The formation of the canon Flashcards
quote by Raymond collins about the canon?
” a canonical book is one that the church acknowledges as belonging to is list of sacred books, as inspired by god
What is the greek word for canon?
the kanwn- associated with faith and practice
What happened with the fist letters?
The letters from elders like Peter and Paul were sent around communities as a way to preach about the things about Jesus; many christians were jews and still did ejwishpractics. The killing of Paul and Peter meant there wasn’t any leaders and the gospels became more reliant. This also meant texts we falisfinel and there was more criticism, so this is hwy the canon was formed to approve of books
Who specified the first surviving list?
Maricon year ad 144, who disliked jewish chrsitnaiyt and judaism. In the Old Testament he selected Lukes gospe (even then he edited it) some of Pauls writings and he kept using Pauls letters as he liked him due to being the leader of non-christniaty- valuations, coritnhinas, romans, epipheans and “laodicenas” profanely known as ephiseans
What was the second canon- Muratorian?
About ad 200 with the list of new testament writings; book of wisdom, the apocalypse of Peter. It missed out hebrews, , James the letters of Peter and John 3
Cutting out Peter 2 writings
many disputed writings like these were disputed de to the origination of them; if they were written by the actual author they were put down as
What happened with bishop athansias in his easter letter 376 ad?
Constucted the list of books which then was accepted in 382 ad known as the New Testament
then this book was accepted in North Africa 397 ad
The book of revelation just about got in but the books were mainly only accepted if they were by an apostle
What happened with bishop athansias in his easter letter 376 ad?
Constucted the list of books which then was accepted in 382 ad known as the New Testament
then this book was accepted in North Africa 397 ad
The book of revelation just about got in but the books were mainly only accepted if they were by an apostle
How is the passage of Matthew with judas’ death symbolic suicide with acts?
Judas killed himself as he was one of the most trusted disciples and betrayed Jesus with 30 pieces of silver; judas said what will you give me if I give the lord to you (to the chiefs of police)
judas bought the fileld with his 30 pieces of silver
How does johns version differ from Matthews?
Johns version of judas’ killing was down to greed
Why might some of the passages like Matthew say he’s hung himself?
Matthews version of judas’ suciide may be deliebat in the way that he wanted to make sure that we as an audience found him suicide and following on from the son of David and the the death of Absalom,
Why did judas hang himself in Gospel of Nicodemus,?
He was depressed and his wife made fun of him and he told her he would hang himself
What are some of the passages that have been left out in the bible tat are read today?
The gospel of the egyptians- a girl dancing hyptonized prince herikd and led to the the beheading of John the Baptist
the gospel of Mary
the gospel of Peter which contains the elements that Jesus had no pain when he was crucified
Why was the apocrhipa meaningful for christians?
Known as hidden books, they were known to be unsuitable as they weren’t helpful for the religious life for public reading - known as the deutrocanocial second canon
Why was the book song of songs put into the bible?
Written by the apostle John, th disciple to describe the relationship between god and Israel but this book being written by John is still in question as John was in exile on the greek island of Patmos
Why is johns vision of Jerusalem important?
It shows the terror of the world and the last days on earth, it shows the glorified Jesus in heaven he is walking among the seven gold lamp stamps which show he can still walk around churches on earth
the clothes he is wearing that are draped represent his righteousness and his perfection he represents that he took up the sacrifices for our sins
What is the sepatuguint?
The translated writings from hebrew to greek (apocrypha)
Which canon used the septaugint and which didnt?
The catholics and new used the sepatguint (tobith, wisdom) but werent included in the hebrew canon
Why didnt luther like the apocryphas?
he was a protestant reformer who thoight the apocryphas showcased the dcotrine of purgatory which are only works catholics used the apocryphas as they believed they were inspired
What can the first canon be known as?
the proto-canonical
Whoch hebrew writer didnt include greek translations?
How does Matthews account of udas’ suicide link to his way of expressing David again?
David was betrayed by many in his kingdom including the death of Absalom, Absalom died a similar death o judas on his mule which is what Matthew may have wanted him o do to show the resemblance in the betrayers