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> Objections to the ontological argument > Flashcards
Objections to the ontological argument Flashcards
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RS a level
(105 decks)
Key words- NL do good and avoid evil
Arguments for the existence of God
Descartes ontological argument
Joseph fletchers situation ethics
St Anselm's Prosologian 1, 2
Challenges from Gaunilo
Malcoms ontological argument
Jeremy Bentham's act of utilitarism
Js Mill Rule of utilitarism
Applying Utilitarianism
Religious experience
The bible as a source of wisdom and authority
Moral principles
Aquinas' law
Cosmological argument
teological argument
Critisiers of the existence of God
the problem of evil
Ontological arguments
Objections to the ontological argument
Religious experience
Justification through faith and works
The bible as a source of wisdom and authority in daily life
Jesus' birth
Jesus' resurrection
Cosmological arguments
telelogical arguments
critisises of the teological argument
community of believers
Iranians theodicy
Divine command theory
determinism and free will
Meta ethics
The Kalam argument
Inductive arguments
Norman Malcolm ontological argument
Kant's objection towards anselms and descartes
Jung on religion
Situaron ethics 4 working principles
Strengths and weaknesses of the ontological argument
Divine Command theory
Application challenges to the divine command theory
Commands of god quotes
Augustines theodicy
Divine command theory quotations
What are the challenges against divine command theory?
Iraneons theodicy quotation
Augustans theodicy quotations
Against evil theories
Mackies problem of evil
The problem of evil quotatios
Bible and authority texts and meanings
Salvation history
atittudes of wealth
Feminism in the bible
Liberation theology
The resurrection
Naturalism- meta ethics
Nt wright and the resurrection
The virtue tjeory
The bible as a source of wisdom and authority
Ecclesiastes In the bible
Luke in the bible for moral advice
The psalms as a guide to living
John calvin on the bible
Freud religion as an illusion
Jung on religion
The historical realiability of the resurrectionp
The formation of the canon
How do we know the bible is the word of god
Why do people believe in miracles?
nt wright historical jesus
The new testament canon quotations
Jesus' birth
Sallie mcfague and god is mother
The trinity
Can god suffer?
Justification through faith and works- Martin Luther
The council of trent
St Paul resurrection
Incarnation and jesus birth
Feminist theology- reuther
feminist thology- daly|
the bible as a meaning and purpose of life tsxts
the bible as a guide to everyday living texts
the bible as a soutce of comfort and encourgameent
The bible as a source kf wisdom and authority texts
How does the bible show religious authority
Evaluation issues of morality bible]
Kerygma verses
logical positivism evaulation
Jesus ressurection passages
pauls ressurected body
Virtue theory
What are the inherent problems of rl?