Jesus' resurrection Flashcards
What does ressurection mean?
Literally means ‘rise again’
What is a chasim?
style of writing which repeats similar writings in reverse order (ABCBA) John used this to convey theological ideas rather than historic ones
What is an apostle?
A person who is sent down by Jesus to spread the good news
Who was Paul?
One of the early church apostles who preached chrisitnaity to gentiles, wrote epistles to the churches
Which letter did Paul say he believes in the resurrection?
1 corinthians 15- Paul says here that he believes in the ressurection because he believes this is what will happen to christian, discusses what kind of bodies they will have
What is the seed analogy?
An analogy from Paul, which describes the resurrected body, how the resurrected bodies will be related to their earthly bodies, the seed will be in some ays the same as the seed from which it was planted.
What does the initials PIGS MEAN?
Paul used them to describe the resurrected body;
Powerful, imperishable, glorious spiritual
What is realised eschatology?
The idea that the quality of life normally associated with a relationship with God after death can be experienced now.
What is eschatology?
The study of end things
What is an immortal soul?
Plato, will be a kind of life after death but there will be never be another earthy body just a soul
What does Rudolf Bultmann believe?
German theologian who argued that the New Testament needs to be demythologised in order to be properly understood as an account of the theological beliefs of the Early Church. He described the resurrection narratives (and the birth narratives) as ‘myths’.
What is an extensilaist?
Bultmann has been described as existentialist in his thought because he said that the Christian faith is not really focused on the historical Jesus, but on what has been proclaimed about him.
Who was n.t wright?
A modern English theologian (and former Bishop) who argues for the historicity of the bodily resurrection of Jesus. This suggests he is a theological conservative.
What is the swoon theory?
The idea that Jesus did not die on the cross but just passed out (swooned) and then came round in the cool of the tomb. N T Wright rejects this as a bad argument.
Why does nt wright use the word mutations?
A mutation is a ‘change’. N T Wright suggests that the disciples would have had to change their beliefs completely in order to claim that Jesus had risen from the dead. He sees this as a compelling reason why the resurrection must have happened – it would have taken something incredible to change their beliefs.
What does Matthew 10:28 say?
Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.- implies some kind of resurrection from Jesus
What does John 20-21 say?
Mary Magdalene had seen the tomb stone had been removed and asked for Simeon and Peter and everyone believed he had been raised again
What happened when Mary saw Jesus?
Mary was weeping outside the tomb and saw 2 angels asking why she was weeping, she said she was upset as the lord had took Jesus away, mistakenly she looked round and thought Jesus was the Gardner who asked why she was weeping. “where have you laid him” then Jesus replied “Mary” then Mary replied “rabbouni (teacher)”
What was Jesus’ reply to Mary when Mary said teacher?
Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.
What happens when Jesus appears to the disciples?
Evening of the first day of the week, Jesus appeared to the disciples, doors of the house wee locked in fear of the jews and Jesus came in. Jesus showed them his hands Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.
What was the chapter with Jesus and Thomas?
Thomas wasn’t there at the encountering and didn’t believe they had seen him, Jesus appears a week later when the doors were locked, he said to Thomas feel my hands with the nails and believe. Thomas then believed
What is the purpose of the book?
To make people believe that Jesus was the messiah
What happened when Jesus appeared to the 7 disciples?
Jesus appeared to the 7 disciples when they were fishing, however they didn’t know it was Jesus. they didn’t catch any fish till Jesus said try on the right side of the boat and then they caught fish and recognised it was the lord. then jess said to have breakfast and eat the fish
What happened with Jesus and Peter?
Jesus kept asking Peter if he loved him, and kept asking him to feed his sheep, tend his sheep
Whats the event with the beloved disciple?
John understood gods love more than anyone else, present at the crucifixion and the last supper
Why is John ch20-21 a key text?
led to scholars to believe its more about theology than historicity
wanted readers to see the difference between Jesus pre and post resssurection body
What is johns chasm?
A structural literacy device to represent certain ideas, repeats similar ideas in a reversed sequence with a single key idea in the middle ABCBA
How is th ehcaism of johns structured/
It has an important middle idea which is c and other 4 other ideas around it, as bookends
From john’s chasm what are the a parts referred to as?
The 2 a are resented as being book ends, the beginning and end of the piece of writing
In johns chasm what are the b parts referred to as?
Another pair of bookends closer to the central idea of c rather than further away which is shown in the book ends of a
What are the 2 a areas?
John sees the tomb is empty and believe Jesus has risen
the writer says those which are recored area written so that people might have evidence to believe and live through their faith and ma have life
What are the 2 b areas?
Mary comes to believe when she hears Jesus call ehr name
Thomas believes when he touches Jesus wounds
What do the a areas tell us as an audience?
Show us that it is possible to believe in the resurrection without having seen the risen Jesus yourself; John believed the tomb was empty and he believed because of this (principle of testimony swinburnes principle) believing through what is written
What do the b areas of johns chasm tell ys?
Similar in that both Mary and Thomas needed some empirical evidence to believe in the resurrection , ie mar heard and recognised Jesus’ voice, Thomas fell Jesus wounds
What is the central idea- c? of the chasm
the disciples recognise Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit, so hat they can have he courage and power to preach the resurrection rather than lock themselves away out of fear
What would some sceptics say about the chasm?
It’s too structured therefore less historical knowledge, like a piece of created writings rather than actual events- ayer weak everifation
but no reason to convey why this cant be true