festivals Flashcards
What does the western church believe?
Believes that trinity is one god with three similar essence and attributes
What does the eastern church believe?
Believes that trinity is one god with three distinct essence and tributes with the father as the originator
Who is the leader of the western church?
pope is the vicar of christ, uses leaned bread in lords supper and bishops must be celibate
Who are leaders of the eastern?
patriarchs are the leaders but not infallible
How do the western treat their leader?
treat their pope as the vicar of christ who has authority over all members of the church
How do eastern members treat their leader?
treats their patriarch as leader
What are the passion narrative?
Final days of Jesus’ life
What is christmastide?
period before and after 25 December
What is vespers?
service of evening pray for Eastern Orthodox Church
When do western churches celebrate Christmas?
celebrate Christmas on 25th December, followed roman and pagan writers
focus on preparation of Christmas 4 weeks before
What are the key aspects of advent for western?
lightning of candle on an advent wreath; hope, prophets, joy, angel, annunciation, centre, christ candle
Why do the western churches colour the church blue?
Purple for hop, readings that speak are the messiahs and Matthew
What happens on Christmas Eve for the western church?
catolic and protestant churches will hold midnight mass to mark end of advent and start of Christmas Day
What happens on Christmas Day for the western and easter church?
family gatherings/ social actives
many readings from the prophets and gospes about comingg of Jesus; isiaish and all gossip nativity readings
What happens on Christmas Day for western?
Christians will gather for carol service and cavity plays
some churches will hold christingae; light of christ
red ribbon; tape symbolise love and blood of christ
sweets and dried fruit represent gods creations
in Wales plygain- in latin meaning cock crow. singing for men between 3 and 6am on Christmas morning poor to eucharist
What happens after Christmas for western?
12 days after, ends with feats of ephuphany on 6th January, resembling wise men
when do eastern churches celebrate Christmas?
7th January; calendar change
What do eastern churches celebrate for advent?
nativity fast, lasts for 40 days up to evening of the nativity (6th January)
liturgical colour is red and gold
not eating meat, fish, platy
ficus on the Hebrew prophets
2 Sundays before is the Sunday of the forefahthers- remembrance of the ancestors of he church before and after the giving of the law to Moses
How do eastern churches celebrate Christmas Eve?
strict fast called the Parmony (preparation)- no solid food till the first star appears in tghe evening
all night service
What happens on Christmas Day for eastern?
Services on eve last all night
services reflect those held on good Friday- as incarnation of Jesus made us possible to be saved
the hours- psamls, hymns reading each hour
basil of the great- baptised and integrated into the church in this service
after the Divine Liturgy many walk in procession to seas, lakes for an outdoor ceremony to bless the water
What happens after Christmas for eastern?
Chuch services and celebrations honouring virign Mary
saint Stephens day and the feats of holy innocents fall one day later than the west
19th January mark wise men
What does vernal mean?
What does pascal mean?
A easter child
What does lent mean?
Fasting for 40 days, Matthew 4:1-11 describes Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness prior to the beginning of his public ministry
What is clean Monday?
First day of great lent, ask others in the congregation for others so thyey can begin lent with a clear conscience
Who was Gregory palmamas?
A monk on the mouth ethos, 1800 years of Christina presence taught the prayer “prayer of the heart”
Why don’t people sit down for Marys him on akathist Saturday?
This words means not sitting as praising Mary
What is epitaphios?
A cloth that bears a picture of the dead christ
What happens on easter- date and background for western?
Easter most important for Christina, as celebrates resurrection of Jesus, foundation of christian belief
easter is eostre- anglo Saxon goddess of spring rebirth of nature
first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the vernal (spring)
moveable feast rather than mixed as takes place at different times
eastern and western have different dates of easter
What is the quotation from corinthians about ressuretion?
“and if your christ has not been raised, then our proclamation has been in vain a your faith has been in vain” 1 cor 15:14
What happens on easter- date and background for eastern?
Eastern church uses the Julian calendar for this festival
in west vernal equinox is on the fixed date of the 21st of march, eastern sets if anywhere from 19th to 22nd
eastern church say must fall after the jewish passover, since resurrection of Jesus took place after he came into juresulum after celebrating passover.
western- celebrated before passover
What happens in lent for western?
40 days prior to easter as Jesus was un wilderness- Christinas take this time for spiritual development
lent for western begins on ash wednesday
ashes created from palms are used on pam subway before
during lent Manu people fast, to develop spiritual discipline
flowers are removed, colour is purple as Mark 15:17- where the soldiers mocked Jesus by making him wear purple, the colour of royalty
4th Sunday is laetare (rejoice), priests can wear coloured vestments. day of reaction of normal lenten fasting0 easter is in view
5th Sunday- passion Sunday, marking beginning of a 2 week period known as passion tide. All crucifixes and images are veiled
6th sunday- Holy Week, final week of lent before easter. commemorates Jesus entry in jersey during which people laid branches down before him to induce his status
what happens on Holy Week for western church?
Pascual triduum, period of 3 days that begins with the liturgy on the evening of Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday- time of remembering last supper, maundy means commandment. when christians remember Jesus commandment to serve one anther and washing of feet (John 13)
good friday- christians remember the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus. Day of atonement. solemn and quiet leafing up to Jesus are remembered.
stations of cross may be used, no eucharist
anglilican churches have a tradition of 3 hours devotion- meditation and music (Lutherans often have a Tenebrae (darkness). where candles are used to read narratives
Saturday night before easter- staying awak, pascal candle representing jess will be lift and images and statues that mat have been veiled during lent are uncovered
What happens on Holy Week for eastern church?
Holy and great Monday- the patriarch Joseph as a prototype of christ Jesus cursing the fig tree
holy and great Tuesday- parables of ten virgins and talents
holy and great wednesday- annoiting of Jesus
holy and great Thursday- gather to celebrate fodunign off eucharist
holy and great rfriday- strict fasting with services held in morning, afternoon. Remember sinful behaviour that Jesus has to endure
evening services focus on Marys pain over death of son
in gossip story0 Jesus is removed from the cross and wrapped in cloth (epitatphios), image of Jesus is painted carried around the church and placed in tomb sprinkled with rose water and petals
Holy and great Saturday- day of strict fasting to remember Jesus burial and descent to hell
priest sprinkles church with fresh bay leaves to symbolise Jesus’ victory over death
midnight office- last service of lent
at end of midnight.. candles and lights are extinguished till stroke of midnay- resurrection is announced
What happens on Easter Day for eastern?
Celebration of resurrection
colour white, gold
music is joyful
4 parts to easter liturgy,
vigil- evening of the holy Saturday
service of light- easter candle, symbolising christ as the light of the world passed through the church and whole congregation. Exsulet an ancient easter song
liturgy of initiation- popular time for baptism and confirmations
liturgy of eucharist- catholic and Anglican cliches will always celebrate eurchaist at least once on easter synday
What happens on Easter Day for western?
Candle lighting ceremony, preset lights a single candle passes the light onto his assistants, who lights everyone in congregation :at thy resurrection o christ our saviour”
paschal eggs and basket of food may be blessed bt priest
crack open boiled eggs t celebrate blood of Christs, opening of Jesus tomb
Easter Sunday afternoon- vespers are Sunday and gospel of John is read in different languages to symbolise christians believe that resurrection is important for the whole week
Easter is bright week- no fasting.
What are some of the criticism to Christmas and easter traditions? for Christs birth
No one knows when Jesus was born. Custom of christinas in Rome to celebrate this date, regarded as the natalis solis invitcti (birthdy of the unconquered son). Christmas is a christianising of all these things
17th decemebr- roman world was a festival of Saturn when presents were given and slaves were freed for a short time.
What do Christinas celebrate on the 25th march?
Could be when Jesus was born, when angel Gabriel visited Mary, where she was too she would eb the mother of christ
What did w Cole and pe Morgan say about easter?
“easter is another example of how chrisitnaity christianised a festival this time the jewish passover
What does Bertrand Russel say about easter>
basically says it is pointless and questions why god has singled out one particular jew, why has he made his own son die when he could have just left it there, why did he choose a jew and not an Australian aborigine?
What evidence do we have that suggest easter has bee fixed?
The council of nicea converted by emperor Constantine of Rome in 325 had 2 rules; independence of the jewish calendar and worldwide uniformilau
What do the restored church think easter is?
A pagan spring festival developed by the Roman Catholic church, some Jehovah’s Witness say its a memorial
What did Alfred Reynolds say in his book about Jesus living?
No evidence that jesus actually lived in his book Jesus versus christianity
Russell says not information about Jesus
What does pope Francis say about lent?
“comes from providentially to rewaken us, to shake us from our lethary
What does nt wright say about the resurrection?
Jesus’ resurrection is the beginning of gods new project… to colonise earth with the life of heaven
what does William Barclay say about the resurrection?
Jesus’ coming is the final and unanswerable proof that god cares
How is easter celebrated in eastern and western?
centre of church for western Rome
centre of church for eastern- constatniople
Both divided by the great schism in 1054
if no resurrection would be in vain
explain both churches and what they both have; continued date wise, description wise
How are western and eastern churches different?
Eastern is more serious, western is more relaxed and joyous
Why could Christmas be more important than easter?
increase church attendance, importance is emphasised in culture t=rather than spiritual . The kergyma in the early church centred on resurrection.
church can use churstmas as a way to seek converts
atonement which remembers during Holy Week wold not have been possible without the incarnation into the world of a sinless sacrifice. Christmas and easter are linked . Jesus birth is only in 2 gospels- so could be late coming. resurrection is in all 4, so event that created Christina faith.