The bible as a source of wisdom and authority in daily life Flashcards
Why is the bible so important for christians in everyday life?
As ti contains teachings of God and Jesus, it provides us with information and advice for everyday life- God reminds us to love our enemies
What does Eccelsites suggest?
“Fear God and keep his commandments, for that is the whole duty of everyone”- Implying be fearful of God he can make you suffer and make you learn, does this make God evil? Follow the Bible so you can gain eternal life
What does Luke 6:36-37 suggest?
“be merciful, just as your father is merciful”= Live in the life of Jesus and God and you will be protected- imago Dei
What does psalm 119:9-16 suggest?
“with my whole heat I seek you, do not let me stray from your commandments”- Trying to build a relationship with God. God promises you heaven, a good life . Treasuring his life keeps you from sinning
What does Genesis 1:26-28?
“let us make mankind in our image, according to our likeness” Replicate the human race (reproduction)
What does the Bible mean?
Means “ta biblia”- meaning the books
What does apocrypha mean in the Bible?
Means hidden, means belonging to a second canon
What are the gospels?
Anglo Saxon meaning good story
What are the book of acts?
founding of the christian church
What are the epistles?
Letters from the corinthians/ early church
What is the book of revelation?
word book, full of descriptions of apocolyptic visions
What is the purpose of life?
to find god, know him and do his will. Christians should serve him, obey him and do his will
What does John 14:6 say the meaning of life is?
“I am the way and the truth and the life”
How does Psalm 119:9-16 guide us to not sin?
Follow Jesus’ path to not sin
why is Leviticus 9:18 an important commandment?
“not to take revenge” God said love your enemies.
How many commandments are there?
613 Mitzvot
How does the bible contain moral adivce?
Describes benefits of following Gods law Ecclesiates 12:13-14
General moral advice by describing God’s moral behaviour 0r how we want to be treated (Luke 6:36-7)
Through short lists/proverbs (deutrenomy, Leviticus exodus
Through stories
What us Luke 6:36-7 quotation on how to act like your father?
“Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful”
How does the bible act in a way of source and encouragement?
Using the passages Psalm 46:1-3 and using Matthew 6:25
What is the quotation from psalm 46:1-3? in times of trouble
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
What is the quotation Matthew 6:25 when in times of trouble?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
What is bereavement?
Jesus used the Holy scripture to resist all such tempation- mourning
What are some of the different ways to read the Bible?
Instruction manual- picking out and clearly following rules and teachings
socially important- help society
Why are the psalms good for everyday life even today?
They present fundamental truths about God in order to bring about a change in the readers life, they offer comfort tho those who are worried about death and suffering, death
What are the disadvantages of psalms?
They are only really suited for judaism as they were designed for the temple cult in jerueslum
Not 21st century pronblr,d
How do the psalms offer a useful guide for everyday life?
Emphasize love for God and christian drive
Address universal situations of why we suffer
What does Nt wright say about the bible being authoritative?
Its authority only comes from god, god uses his authority to free people, to save and guide
We become trained by the scripture
broad training in gods view of thing
Who were the prophets?
geniuses who created the Hebrew language in narratives
What happens a the start of the story?
Wrote about Egyptians who were conquered by the babylonians and went into exile, many Israelites returned to their land and built temples. this is when jewish scriptures formed
What is the torah made u of?
tor- law (genesis)
nevim- prophets (Samuel, isiaish)
k-etuvim- writings- psams, proverbs poetic, narratives
what do the jewish people believe through the books?
God speaks to them
What does the bible say?
Through time it shows how god is producing beauty, and less chaos through our world, builds hope for a new leader
what did Jesus claim about the tank?
Jesus was carrying the tanakh, and was going to save the world
what did the apostles create?
created new literary works about Jesus and these were good news/gospels
formed an account called the acts about the spread of Jesus movement outside of Israel
then circulated letters around
continuing jewish tradition (new testament)
what happens in the christian movement?
every christian has recognised the tanakh ad the new testament
some catholics made some of the books from Old Testament deturocenical
protestant when back t old forms- old and new testaments