The bible as a source of wisdom and authority Flashcards
What do literal christians use the bible as?
a perscribed word of god/fundamental christians
What do conservative christians believe?
The bible is the word of god but not as literal the ceeation story may not have been 6 days
what are liberal christians?
regard the Bible as words that have been written about God. Although these are a good guide for Christians in understanding their faith, they might interpret passages differently to fit modern society. For example, when reading the creation story, a liberal Christian might believe that the Genesis account is simply a story to help Christians understand that God is the creator of the world.
what are propositional experiences of god?
they are merely tbe true words of god, directly revealong truths abut nature of his people
what is a non propositional?
thinm the bible doesnt reveal trutbs about god, peopmes expereinces of god
why are the revelatons propositions?
They are statements of facts;
msulim the quaran wre propositions as they are statements of facts
What are reasons why we shouldnt take the bible literaly?
Bultmann- we need modernised facts
What does the rerm inspire mean in timothy 3:16?
to breathe the bible is tbe word of god
What dos the creation story mean for humanity?
We are made in the image of god and that we need to follow gods commandments to not have this inclination to sin
How does Lukes passage “therefore I tell you not worry about your clothes provide inspiration?
People living in war times fine meaning out of their life through having meaning even with little clothes and food.
How does Luke suggest how to live?
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
What os the purpose of genesis?
Gensis 1:26 we are created in the image of god, god ha dominion over earth we are gods fellowship
What does the book of revelations 20 suggest?
God wanted to created this new heaven, this new earth through the sin of man kind and to get redeemed
What does ta graphe mean?
The scriptures
What is the quotation of John referencing isiash?
“who ever believes in me, as the scripture has said, streams of living. water will flow within him” John 7:38
What does the old testament essentially say about the jew?
Says about this onvenant with the chosen people; the jews. The Old Testament gives advice to jews on how to not break this binding contract with god
What does Augustine say about the New Testament?
“The New Testament lies hidden in the old, and the new testament is unveiled in the new”
What is the passage of Ecclesiastes?
The story of king Solomon- qohelet
finds meaning of life in various pursuits of life who fail him (to have salvation
What are the only 2 things that matter to Solomon?
“fear god and keep his commandments” (links with divine command fiery, god only commands good
expect due to covenant jewish he will protect people
What does the passage Luke 6:36-37 suggest?
The new testament Jesus is speaking
“be merciful, just as your father is merciful”
“do not judge and you will not be judged”
Message is clear, morality isn’t simply about following laws
man is to forgive echoes gods forgiveness through Jesus’ sacrifice and crucifiction
How does psalm 119-9:16 give ys a guide to living with king David?
“I seek you with all my heart do nutlet me stray from your commands… U game hidden your word in mu heart that I may not sin against you”
Shows what one must do to live a good life; Old Testament focuses on obedience to law which would be against Luthers doctrine; sola fide and doctrine of purgatory
it is a guide to how christians should live a life in purity, christians thin they are sad through behaviour; opposition to Protestants like Luther
What does the psalm 119:105-112 suggest?
“the wicked have set a share for me”
divine command theory
What can the sermon of mount suggest to christians?
Jesus’ sermon on the mount of Matthew
“do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets”
The law in the old testament is mean tot last forever
In the passage 18-19 of the sermon of the mount what does it suggest?
Goes to say that Jesus’ followers needed to exceed the scribes and pgarises; ones that adhered most to the law
Jesus’ deonotogical approach suggests that our motives need to exceed our actions. WE cant just do the right thing without a good motive; apparent and real goods aquinas
What does Genesis 1:26-28 say about the meaning and purpose of life?
“let us make mankind in our image in our likeness…
so god cretaed mankind in his own image, the image of god he created them”
Humans unlike animals have the capacity to be stewards of the earth;( higher lower pleasures mil?)
Humans have the capacity for reason, morality and language
separates us from animals. we can undertsna love, beauty
we are stewards and god has given us this responsibility to rule over his earth
What does eccesilates 9:5-9 say about death is inevitable?
“for the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing”
sounds personistic the living know that dead is inevitable, make sure of oppurnites and enjoy
god wants his creations to enjoy his life
What can the bible all together say to christians?
life is more than material things; Solomon
our purpose is to know god
find hi and serve him
those who believe in Jesus will share his resurrection and receive eternal life
what does jesus being born of a non virgin inspire wisdom?
some of the mormon denominations taught god has a physical body and he came down to earth engaging in sexual intercourse with mary