the problem of evil Flashcards
What did Volitaire say about the problem of evil?
Horrified by the state of Lisboten, how can an omnibevenolent God cause this?
What did Elie Wiesel say about God due to Austwitz;?
Said how can an all loving God cause this, made him rebel against worshipping God, can’t bless God as he caused torture.
What did Epiricus say about the problem of evil?
How can an all loving, all knowing God make us suffer even though he knew we were suffering, challenges our belief in God. Epiricys claimed that if God is all powerful why didn’t he stop evil from occurring He then argued that if God can prevent evil but does not, then God is not good.
He linked these two points together, claiming that if God is all-powerful and good, then evil would not exist. There is no ````god
What is an inconsistent triad?
is an argument against the concept of an all-powerful and all-loving God whilst suffering persists. Mackie created
if God is all-loving and all-powerful he should be able to prevent any suffering.
What does John Stuart mill say about the problem of evil?
That God doesn’t;t exist if theres evil, but if God does exist he is not all-loving.
What’S an example of moral evil?
Arnstadt Concentration Camp before-
Dig up bodega, too close to the forest because of the smell
Use human skin for lamps
What does John hick say about in his book evil and the God of love?
Difficult to see with all suffering how there could be a goodGod
The world isn’t designed for the maximization of pleasure and the minimization of pain, but is rather well adapted to the quite different purpose
of soul making.
What is a theodicy?
God is just and fair despite suffering
What does William Rowe say about the existence f God?
Evidential argument, show the presence of evil in the world inductively supports that God does not exist.
Focuses on intrinsic evil; intense human and animal suffering
What are William `Rowe’s argument?
omniscient, omnipotent being could have prevented without losing some greater good or persisting some evil bad or worse.
Omnisicnet wholly good being could have prevented intense suffering
Therefore there is no omnipotent, omniscient, wholly being
What are William `Rowe’s argument?
omniscient, omnipotent being could have prevented without losing some greater good or persisting some evil bad or worse.
Omnisicnet wholly good being could have prevented intense suffering
Therefore there is no omnipotent, omniscient, wholly being
His premise iws- a wholly good being would not permit any gracious evil .
The case of sue?
5 year old girl in flint, severely beaten, raped and strangled to death on New Years day 1986. Over jealously the boyfriend abused the woman and raped the 5 year old girl- dead.
What does Gregory Paul propose about premature deaths?
If God exists he has allowed us to live a life with intense suffering
There have been around 100 billion humans born to date
Pre-1800 around 50% of people died before maturity
What did Aquinas say about evil?
It is a privitation of goodness.
What is privation of good in latin?
“privatio Boni”