What are the challenges against divine command theory? Flashcards
What is the eurythpo dilemma?
Is moral obligations independent of god. Some actions are right or wrong independent of gods commands, might nit be agreeable to all therefore this could be not a moral realist obligation, not a universal truth. Non-Ethical naturalist.
What does the dilemma suggest about gods character?
if god is indecent of morality god isn’t omnipotent If god os morality then god could command killing babies as wrong and this would be right.Could suggest ge Moore intutitionism objection that whatever is right will always be right, humans instantly know whatever is right and wrong through intuitionism.
What did plato say about god?
“what is piety?” is piety doing whatever the gods
is piety doing whatever the gods want or do the gods want what is pious?
How does socrates respond to the piety definition?
Eurhtypo suggests that the gods love pious because it is pious, therefore that means that whatever god commands isn’t because it is through gods personal commandment due to independent of god himself
What is the tautology about god is good?
Does god command everything good? euryhtpo dilemma?
21 They devoted the city to the LORD and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it-men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.
The fall of Jericho
What is socrates quotation?
“Is the pious being loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the gods?
Are actions right because god commands them or because they are right?
What is the first horn of the euthrpo dilemma?
Actions are right or wrong idepdentn on whether god commands them or not, does so because they are right actions. The commandments are ordered bcause they aren’t bad, moral truths. Intutionism G.E Moore said everyone knows
What is the first horn of the euthrpo dilemma?
Actions are right or wrong idepdentn on whether god commands them or not, does so because they are right actions. The commandments are ordered bcause they aren’t bad, moral truths. Intutionism G.E Moore said everyone knows
What is the object; god is powerless to change?
Morality isn’t dependent on god, suggesting that people may follow gods rule less as they know what is right without it. Where did our parents know what is right from? This makes gods powerless as god isn’t morality- he isn’t omnipotent
Wha does doeskosy say?
“If God is dead, then all things are permissible.”
What dies Ockham suggest?
Ockham expresses agreement with Abelard in claiming that sin is located in INTENTIONS rather than actions. He writes, Every act is “indifferently able to be praiseworthy and blameworthy” and “no act is praiseworthy or blameworthy except because of a good or evil intention.” He gives an example of the action: Going to church. This seems to be a good action. And it IS… IF the intent behind it is to worship God. But, the same exact action can also be evil; e.g., if the intent behind it is to try to hook up with a married person.
What is the argument towards an act being ulterior to us?
We only do right to please god and live this beatific vision, we are afraid of god- augustans theory therefore if its not coming directly from us then isn’t this pointless
What does Patrick novel say about the theory?
“Know what is right without god”
What did Samuel Johnson say?
“the road to hell is paved with good intentions”
we can mean well but do a bad thing, one must actually do the action rather
What does Linda zagzebiski say about gods commands?
They are more motivations than commands
What did clark and protenga argue about god?
The naturally theory basis shows humans have a purpose, they believed god created nature therfrefore reated human nature and thus commanded a certain morality; hence he cannot arbitrarily change what is right or wrong for humans.
What was Lindas zagebiks argUMENT?
Came up with divine motivation theory
goodness is determined theory gods motives
what are the links with feminisim
if god is male- why should we respond to his divine comamnds as women? mary daly- if priesy are the direct male representstion of god then why are we following a man
what are the problems with god to secular feminists?
secular feminists find it hard to worship a god wjo is totally different from the world; beleif in a transcendent creator creates a master slabe relationship reinforcing patriarchal movement/hierarchy. Arguing females find it hard to worship a male god whos patriacrchal; gospels female kbjects