Jeremy Bentham's act of utilitarism Flashcards
What is the theory in a nutshell?
A relativist, consequentialist and teleological theory, some of it does have a deontoloigcal side to it (hybrid version). Not a religious theory, ‘principle of utility’. Maximising pleasure and minimising pain and to achieve the greatest overall happiness
Who created the theory?
Jermey Bentham (act utilitarianism) and then with John Stuart mill (Rule utilitariaism)
What does the greek word for hedonism mean?
Greek word for pleasure, ‘redone’. Hedonists believed the right thing to do in life was to pursue pleasure, they taught the only intrisinic good is pleasure
What is the sovereign good?
Happiness is the supreme ethical value. Bentham believed People could find happiness by pursuing please and avoiding pain.
What was one of Benthams famous quotes?
“Nature has placed mankind under the govern of two sovereign masters, pain and please. it is them alone to point out what we ought to determine what we shall do”
What is the difference between natural law, SE with Utilis…
It’s not a religious theory. Jeremy Bentham was lawyer so it is more political. Both the French and American revolutions occurred, British demands were being made for human rights and democracy. Tried to formulate a system that would benefit the needs of most people.
What book did Bentham write?
Bentham act utilitarianism is the result of thinking, the principles of morals and legalisation
How did Benthams life contribute to philosophy?
Social reformer and as he was a barrister and expert of the law, became aware of widespread social injustice. Prompted him to become concerned with issues of public morality. He suggested the prison crimes should be sufficient to dater but not cause unnecessary suffering. Improve public morality sexual
What was Bentham’s guiding principle?
‘Greatest happiness for the greatest number’
Why is Benthams theory called utilitarianism?
Comes from the word ‘utility’ means usefulness
The most useful thing, the thing which has the most likelihood of achieving the telos for which we are aiming
Our sovereign good is happiness
Who was Bentham influenced by?
Hedonism, saw pleasure as the only intrinsic good and [pain as the only intrinsic evil
What is the rule of utliarimsm for Bentham?
The utility principle
What does the utility principle mean?
Says that good moral actions are determined whether or not they maximise happiness/ pleasure and minimise pain. Based o whether they bring people the most amount of happiness not more people happy
What is the hedonic calculus?
Means of measuring pleasure
What are the seven factors of the hedonic calculus?
It - Intensity, how strong is the happiness (how deep)
Definitely- Duration (How long does it last for)?
Causes- Certainty (how are we sure it will produce happiness?
Pleasure- Propinquity How close )in terms of time) is the happiness (pleasure)?
For- Fecundity (how likely is this to lead to further happiness)
People- Purity, how free from pain is this act?
Everywhere-Extent,, How many people will receive this happiness?
What is an example of when we can use the hedonic calculus?
An ice cream/reading a good book
Reading the novel might produce a greater quantity due to duration is longer, might have more pleasure. Eating too much ice cream right make you feel sick
Why does it mean useful?
Utilitarians argue that everyone should do the thing that produces the most useful end?
For Bentham what is right in terms of the quantity?
The emphasis is more on the action that process the greatest amount of happiness overall. What is riright is what maximises happiness
What quote did he write in the rationale of reward?
“Prejudice apart, the game of push-pin is of equal value with the arts and sciences of music and poetry”All pleasures are of equal value. He was concerned with how much happiness to bring, not about prioritising the forms of happiness and which were superior to others
Why is utilitarism named as the common good?
Takes into account others, treats everyone the same and no one gets special treatment, consistent in temporary society.
How is each act counted?
Taken into account individually, not prescriptive and restrictive.
What is bentham book?
the principles and morals of legalisation
What is the name for the utility principle
Gretest happiness principle
What does the utility principle mean?
The action that produces the most happiness is the greatest happiness,
What does the term propinquity mean?
How soon after the act the happiness is felt
What calculation doe sbentham use to say when deciding to decide the overall happiness?
Pleasure minus pain
What type of theory it it`/
Teological and, relativist and consequentialist
What is impartiality?
Not right to have bias over friends and family when choosing how to act, use hedonic calculus to maximise happiness- not use biased
What is the quotation of Bentham that uses the word pushpin?
“quantity of pleasure being equal, push pin is as good as poetry”