determinism and free will Flashcards
What is hard determinism?
Everything in the universe and humans have a prior cause, universal causation. A causal necessity that an effect follows on from a prior cause. The prior cause is external (free wills don’t have free will to decide)
What was John locked reason for hard determinism?
He believed every action has predetermined choices, every action is due to an action caused before it . No way of going to change what is going to happen in the futuree “free will is just an illusion” Sleeping man in a. dark room
What is soft determinism?
Free will and determisim are compatible.
2 types of causes; internal (voluntary, comes within the persons mind personality and wishes) Choice to own will
External- Person cannot act in accordance with own desires; compelled to act. Can’t blame/praise
A person can be considered to have moral responsibility if internal.
What did d’holbach believe about determinism?
Was a hard determininst who believed free will is an illusion, man is connected to nature; humans are material things which are depended on immutable laws (laws of science) His solution was for humans to be free an action must be independent of determining causes, no action is indepdenet of determining human causes
Which person argues again hard determisim?
G.E Moore-
What did pelagius say about free will?
Pelagius didn’t believe there was grace and said it wasn’t needed for eternal life, humans only needed the declaration of the law, Humans can resist anything because they have free will. Denied humans being sinful at birth and through Adam and eve, no need for grace to gain eternal life
What biblical support about Jesus do we know that god does use predetermiskm?
This argument for god being omniscient and all knowing is presented in passages like God predetermising that the Messiah will come
The proverbs “The lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble”
What evidence is there in the bible that Jesus predestined his own people?
People are chosen by god for his own purposes; king David, the levies. Jesus chose the apostles-wasnt]’t their decision to follow him.
What evidence is there in the Bible that God made people delierbaltey evil?
Pharaoh, Judas he left them to their own evil to make them evil, never causes them to be good
What evidence is there for choosing of salvation among people?
Jesus in the Nt says that God chose people for salvation “you did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you (JN 15:16).
What does Paul say about predesitnation?
“He chose us in him before the foundation of the world” (eps 1:4-5), and those he foreknew he predestined, he called; God knows and predestines those he knows, to follow Jesus.
What evidence is there in the Bible for supporting free will?
Genesis; choice to eat from the tree
Moses; have the jews a choice to follow gods law and be blessed.
“for as in Adam all die, so also in christ all shall be made alive) corinthians
What does the Catholic Church say about predetermisim?
We are still determined like agustians view- man is free but free will and human nature are still wounded by concupiscence, Gods grace is necessary to restore and heal us to our original freedom. Human freedom is wounded by ai. Salvation depends on God’s healing actopm- depends on who god wants to give eternal life to (grave)
What does the Methodist church say about free will?
Armius believed christ died for everyone, up to the individual to choose whether or not to accept God’s grace in Christ. John Wesley “a person is free not only to accept salvation, but to reject it” Humans are free to choose whether they want to be saved or rejected- although being guided by the holy spiit.
What is the theological view on predestination omnipotence?
if god is an omnipotent god, then it must be true his plans Come to pass no matter what we decide, if humans decided what happens them god would not be omnipotent.
What is the libet experiment?
wired objects to a machine and constructed an experiment for them to move their hand whenever they felt like it and record the difference in seconds of when their brain activity told them to do that- the conscious thought didn’t cause the movement as there is brain activity 100 ms before. Some were ekptical. The brain had brain activity before the moveoemtn
What may be another reason to suggest something other than our actions being determined or by free will?
Social conditioning, being brought up by our environment and our upbringing; Clarence Darrow The Darrow case illustrates that these boys weren’t responsible for the murders due to their bad upbringing and environment.
What may people argue towards the Darrow case?
These boys can be blamed due to their free will, but also their upbringing should have been a lesson to them to not perform acts like that. It wasn’t sociologically determined in any way. If I was bought up with a family who beat other people up for fun, this does not mean I am sociologically determined to do this as well, I could listen to my conscience which some may argue is the voice of God which would tell me hurting others is wrong. This crime was inherent
What are the advantages to hard determisim?
There are causes to our behaviour
May be down to genetics
Reinforces the idea of predestination God shows who will be saved and who won’t be
Benedict Spinoza says that free will is an illusion
What are the disadvantages of hard determisim?
May lead to lack of law and order
We are not morally responsible
People cannot be praised o blamed fo their actions
What was Thomas Hobbes analogy of determisim?
“a billiard ball rolling along the table” with “its motion altered by the force of another billiard ball which strikes it”
Which scientist agreed with hard determisim?
“All actions are movements caused by states of the brain
What does Augustine say about free will?
It has been “utterly wasted by sin”
What is consicupence?
We are more inclined towards pursuing and satisfying our lower, sensual pleasures than on pursing truth, goodness, god. Consicupence overrides our essentially free human nature (liberium arbitrium) creates a sinful second nature for humanity.
Why did Augustine say no one can escape human sin?
As we are Adams desendenetas, “all humans were seminally present in the loins of Adam”
All humans are created in the consicupence , into the activity in sex. Sex became consicupeent
What did Augustine believe on God’s grave?
God wanted everyone to be restored from sin as he was omnibenevolent . Grace is a gift not a reward and he didn’t give it as humans deserved it.
Its uo to God whether to bestow the grace on some rather than others.
What are the reprobates?
Those who aren’t chosen and remain int he messca Patti”
What are the reprobates?
Those who aren’t chosen and remain int he messca Patti”
Does Augustine say grace is irresitbale?
When the elect have been freed, removes the evil and frees the Librium abritirim. Heals the human nature from concupiscence then humans can choose freely and well. Having grace the elect willl resist sin, as that is what their human nature will direct them towards. They were electively predestined for eternal life before they were born.
Does Augustine saying that humans were predestined before they were born mean they are not free?
He says they were effectielly predestined for eternal life before they were born, giving the grave where they resist evil takes away their freedom.
What is the belief in calvisnism?
Believed in augustines ideas and developed them further; denied free will. Christ’s death and atonement for human sines was for the elect only.
What did Matthew say which matches with Calvinism?
“this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for money for the foorginess of sins- Christ only died for the elected who God gave them.
What happens to the elect according to Calvin?
The elect will remain in god’s hand until they are glorified in heaven, sanctification which god has given the elect will continue until its fulfilment in eternal life. The elect will be unable to commit epostasy by giving up their faith.
What does Calvin say about people being sinful?
Humans are totally corrupted by sin because of the fall, cant choose good over evil (augustines point). Sin has extended to every part of a morals agent’spersonlaity like thought, emotions and will. This sin has extended to the entire being
What does Calvin say about the elected?
Not elected due to their own merit, not based on god’s omniscient on who would choose Jesus but based on his own will, before earth was created.
God’s irrestibale grave is through inward call of the gosepl. John 6:37- christ teachers all whom god has elected will come to a knoewledge of him, the knowledge of Christ leads to salvation
What is an example of an internal cause?
I have food but I am not going to eat as I want to lose weight
I want something but I cant afford it
What is an example of external causes?
I am being tortured for information. Our mental states are caused
What did Pelagius say about eternal life?
No need for grace, children are born innocent and free of sin. Challeneged the churches teaching on baptism and suggests we don’t need baptismm to be purified, follow deeds/laws of church and gain eternal life; Revelation 3:19 “Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.”
What did pelagius say about non-christians having eternal life?
Said that they can still have eternal life by following moral actions
What did satre believe om libertarianism?
Satre saw humans as radically free
What was stars quotation on existence?
“existence predcedes essence”. No fixed human nature/character/essence we exist first and grow into our essence- determine our own essence
What did satre say about no God?
He is an atheist and believed there was no god, as man is free “there is no god so man must rely upon his own fallible will and moral insight. He can’t escape choosing”
As there is no God no one can control humanity as we are free- no controlling deity.
What did satre believe of humans and animals?
People can undrtsnad they have free will because they have “pour soy” possession of a self-consciousness ie. awareness of our own existence
animals are just en-soi “being in itself” an9imals aren’t self conscious and aware of themselves.
What did satre believe of humans and animals?
People can undrtsnad they have free will because they have “pour soy” possession of a self-consciousness ie. awareness of our own existence
animals are just en-soi “being in itself” an9imals aren’t self conscious and aware of themselves.
Why did satre believe self consciousness had such a big impact on humans?
It enables people to think about and consider the different possible futures that might come about from different actions. Opens up the distance between a person’s self consciousness and physical world in which we all exist- the gap allowing people to have free will
People have the ability to not just act upon the environment around them (determsim)
According to satre what is bad faith?
Reverse psychology, people try to reject the fact they have free Willa nd freedom as it can bring emotional pain to the individual . people are determined that things outside of them are dependent on their actions and don’t tak moral responsibly
What was satre’s analogy of bad faith?
cafe waiter
Argues that the Waiter is free but is self decepiting himself due to bad faith.
The waiter wants to change job as he doesn’t like his job, he’s applied to other jobs but knows that he won’t get payed as much as others. Satres says this is nonsense, man is condemned to be free and it is ou choice to decide what it is. Do it to avoid making life deiciosns
What is the book existentalism precedes seance
Existence precedes essence. Every human being has an essence which what makes them who they are; without the essence a human isn’t special. A knife doesn’t have a blade and is just a colourful handle. An individual is what he does, we event what we appear on the canvas. Every action defines us
What is sartres statement “we are condemned to be free”?
We had no choice coming into the world, but open to a world that we un freely have to make so many choices- throwness “Martin Heideger”
What is sartres view religiously?
If man is free, god does not exist and if god does exist man is not free.
What is sartres view religiously?
If man is free, god does not exist and if god does exist man is not free.
What is Dostoevsky point of view on free will?
“if god does not exist everything Is permitted”
What is a quote that extenstialists wouldn’t support?
“’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11- wouldn’t support it as we are free to make our own life- throwness
What is the quotation that Augustine would support on predestination? Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans- god ideas that the elected have been chosen for his purpose only
What quotation supports predestination? Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
What did John Locke believe on nurture`?
We are a blank canvas and we develop ourselves from environment
How can Darwins point on genes show a view on hard determisim?
Only characteristics get passed om, Darwin realised the the characteristics creatures had were inherited.
What did Dawkins suggest about genes?
Creatures are simply gene carriers, pass onto their genes to next generation. Genes are selfish. Genes are altruism as it allows other creatures to survive;m
What is an argument to go against dawkins and Darwins gene theory of epigenetic?
Epigenetic, genes are expressed and. modulated by the environment; a rabbit changes colour depending on winter and summer.
What other influences are there apart from environment on a child?
Personality; upbringing, behaviourism
health; lifestyle ha been prevent to affect child’s obesity, blood pressure bad eait
What did Laplace say about predicting the future (hard determisim)?
If we knew the positions and speed of every particle, and all laws that govern them we can predict the future.
How can pavlova dog be the result of environemental conditioning?
Pavlovs dog; every time he heard the bell his dog would salivate, every time ht dog heard a bell he would
What did skinner suggest about operant conditioning?
Every action that had positive reinforcement the human would repeat nd this might be through rewards, every time the human received negative reinforcement the human wouldn’t repeat
What do soft determinists argur?
We free and determined by our background, genetics and eduction/law of nature. Freedom requires determisim to make sense of things.
Internal causes- our own will but depended on genetics, psychological and conditioning and determine by causation
What was one of Laplace’s other quotations to do with the present?
“We may regard he present state of the universe as the result of its past and the cause of its future
What are the challenges against lap laces daieman theory?
Randomness to particles, Heisenbergs uncertainty
Limit to the computational power of the universe
What was D’holbachs quotation on determisim?
“Man is born without his consent, his ideas come to him involuntarily”
External causes result from his desires
What is skinners quotation about operant conditioning?
“Our moral choices are completely determined by our upbringing and social conditioning’
What did hobbes mean through the absence of opposition?
As long as our desired actions are not hindered in any way by any obvious external cause man is free
What did socrates believe about determisim?
Our actions are compleltley determined by our knowledge and beliefs