Atonement Flashcards
What is the literal translation of atonement?
Bringing the two estranged parties back together, god and human kind
What is the estrangement?
In result of the fall and the dosiobdeince of Adam, this restragement has been dealt through the crucifixion of christ
What is the quotation from iraneous about the debt?
“Through a tree we were made debtors to god: so through a tree we have our debt cancelled”
How did William Tyndall translate the bible?
At one- reconcile with god
other Hebrew old versions-kippur/ kattalage- reconciliation.
What is expiration/?
Removing guilt by paying a penalty
What is propitation?
Turning away wrath by making an offering- turns away anger
What is the systems theory?
Limits change and maintains equilibirium- negative feedback
Why do we need god to help us with original sin?
To save us from something we cant do ourselves
can use it with negative feedback and systems theory, as the negative effects always repress us from doing good
What are the 3 premises of atonement that link with the bible?
Key Premise 1: God is loving (1 Jn 4 v8) and Just (Deut 32 v4)
Key Premise 2: Human beings were created to be in a relationship with God but this was broken by the Fall (Gen 2- 3)
Key Premise 3: All human beings are sinful (Romans 3v23)
Key Premise 3: All human beings are sinful (Romans 3v23)
How do the old testament passages link to atonement and sacrifice?
Hebrew Scriptures thought the best way to restore a good relationship was sacrifice; seen in Abraham and Issac genesis 22
the passover lamb in exodus 12- the blood from the slaughtered lamb acted as a protection for the Hebrew people when the angel of death passed over egypt
the scapegoat- Leviticus 16
Abraham and Issac story of sacrifice genesis 22
god commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac a messenger from god stops issaca “now I know you fear god” and Abraham sees a ram instead and sacrifices that
it creates a similarity between Abraham and god- Abraham father of many nations similar to god and Abraham means ‘exalted father’ which is in turn o who god is
What does Jesus say which matches the agony god has seeing Jesus sacrificed?
‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.
What is the Aqedah?
The sacrifice of Issac
How are Jesus and Issac parallel in sacrifice?
Both sons carry the wood that is to be the instrument of their deaths on their backs
Both Isaac and Jesus are “beloved sons” who have been long-awaited and are born in miraculous circumstances
God provides the sacrifice, which Abraham says will be a lamb
this story foreshadows the atonement on eday and the redemption of what will come in the new testament through Jesus- gives the apostles hope and sickles
why didn’t Abraham think Issac would die?
When they reached the mountain, Abraham told his servant, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you”- this shows Abrahams promise and fulfilment in god and his trust in him
Why does there have to be death?
The sacrifice of Jesus means a new life for us all. god represents life and we turned away from it therefore have to ponder with death in the world, sacrifice gives the answer
Why is the passover lamb significant?
The passover lamb is significant as it was instructed by god to be used in a way to save the israleties from having their first borns removed or killed. Every house with blood on the door was spared; exodus 12
Jesus is the lamb of god without blemish as he’s free from sin
What does the passover lamb show to christians?
Gods redemptive plan for humanity, without god we are all under this bondage of sin; Jesus’ blood saves us from eternal damnation and revelation
What is purification in the bible?
The sacrificing of the animal to get this purification of the world, the priest will try and sprinkle the athompshere of the animals blood to remove all the bad evil in the world; god is cleaning these indirect consequences of evil; creates a place where god and his people can live in a space of clearness and purification. Helps the isralutes to become people of grace and love
What did the animal and the sacrifices of isralietes lead to?
Made kings lead to ignorant suffering of the poor and people became unhappy, one day god decide to send a king top elp these people. this where he would sacrifice his life and be the king of Israel and the messiah
What did Jesus do with isiahs word?
He did it for ransom; Jesus’ debt cover all the sacrifice and evil in the world. Jesus’ blood provides purification of the world around; freed all sacrifice and christians stopped performing these sacrifices like animals
What are the rituals that Jesus gave his people?
Baptism and the lords resurrection
What does baptism represent to Jesus; people?
The coming back to life and dying when submerged underwater
these rituals helps us live a life of love and peace and turn evil into good