logical positivism evaulation Flashcards
What do logical positivists from the vienna circle say about statements being meanginful?
Only if they correspond and to be anayltically or synthetically true, true by deifniton or true by empircal means. @all bachelors are unmarried men@ alex has short hair it is emprically obseravnle
How is logical positivsts applied to religious language?
religious language is omnipresent it is metaphysical thus irresponsible for religous language to be meaningful if its not correspondance in anayltical or syntehtical terms thus relgious language is meaningful
How did ayer adapt logical psotivism and create hiw own verficationsim
Some critisised ayer in the ways of his verification being too strong for example chcking to see whetehr there were mountains on the moon. Some cases like seeing if alex hair is short is sensory wityhin the moment but in acccordance with the mountains ayer said it was necessary and fine for us to know how to check even though we can’t- principle of practicality. we know how to verify
What was ayers distinction between practical verfiability and verfiability in principle?
Practical and verfied in reality, manchester city play in blue reality
whereas verfiable in principle re ones where it is less possbile but we know how to @there are galaxies@
What is weak verfication?
May niot be verfiable in the moment but within and without reason of doubt can be shown how to be verfied thus vital; make statements about history but we cant check
Why does ayer adopt weak verificaitonaim?
So that historical propostions are still standed today and meaningful
What does ayer call verficationsim propositions?
Experimental propostions as we can expereince them
What was ayers book?
Language truth and logic and attempted to explain whether language and sateemtns were meanginful or not
Which philopsher adopted the weak verfication to use as a religous connotation?
John hicks celestial city anaology of the end of time- life after death
What did ayer say about god talk?
“god talk is essentially menaingkess”
According to loigcal psotivists what do they say menaginful satements are?
If tyey corrpesond to be meaningful through sense observation or if they are a tautologuy
Whihc logical positivsts are the most famous?
Mortiz and schrintz
What was the procedure ayer conducted for a statement to be pracited?
putative propostion- the distinction to whether a relgious statement can be pracitced in pracital in verfiability or verfiabile in principle
What was the procedure ayer conducted for a statement to be pracited?
putative propostion- the distinction to whether a relgious statement can be pracitced in pracital in verfiability or verfiabile in principle
What are the positives of logical positivism?
Links to Humes idea of he fork analogy
categorises statements
scientific approach that is good for the modern world
can be demonstrated through meaning
What are the weaknesses of logical positivism?
If applied strictly, can basically say historical facts aren’t true
only works for cognitive statemnts- Braithwaite said religious language is non-cognitive
verification principle is meaningless
hick added meaning
we can describe if it is meaningful in terms of the persons life and effects; hares Blick worldview
religion is scientific not the sae language game
poetry isn’t cognitive can not verifiable but convey meanings
Blick- comes from worldview makes them not verifiable but vertical- correct when related to a certain reality
What does kiergaard say about religious language?
The whole point of faith is to adopt a leap of faith, faith isn’t about factual meaning its about the expression fo faith. If we used reason in faith it would take away the meaning and hinder us from believing in it. Faith is non0congitive we need uncertainty