Cosmological argument Flashcards
What is the basis of the cosmological argument?
There must be a reason for the existence of the universe. Must not be part of physical world and time. Plato argued must have been caused by something- Aristotle there must have been an unmoved mover behind cause and effect.
What is the Kalam argument?
An attempt to counter infinite regress-m an endless chain going backwards forever- universe must have a cause, cant go back forever
What was Aquinas’ book?
The summa theological which presented 5 ways.
What is the unmoved mover?
Whatever is in motion is put into motion by another, motion is nothing else than the reduction of something from potentiality to actuality. Newtons law; objects stay the same unless acted on by an external force (Law of inertia). If changing something to something else must have the same qualities; God is in everything.
What is one of Aquinas’ quotes about the unmoved mover?
“It is certain, and evident to our senses, that in the world some things are in motion”- Comes from “lotus” meaning change. When things are in motion they have changed from one state to another
What is the uncaused causer?
Every effect has a cause, must be a first cause “which we call God”
What is contingency?
Depending on something else, we are all contingent and depend on something existing.
What is a contingency quote?
Every necessary thing either has its own necessity caused by another, or not’
What is the Kalam argument?
Kalam means speaking. Argument claims everything which begins to exist must have a cause to make it come into existence. There must have been a real point at which the universe began, rather than infinite regress.
What did William Craig say about the Cosmological argument?
Must have even a cause a what has began to exist mustbhave a cause of existence, the universe began to exist therefore must be a cause of existence. God is the first cause as nothing can be actual infinite
Second part- Since rules of nature did not exist before the beginning of the universe cant be a result of natural occurrences. Must be a r3esult of a personal choice of God. Priori, shows through reason alone
how convincing is the Kalam?
use of maths makes it more convincing an trustworthy
leads naturally to a personal god
uses scientific knowledge that aquinas did not posses
wy is the Kalam not convincing?
does not prove a personal god
rejects actual infinite, makes infinite god impossigle
How effective is the theological?
Provides empirical evedence, modern delvoepments include evaluation of gods method to make humanity
why isn’t the telogial argument effective?
empirical evidence is opened to intereptation
author Douglas Adams parodies the ta with a puddle that calms the hole it sits in was made to fits is shape
Are both the arguments persuasive in 21st century/
Reqire empirical evidence to support truth claims
ta through intelligent design movement
these are universal throughout time
Big Bang and evolution can support the thesis of god and don’t conflict it
why aren’t the argument persuasive in 21st?
modern metrology requires testable onlcuons
design movement is ridiculed by world
is scientific explanations more persuade?
empirical evidence is always more persuasive as it allows us to perveuev it
science is supported by millions
why are philosophical arguments more perusasive?
helps us consider interpretations for evidence
universe is too vast to occur by accident