversación fuera por estos derroteros [ir por estos derroteros, derrotero = a path or a direction, as in a course to follow]
- Se sentía extenuada.
- Although he noticed her unease, … B. I’m not uncomfortable C. What mean N on own?
- My husband always held you in great esteem.
- Samuel came out troubled (or distressed) B. Explain adj -> N?
- after a long walk …
- The conversation WAS harder THAN he imagined.
- Aunque la nota a disgusto, … B. No estoy a desgusto. C. disgusto = annoyance
- Mi esposo siempre te tuvo en gran estima.
- Samuel salió apesadumbrado. B. que siente/muestra pesadumbre = grief/sorrow
- después de una larga caminata
- La conversación RESULTABA más áspera DE LO QUE imaginaba.
- …, maybe [a] bit too fussy/particular and a little effete, but …
- You don’t realise HOW effeminate he is.
- unpaved streets
- a ramshackle (or rundown) town
- A short while after Mijail had a dozen students.
- …, acaso demasiado remilgado y un poco amanerado, pero …
- No te das cuenta de LO afeminado que es.
- calles sin empedrar
- un pueblo destartalado
- Al poco tiempo Mijaíl tenía una docena de alumnas.
- What do you intend to do?
- The merchants were about to open their shops. B. to get ready or be about to, as in have the intention to do X.
- The pomp (as in ostentation with which the Pasha surrounded himself.
- X had pretty much PUT them in a crossroads. B. Loc vb = what significance?
- It’s a Japanese probver that basically SAYS …
- He ended up in jail
- ¿Qué pretendes hacer?
- Los comerciantes se disponían A abrir sus tiendas. B. disponerse A
- el boato del que se rodeaba el pachá.
- X venìa a situatarles en una encrucijada. B. venir a + inf =the notion of culmination and approximation
- Es un refrán japonés, que viene a DECIR que … [Idea of approx. more impt]
- Vino a DAR con sus huesos en la carcel [Idea of culmination more impt]