Religious experience Flashcards
What is a religious experience?
Religious experiences are a phenomenon that have been recorded for thousands of years and takes a variety of forms; different from ordinary experience as they are subjective, not verifiable and life-changing.
What happens in visions?
Mystic may believe they have seen or heard someone or something that no one else can. Appears to be sensory. Caroline frank Davis cals it quari-sesnory
What is quasi-sensory?
resembling a sensory experience, but not having all the usual features of one
What is a sensory experience?
Sometimes called corporal, st Bernadette
What is an intellectual experience?
Brings knowledge and understanding that can’t be gained in any other way, seen with the mind rather than the eye. Brings a message; st ignatisu of Loyola
What are dreams?
Occur sleeping, meditative state. Jacobs ladder to heaven, generally individual/
What is conversions?
Where a person changes from one standpoint to another, life changing. William James wrote the conversion of the sick soul.
What is mysticism?
By nature, hard to define. ed miller- Transcendet, ineffable noetic, ecstatic and unitive. A mystical experience includes a temporary removal of the sense of self or ego so that the person feels no separation between themselves and the divine.
What does kataphatic?
Making positive claims about the divine
What is prayer?
Communication with the divine, contemplative prayer of st teresa of avilia.
What were William James’ 4 features of religious experience?
(PINT)Had another pragmatic approach, passive, ineffable, noetic and transcient. realises most people who have experiences believe them and say they have a istive outcome.
What did Rudolf Otto propose?
Admired James’ work developed a new schematisation. Used the term numinous (supernatural/divine)
What were Rudolf Otto’s 4 features?
Creature consciousness, vast presence of god
Wholly other, completley different from us
Sense of dread or terror, requires person to kneel or protstrate
Simultaneous fascination, we fear/awe of god
Experience ends in a bliss/confusion
What does mysetierium tremednudm mean?
Mysterium- wholly other
tremendous- Awe, fear, dread
Fascians- pull or attrition of experience, can’t pull yourself away
What was William craigs quotation about religious experience?
“Mystics are very aware that what they experience could be the devils deception… mayor test is the an experience which generally produces love cannot be self-deceptive”
What does Catherine Davis believe?
Doesn’t try to dissprove religious experiences but tries to challenge them, they can be used to suggest god exists.
What are Frank Davis' categories of religious expereicn?
the interpretive (paranormal events), quasi-sensory, revelatory, regenerative, numinous, and mystical.
What does franks Davis say about the chapter reductionist challenge?
Sorts through research of cognitive psychology of religious experiences like hyper-suggestibility, deprivation, sexual frustration. Warns that relgious experiences can do little on their own, any argument which claims they have had one must take complexity into account (link to James effable)
What is a cumulative case?
Arguing for theism
what are the positives about James’ adequacy of experience?
All lists from other scholars are based upon the work of James, his 4 features retain the flexibility to describe faith in context, can be understood by all (st teresa of avilia). James takes a psychologically approach rather than a religious approach of describing the events (contradiction to Caroline Davis)
What are the inadequacy for James’ experiences?
Miller have suggested other additional features “the pursuit of a transcendent, unitive with absolutely realty”- Argument for the belief in God (transcendent figure). No account can be adequate if cant describe it with normal language. Only describes a hallucination not a real event
Are religious experiences valid as challenges?
So many other testable explanations that are mire believable. NO one can experience the wholly other, experience is only in the empirical world. Hard to trust, too much VARITEY
How are religious experiences not valid?
Inspiration has led to scientific discoveries such as the benzene ring, impossible t interpret
How are religious experiences valid?
Verification is the only way of producing any kind of certainty about truth
Inspiration must be tested to overcome scientific discovery
So unusual we could test their integrity
How are franks’ davis challenges persuasive?
we automatically have reason to doubt someone’s claims as it is not universal or usual
Our senses are often fooled
Different ways we can challenge accounts
How are franks’ davis challenges not persuasive?
lists these as inadequate against religious experiences
Principle of credulity- if something happened it probably did
Principle of testimony- prevents descent into a sceptical bog.
Description related challenges are limited because those who are describing it are describing something beyond religious experience (linguistic precision)
What does Swinburne propose?
In his book existence of God there are 5 types of religious experiences; public and private
What ae public experiences?
Ordinary experiences- a person interprets a natural event as having religious significance (beauty of nature of the natural world)
Extraordinary experiences- Appear to violate normal understanding of the workings of nature
What are private experiences?
DSescribale in ordinary language- dreams; Joseph drew of god telling him to flee Ito Egypt in the bible
Non-describale- Direct expeeicnes of GOD, god is revealed to people (ineffable)
non-specific- looking at the world from a religious perspective
What is the principle of credulity?
Must accept what appears to be the case unless we have evidence to contrary.
What is the principle of testimony?
Unless we have positive evidence of a person misremembering/untrustworthy we should believe them.
What is ockhams razor?
The less assumptions there are the more believable that is (contradicting frank davis complexity)
What does Caroline frank davis say about quasi-n sensory?
They’re like a sense experience. Not testable/verifible.
What are materialistic/ naturalistic explanations?
Neuroscience/ neutroheoly can account for religious experience in temporal lobes. Can be stimulated by drugs
What did AJ ayer say about religious experience?
“merely expressive of someone’s state of mind”- aren’t verifiable then its pointless.
What is Antony flews point of view?
Statements which cannot be tested empirically are meaningless. (verification principle)
what did Otto say about religious experiences?
coined the term numinous , stressed the encounter of awe and mystery for faith.
What does RF Holland say about religious experiences that is common with Frank davis?
Frank Davis says that they are misunderstanding by the individual, Holland argues that it is a “remarkable coincidence that is interpreted in a religious fashion”, more conidences in which people interpret them to be religious experiences.
What does Smart say about religious experiences and why people who have them shouldn’t be believed?
“a perception of the invisible mind”
What is an example we could choose as an argument for the principle of testimony?
Roman Catholic Church hold events at faith, millions of people claimed to speak in tongues.
What was Humes quotation about religious experience?
‘extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence”
What does Jeremiah 28;9 in the bible say about how to spot religious experiences?
“When the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the lord has truly send the prophet”
What did James believe about religious experiences?
all religious experiences indicated the probability of God, but didn’t necessary talk specifically about god but about the necessity, but of the spiritual and higher aspects of the world.
What is an intellectual conversion?
New ideas are accepted
What are moral experiences?
Where a new behaviour or way of life is adopted
What are social experiences?
A new group of people and lifestyle are taken on
What is William Wainwrights quote about Otto’s religious experience?
“He wanted to distinguish dread from fear.. one is not frightened by something bad but by something beyond us”
What is the highest form of mystical experience?
The mystic becomes one with the divine, no distinction between the human and the divine subject; extroversive- a person perceives a unifying force outside of themselves.
What did William Craig say about his extroverted experience?
“I cried out to God infusion of joy… anger and bitterness ce flooding out… God I have come to know God
“An experience which genuinely produces love cannot be self-deceptive”
What is an introversive experience?
The person finds the divine within the deepest and darkest parts of their self. Experiencing the spark of god within the human soul.
What did William aston say about introvertive experiences?
“People retain consciousness yet are not concious of anything”
How did Swinburne his principle of credulity?
“yet one would not expect them to be the same as the object of experience is so different in each case”
Why is belief not a matter of decision?
Teresa of avilia positively suggests that you may not have a direct formal encounter with God but “I never saw it with the eyes of the body; only with the eyes of the soul”
What is the garden analogy?
Teresa compared the soul to a garden and the effect prayer has upon the soul
The bucket- watering a bucket into a well is hard.. process of beginning of prayer
Windlass- Windlass makes the process easier, once a routine is established process becomes easier
River- River takes burden from you, like gof
Rain- if rain comes no effort at all, soul is given over to God and union with him is complete
What is the mansions analogy? seven
Comapres the soul to a castle
first- a long way from centre of castle, soul is cold and distracted (humility)
second0 increasing in warmth, seeks out knowledge to move forward
third- learning control and self disciples capable of mistakes and reliance
fourth- soul is influenced by the divine and can rest.. prayer of quiet, early stage of mysticism
fifth- like the river soul is taken over by god.. spiritual union. God is in the interior of the soul
sixth- closeness to God means that we don’t want to turn back.. may experience hardship
seventh- mystical marriage.. irreversible union with God.
What is otto’s concept of numinous?
developed category of its own (Sui genesis), used the term numinous to describe these experiences that are beyond the reach of reason
Otto suggests that religious experiences include experiencing the vast presence of God but something that is never felt before (wholly other) a sense of dread or terror
then the mystic ends in bliss or ecstasy
Why are the claims of religious experience delusional?
Saying the person was mistaken, some people could be misunderstood for being sick- freud
Dawkins would argue that such claims are the result of hallucination
How can religious experiences be misunderstood by drugs?
The use of drugs is integral to the experience such as for hindu sadhus
sick or dying person may have been prescribed drugs to manage the pain
What does passive mean?
Happens largely without control
what does ineffable mean?
Struggles to repeat expeirence/articulate. mystic talks about it in religious language that seems meaningless o one who gas not shared similar experience
what does noetic mean?
Knowledge is received that cant be gained by another source such as reason or the intellectual.
what does transciaent mean?
Experiences are temproaery, lasting no more than a couple of hours, difficult tor recollect the experience
What is a group experience?
Observed by one or more people.
World war 2 phantom and st George surrounded easier troups
angels protecting curtains around the British troops
Who is an example of conversion?
Nicky cruz a gangsta converted to christianity after a religious experience, numinous and felt the presence of god. No direct encounter cathedral feel the presence
What is a communal conversion?
Peter told everyone to “repent and be baptised everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ”- Acts of the apostles reviewing the spirit of Jesus Christ = speak in tongues
If prayers are answered what does it mean on gods omnibenevolcen?
Create god as more of an omnibenevolent character, on the other hand if not god isn’t.
problem of evil argument- god will remain at an epistemic distance to allow freedom
As a critic what did Darren brown say about religious experiences?
They are just tricks of the mind, schipzadphrenia religious hallucinations- mediation
merging of god and person Francis of assi
wishful thinking
What was teresa of Avilas vision?
Vision of an angel spearing a spear into her heart with fire, creates this freedom image of god
can be religious figures, or prophets or religious messages
What is the vision about Saul being cured of his blindness?
Aranius had a vision to say he must cure Saul fo his blindness and he’s one of them, in his sleep. and to find Saul. The house of Judah of Damascus god told him. God chose Saul as the chosen one to present him before the gentiles also to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Saul asked barnabus to baptise him so his soul can be satfiied