Eucharist Flashcards
Why is the Eucharist universally accepted?
Jesus agreed with it
“this is my body give for your do this in remembrance of me”- Luke 22:19-20
Shows how chrisitnaity is unique (new covenant)
Focus of thanksgiving
Jesus himself gave thanks for the bread and the wine
What do chritisans say the resemblance is?
A common action in what happens to the bread, what has done with Jesus and iwht human lives
In Jesus god took a human body, blessed it and was broken into it
Ordinary christians believe that God has taken their lives, blessed them, broken them and remade them
The piece of bread is taken, blessed and broken too
These all become filled with the life of christ
What are alistar mcgraths important functions?
What is recollection?
Looking backwards at gods actions to save people
What is anticipation?
Looking forward, in Paul says that by participatingin the eucharist we proclaim the lords death until he comes. Christians look forward to a time when they will be with Jesus
What is present of the individual?
Affirmation of individual faith- faith and trust is depend by engaging the ind and body in this ritual
What is present of communal?
The community comes together and aiirms their commitment to Jesus
What are the institution narratives?
Accounts of the last supper
What is the Matthew- mark narratives?
Reflect a slightly later tradition, emphasise the idea of Jesus dying a sacrifice and “for all.. for the forgiveness of sins”
What is the word “mysterion”?
The greek word for the myserteous way in which god save humans
Sacraments refer to the symbols or rites that speak to christians about the way that god saves us
What is a sacrament to Augustine?
Outward sign that points to an inner reality (as smoke is a sign of fire)
A sacramet forms a bridge between God and us
What is the meaning of ex opera opantis?
on account of the work of the one who works vs ex opera operatoo (on account of the work which is done- it is the work of God
What are the 6 models of the eucharist?
transbustation, transginification, transfinilizatiom, consubstation, memorialis, virtualism
What is transubstantiation?
The bread and wine become the body and blood of christ, the catholic church teachers that the eucharist is the summit of christian life., becomes Christs real presence
What does the fourth lateran council say about transubstation?
“by the bread being changed in substance to the body and the wine to the blood through the divine power”
What is con substation?
There is no change in the substance but somehow Jesus is really present within the elements
How does Luther describe con substation?
Describes it as sacramental union, each continue unchanged, Jesus is within the bread and under it but not physically the bread and wine. spiritually present
Schillebeeckx’ Interpretations?
Wanted to move away from transubstantiation (an interpretation not a fact). Instead of believing the bread and wine changes according to an old aristoleia category- we can believe they change through transiginification and transfinalization
What is transiginification?
The change of signification from the bread and wine so they signify the blood and body of christ..
What is transfinilization?
The purpose of the bread and wine is changed through consecration of words.
Goes from physical nourishment- spiritual
What does the eucharist mean for schillebeeckx?
“The sacraments are first and foremost symbolic acts or activites as signs”- God is changing the meaning or significance of the meal not the substance of the bread
What is virtualism?
Christ is not present literally in a physical way in the elemenets, but he is spiritually present. This is due to chrsits body is in heaven and cant be on earth at the same time as calvin believed that divine omnipresence belongs to christ in his divinity not in his humanity (dualism)
What is receptionism?
people do receive the real body and blood of christ through the power (virtus) of the holy spirit even though the bread and wine are not changed into his body and blood as a local, physical reality.
What is Calvins quotation of virtualism?
“let us feel as much assured that the visible sign is given us (.e his body).
What is memorialism?
Bread and wine are only signs of christ, they only represent his body and blood to the imagination of the believer and enable the believer to reflect in faith on his saving death, the bread and wine remain in what they are. They don’t contain gods grace but faith does.
What are protestants practice on the eucharist?
When the eucharist is celebrated it is normally called the “celebration of the lords supper or “holly communion:. Takes place weekly or monthly but often in a simple way. Some Christians don’t celebrate ecurhaist at all, focus is directly in personal faith and on the need to repent from sin, focus on fellowship
Baptism and the lords supper are symbols?
baptists usually use the term ordinances rather than sacraments when referring to bapstims, as its a command God has given us.
Why us baptism and the lords supper not merely symbolic?
The act of baptism means a person is testifying punlically that he or she has trusted Jesus as a lord of saviour and experienced forgiveness of sin. The supper emphasises the love of God that led Jesus to give himself a sacrifice for sin