community of believers Flashcards
When were the acts of the apostles?
Spread of chrisitnaity in 1c ce
period after Jesus’ accession, after pentecost
acts were written bt same author as Lukes gosepl
largest charaterzied by guidance of the Holy Spirit
What does Church mean?
ekklesia in greek, meaning group of people who were called out to come together for political purposes.
Who were the first christians?
jewish and attended the synagogue and participated in jewish customs; of praying and breaking bread
What happened at the start with both religions?
Both mingled together, many jews rejected claims about Jesus
What was the entry requirement?
4 functions of the church described acts chapter 2, baptism is the avitivyt that ushers one into the church, however was for converters to judaism.
John baptises offended jews by promoting baptism to all jews even for the cirucmsied
What were the 4 activites in the early church?
apostles teaching
breaking od bread
What was the apostles teaching?
first writings in the church were actually Pauls, an apostle of Jesus Christ
the apostles were stunned by Jesus’ resurrection and the promise of salvation. became conerttone of their message
What did acts 2:14-39 say?
Peter address the crowd “and in the last days it shall be, god declares that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh.. and I will show wonders in the heaven above”- hope for salvation granted heaven
What was the first coverts?
Peter said to them “repent and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”
What is the did ache?
important part was teaching and preaching, encouraging people to repent, ch Dodd identifies the kerygma (preaching) at the heat of the did ache (apostles teaching)
what did c Dodd say the difference was between the kerygma and the didache>
Kerygam was the declaration of faith whereas did ache is moral exhortation of teaching (found together in nt)
what did Dodd identify?
identified 6 elements common to speech in the acts
Jesus fulfilled the promise of Hebrew bible
god was at work in Jesus; life, death and resurrection
Jesus has been exhausted and in heaven
holy spiirit has been given to the church
Jesus will come to return glory
those who hear the message must change lifestyles and follow Jesus 9repent and be baptise)
What is the breaking of bread?
jewish practice to pray over loaves, refers to the fact that early christians shared common meals in various homes
acts 2:46- notes that christians ate together with simplicity of heart, meals matched a painless and honesty of speech an life
what are the prayer?
Devoted themselves to prayer
common jewish prayer; eighteen benedictions (amidah)
lords prayer
what was fellowship?
All held things in common Koionia- to have communion or to participate in
What roles do chuches play?
worship and sacraments
different ways of religious teaching
service and outreach
different forms of fellowship
church itself is a sacrament (visible sign of god’s grace), church is a sign of the risen christ.. present Jesus; meditation so crhsitians live perfectly in one family
participating in sacraments forms relationship with god through Jesus
sharing of possessions is not cumplosary, monks nuns who live, work and pray togyehr hold everything in common.
instrument of god’s grace-m works for peace and charity, fair trade, gender t bring about justice and mercy that god intends for all creation
responds to natural disasters famine, epidemics, seeks to give vulnerable communities to basic necessities
What does act 2:46 say about the church?
“and the lord added to their number daily by those who were being saved”- ALTHOUGHT commission is to baptise others, evident that the lifestyle of the new testament community of believers was a form of outreach.
What is a sacrament?
Augustine referred to this as an outward sign of grace, invisible sign of an inner act of god and outward.
sacrament isn’t in new teatemtn. by end of 3rd century baptism and communion were referred to as sacaremnts
What do churches disagree on sacaraments?
Churches disagree on the number of sacraments, council of Trent declared theres two but reformers believed only 2 by Jesus; baptism and lords supper
what is worship?
Centraility of worship for christians is found in Jesus’ command to love god with ones entire being (mark 12:30)
resentment to exodus 20, deutronemy) to love god alone
What is worship then and noW?
some churches attempt to worship in ways like the last, using religious languages, music others would use contemporary (Charismatic Movement)
What is mission?
Fine words of Jesus in gospel Matthew “go and make disciples of all nation, baotisizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit” called evangelisation from meaning good news
what is the dark side of mission?
neglecting humanity of those who aren’t considered christian. zealot christian missionary goes to restricted Abadan island to convert protected tribal, get killed by sentilese tribe
What is service and outreach?
mission can’t be seperated from service fransican rules- “friars… should preeach by their deeds’
douleo- to serve as a slave. Jesus taught disciples to wash feet of one another
what is service and outreach like today?
Christians involved in education, humanitarian missions across world. pope Francis speaking about poor and oppressed “para church”
What does nt wright say about the church?
“impossible, unnecessary and undesirable to be a christian all by yourself, as it is to be a new born abby by yourself” acts 2;42-47 of fellowship, breaking o bread are here
What does billy graham say about the church?
“churchgoers are like coals in a fire, when they cling together, they keep the flame aglow, when they separat, they die out” fellowship, sharing of possessions, worship
Who was Hans kung?
catholic himself,
he Said church needs to communicate the christian message in language today as it is spoke today, with neither biblical archaism. avoid trendy theological jargon.
eucharist or holy communion should be celebrated as a meal of commemoration, thanksgiving and fellowship
must provide pastoral liturgies for trust
shouldn’t become poltiicised, take public stands om issues only with gospel of Jesus Christ.
Why might mission be the ,most important?
without mission, or without mission of Jesus no church.
last passage in the bible is mission
baptism is a result of mission, baptism may be the most important aspect of the church.
could be argued as pre-church acuity
teaching of the apostles could be the most important as first listed in this passage