1356 02 Flashcards
- it doesn’t matter as long as he has a good brain B. Grammar pt?
- he was gazing rapt (or entranced) at X. 2. Adj <- origin vb
- Y looked at the prince sarcastically [Struct: adj = con + N] B. N -> adj
- … your glee is unseemly
- he had [] bony + features with sunken eyes
- no importa siempre y cuando tengA un buen cerebro B. siempre y cuando + Subj
- estaba mirando embelesado a X B. embelesar = to captivate
- X miró al principe con socarronería B. socarronamente
- vuestro [tu] regocijo es indecoroso
- poseía UNAS facciones + huesudas con ojos hundidos
- I could cross that barrier in my sleep. B. Struct: I could do X in my sleep
- farmland turned into [a] guagmire (or bog)
- he spurred the reluctant beast so that it would go up the slope B. adj <- N = reluctance (or unwillingness) C. to be reluctant to do X
- the rain bounced off [] his helmet
- X, just like his entourage, preferred to speak in French
- podría cruzar aquella barrera hasta durmiendo B. podría + vb do X + hasta durmiendo
- tierraS de labranza convertidas en ciénagaS
- espoleó a la renuente bestia para que subiera la cuesta B. renuente <- la renuencia C. ser reacio a + vb
- la lluvia rebotaba EN su casco
- X , al igual que su séquito, prefería hablar en francés
- They were wading in a northerly direction towards X. B. to wade (or to ford), as in to cross a current on foot
- A group of soldiers trudged northwards … B. how get trudged?
- … his army bivouacked on the higher ground. B. to bivouac or to camp out
- … it was followed after a few seconds by A roll of [] thunder
- the wind picked up. B. to worsen (or to strengthen) as in, weather -> to intensify/to pick up
- Iban vadeando en dirección norte hacia X. B. vadear -> un vado = a ford
- Un grupo de soldados avanzaron penosamente hacia el norte … B. avanzar + penosamente = with difficulty (or laboriously)
- … su ejército vivaqueaba en los terrenos más elevados B. vivaquear
- … fue seguido al cabo de unos segundos por EL retumbo de UN trueno.
- el viento arreció. B. arreciar -> arreciarSE
- The riders poured out (as in, to leave in a large group) B. in droves or en masse
- a horse reared up [to rear up]
- the women mounted on nags
- a group of horses that “were being watered” in the stream. B. to water or give a drink to.
- … mooing cows because they needed to be milked, … B. to milk
- Los jinetes salieron en tropel [salir en tropel]. B. en tropel
- un caballo piafaba [piafar]
- las mujeres montadas en rocines
- un grupo de caballos a los que “estaban abrevando” en el riachuelo. B. abrevar
- …vacas mugiendo porque necesitaban ser ordeñadas, … B. ordeñar
- … the horsemen had appeared at the edge of the grove on the other side of a stretch of pasture.
- … the French were travelling with the same speed (or swiftness)
- The hunters had ended up being the hunted.
- In that case, he too was going to spring/launch his own trap (or decoy)
- To me it tastes OF/LIKE cat’s piss (ie wine)
- … los jinetes habían aparecido al borde de la arboleda al otro lado de un extensión de pastos.
- … los frances viajaban con la misma presteza.
- Los cazadores habían resultado ser los cazados.
- En tal caso, el también iba a lanzar su señuelo.
- A mi me sabe A pis de gatos.
- You’ve got to be better. If not (or otherwise) you’re dead. B. 2 Alt ways to say “If not”?
- the pike had a thick wooden shaft
- the head is weighted with lead …
- … … on the opposite side a hooked + spike.
- X flexed his ankle and his face winced WITH pain B. to flinch/wince -> to annoy/get on one’s nerves -> tension [N]
- Tú tienes que ser mejor. De lo contrario, estás muerto. B. Si no, or Si no es así,
- la alarbarda tiene una asta gruesa de madera…
- … la cabeza está lastrada con plomo
- … … en el lado opuesto un pincho + ganchudo.
- X flexionó un tobillo y crispó el rostro de dolor. B. crisparSE -> crispar -> crispación
- the main body of the army …
- … crossed a HIGH wooded mountain. [CLUE: more precise word than alto]
- … it was covered in vineyards; rows of thick (or dense) vines.
- … wineskins were being passed around.
- … they could engage in a battle and win it. B. What vb mean re an argument or difficult situation?
- el grueso principal del ejército …
- … cruzado una ELEVADA cordillera boscoso.
- … estaba cubierta de viñedos; hileras de vides tupidas.
- … se iban pasando odres de vino
- …podrían enzarzarse en una batalla y ganarla. B. to get involved in or to get embroiled in
- … the flag hung limp(ly) IN the windless heat. B. What adj mean re hair?
- … he took his helmet and placed it on top of his chainmail hood [to put on, only clothes]
- his squire helped him lower the lance
- the steeds had blood spattered horse blankets
- he had dropped the flail [a threshing farm instrument, looks like a nunchuka]
- … la bandera colgaba lacia bajo el calor sin viento. B. lacio (adj) = straight
- … tomó el casco y se lo encajó encima de su capucha de malla [encajarse algo]
- su escudero le ayudó A calar la lanza
- los corceles tenían las gualdrapas salpicadas de sangre
- había soltado el mayal
- Thomas rounded a bend in the valley, he saw a river lined with willows … B. vb = to bend or curve eg the road bends/turns to the right
- there were a couple of darkened + hovels/shacks …
- hidden by a spur of wooded ground … B. What N mean if by water?
- two crows/ravens flew across the river
- he thought grimly
- Thomas torció por un recodo del valle, vio un río bordeado de sauces … B. torcer Elj. el camino tuerce a la derecha.
- había un par de casuchas + oscurecidas …
- oculto por un espólón de terreno boscoso … B. an embankment or sea wall
- dos cuervos cruzaron el rio volando
- él pensó con aire sombrío
- The arrow HIT Sculley square/right/directly in the breastplate. [Clue: NOT pegar]
- … another man older and [with] greying hair.
- … you’re hindering/hampering our duties.
- … the earl “ridiculed/mocked” this demand/claim with a guffaw/cackle. [Clue: NOT carcajada]
- … but instead he had the good sense to agree.
- La flecha ALCANZÓ a Sculley de lleno en el peto
- … otro hombre de más edad y el pelo entrecano.
- … estáis entorpeciendo nuestras obligaciones.
- … el conde “se burló de” esta reinvidicación con una risotada.
- … pero en cambio tuvo el tino de asentir.
- the red reflection of the English bonfires
- the archers were too deadly (or lethal)
- he grumbled inwardly (or to himself) B. vb = to grumble, as in to complain
- and now he would again give him a pep talk. B. to give s.o. a pep talk <- vb = to rouse
- he had a reputation FOR having a short fuse (or being quick tempered) but he managed to control his anger
- el reflejo rojo de las fogatas inglesas
- los arqueros eran demasiado mortíferos
- gruñó para sus adentros B. gruñir
- y ahora volvería a soltarle una arenga B. soltar una arenga a alguien <- arengar
- tenía fama de irascible pero que logró controlar su ira
- crossed a rugged (or uneven) strip of grassland [key idea is “difficult” to cross]
- the slope of **valley **(or the river basin) or on their left was steep (or sheer, as in very steep)
- the nearer slope was covered with vine terraces upto to a wide plain (ie flatland)
- a hedge 10 feet wide hedge that an impassable thicket of brambles formed …
- mistletoe hung from the branches of the oak trees … wild pear trees and juniper trees
. cruzaron una escabrosa franja de pastos
2. la ladera de la hoya estaba a su izquierda era empinada
3. la pendiente más cerca estaba cubierta por bancales de vid hasta una amplia planicie
4. un seto de una anchura de 10 pies que formaba un matorral infranqueable de zarzas
5. el muérdago colgaba de las ramas de los robles … castaños, perales silvestres y enebros
- he let his mount quench his thirst B. What vb mean formally -> it’s general idea
- [the horses] they splashed around a bit [to splash around]
- Somewhere in that tangled mess (also imbroglio) there is an army, but nobody knew for sure B. vb loc = to know for sure
- loc exp: one swallow does not make a summer
- dejo que su montura aplacara su sed B. to placate (fml) -> to calm s.th
- chapoteaban un poco por aqui [chapotear]
- En algún lugar de aquella maraña había un ejército frances, pero nadia sabía a ciencia cierta dónde … B. saber a ciencia cierta
- un golondrino no hace verano
- “They must + think that” we will try to cross the river and they intend to block said escape route.
- … they strung their bows. [to string]
- we have an opportunity to slip away before they realise
- … he was a man experienced IN war and wary of the archers. B. Adj <- vb origin
- It is still night. [CLUE: a prep that not in Eng]
- “Deben de + pensar que” intentaremos cruzar el río y pretenden bloquear dicha ruta de escapa.
- … encordaron los arcos. [encordar]
- tenemos una posibilidad de escabullirnos antes de que se den cuenta
- … Era un hombre avezado EN la guerra y receleba de los arqueros B. Adj <- avezarse = to be become accustomed to
- Aún es de noche.
- … it would have been a waste of words, just like the prayers of B
- I rolled up my skirt and the ford wasn’t deep. B. to roll up one’s sleeves
- the foot soldiers couldn’t wield (or use, as in “make use of”) long lances
- it had taken 4 hours TO attire him in/with the steel plates
- a greyish world
- … hubiera sido un derroche de palabras, igual que las plegarias de B
- me remangué la falda y el vado no era profundo. B. remangarse
- los soldados DE a pie no pueden esgrimir lanzas largas
- habían tardado 4 horas EN ataviarle con las placas de acero [fml: ataviar a alguien con algo]
- un mundo agrisado
- the carts, wagons [long, low, 2 or 4 wheels], and covered wagons [large, 2 wheels, covered, pulled by horses] …
- … was covered with some cloth held in place (or fastened) with straps. B. adj <- vb
- the uneven PATH that passed + along the northern bank of the river. B. What diff N cf “orilla”?
- the damned Frenchies
- So, the retreat was underway (as in, in the process of being realised). B. What diff with Así que?
- los carros, carretas y carromotos …
- … iba cubierto con unas telas sujetas con correas. B. sujeto [Adj] <- sujetar [vb]
- el SENDERO desigual que transcurría + a lo largo de la ribera norte del rio B. “ribera” only re river, “orilla” is wider term re edge of s.th eg can be “seashore”
- los malditos franchutes
- Así pues, se estaba llevando a cabo la retirada. B. Asi pues = loc adv re consequence. Así que = loc adv = as soon as+ subj OR loc conj re consequence.
- loc exp: the cart was bouncing (around) along the road. B. to bounce around
- “LOC EXP”: they attacked “IN ALL DIRECTIONS” with swords
- … he had a free rein to wreak havoc
- … he dug in the spurs and SET OFF at a charge. B. Order: Charge!
- … the arrows that had triangular metal heads and barbs at the tip B. What 1st N usually mean? C. What purpose of the barb?
- el carro fue dando botes por el camino B. dar bote
- arremetieron “A DIESTRO Y SINIESTRO” con espadas
- … él tenía rienda suelta para causar estragos
- … clavó las espuelas y PARTIÓ a la carga. ¡A la carga!
- … las flechas que tenían el casquillo triangular y engorras en la punta. B. a casing around s.th eg. a bullet cartridge C. If pull out cause more damage