The resurrection Flashcards
In Matthews gospel what time does it take place?
At dawn
IN marks gospel what time does it take place?
just after sunrise
In Lukes gosepl what time does it take place?
Very early in the morning
In johns gospel what time does it take place?
While it was still dark
In Matthews gossip who comes first?
Mary magdalene and the other Mary
In marks gospel who went to the tomb?
Mary Magdalene and other Mary, the mother of James and Salome to anoint Jesus’ body with spices
In Lukes gospel who went to the tomb?
Mary magdalene, Mary the other of James, Joanna and others for spices to anoint
In johns gospel who went to the tomb?
Mary Magdalene
What did they find in Matthews gosepl?
Earthquake and angel rolls back the stone
In marks gospel what did they find?
Stone rolled away
In Lukes gospel what did they find?
Stone rolled away
In johns gospel what did Mary find?
Stone removed from the entrance
In Matthews gospel what do they see?
Angel sitting on the stone , his appearance was like lighting with clothes as white as snow. The angel said he has risen and he will meet you in gailee and tell the other disicples. They were afraid yet filled with joy
In marks gpspel what do they see?
Young man in white robe sitting on the right, the man told the woman to tell the disciples and others
In Lukes gospel what do they see?
Two men in clothes that gleamed like lighting
In johns gospel who did they see?
No one, she went to tell the disciples that the stone had been removed then they went to tell the other disciples
In Matthews gospel what do they do?
Ran to tell his disciples, then Jesus met them to tell them ti go to gailee
In marks gospel what do they do?
They were told to tell the other disciples but were too afraid, and Feld from the tomb and not said anything
In Lukes gospel what did they do?
Remembered what Jesus said so they told the other disciples and remembered the words
What did Mary do in johns gospel?
Mary went to tel Peter and the other disciple who Jesus loved and saw the linen, they went home and Mary stayed crying, she saw two angels asking why she was crying. Then saw Jesus who she thought was a gardener. he said Mary then she realised, she Tod the other disciples
What happened with the guards in Matthews gosepL/
They told the chief priests and they were bribed money and told them to say that the disciples stole his Body
What happened in marks gospel on the road to emmanus?
The two men (his disciples) were talking about Jesus’ risen resurrection and Jesus not noticing him or recognising it was Jesus said to them what are you talking about, and the two men urged Jesus to com in with them for supper. Then at supper Jesus broke the bread and then they recognised him. they then went to jereuslem to say it was true
What did bultmann say we need to do with the gospel?
Need to demythologise it to create a deeper meaning to us as an audience
heaven and hell for us an audience is all mythical nature
How did butlmaan define myth?
The report of an event of which supernatural powers or persons are at work/ superhuman powers. the resurrection of a story is designed as a story to sustain faith
How does Bultman suggest that the resurrection is contradictory to faith?
If it is a historical event it contradicts the whole need for christianity due to it being a ‘hoped for event” he argues that there is no need for the resurrection as there is the efficacy of the cross
what is the passgae of mt:28?
Jesus urges the people not to fear the authroites who can only kill bodies aa they cant kill their soul. We should fear those who can kill both body and soul- resurrection only body
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
god can destiry those who are againsr him- bible source of wisdom
What did bultmann beliebe abojt the resurrection and naturalism?
He was a non-naturalist who didnt say it was an onjectibe fact god was feal or jesus didnresuurdct but through our bekief can be rectified. Cognitive and non-naturalist
What is the belief of the reincarnation?
Life after death of the body in a. complete ew body and soul; a cay going from human to cat. No memory of its previous life, or with memory. Could link this with things like severe brain damage may have died and don’t remember new memory just the same body
What is the belief of the reincarnation?
Life after death of the body in a. complete ew body and soul; a cay going from human to cat. No memory of its previous life, or with memory. Could link this with things like severe brain damage may have died and don’t remember new memory just the same body
From eccesilates what verses suggest reincarnation?
and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.- same body, new spirit; easter religions hinduism
What is the immortal soul?
The soul nd the body has no return to earth, instead it lives into a non-physical realm; associated with plato
What is the extinction?
After a persons death nothing physical remains of them. only remember them through their memories/past actions; christians, humanists
What is the resurrection?
Being given a new body but contains similar features to the last one, same soul
What is the point of feeding my sheep?
The feeding of the sheep represents the apostles and his flock
Jesus asked Peter 3 times look after my sheep do you love me
Peter denied Jesus on 3 occasions
3 fold forgiveness of Peter- if Peter came to term wit his now regrets its a good thing- existential truth and bultmann
What are the 3 options for butlmann for the resurrection?
Christians either accept the myths of the bible
they find passages I the new testament to preach and find deeper meaning
What does McGrath say?
“history was not of fundamental importance to christians;