Bible and authority texts and meanings Flashcards
What does the book of ecclesiates give and entail?
Stars with the word qohelet- gather people together The word is made of “Hevel” meaning meaningless. We can describe life like smoke; we think we cn grab it and hold onto it into our control but it isn’t the author we don’t know but the teacher; king Solomon or David say that accept hevel, death is the great equaliser and renders meaningless of most of our activities
What does the book of psalms suggest and entail?
150 poems, split by Solomon and Moses; 5
origin of poems after Israels exile to Babylon put into books of psams, 1,2,3,4,5
What is the meaning of lament in the psams?
Covers 1,2,3 books to suggest hope for no evil in the world
pain, confusion of whats wrong with the world and our response to evil and have the trust in the messianic king
1st- one who mediates on the torah
2nd- hope for future of messianic king, echoes pfophets- fulfilled ancient promiser
3rd- never forget the promises
What is the meaning o praise in the book of psamsl/
Other type of poem, 4,5
joy, celebration and retells the stories
4th- reverts of Moses and engages the celebration of the trees, mountains
5th- send the messianic king
What is psaml 148:14
“God has raised up a horn for his people”
The horn symbolises the future image for the messianic king- praise and hope
What is the meaning of the book of psalms?
Not to ignore psalms, look for promises
In psalm 1 book what is the quotation “119:9-16?
“I treasure your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you….
I will meditate on your precepts, and fix my eyes on your ways”
What does the book of genesis symbolise?
split into two main parts
god 1-11 and his whole world creation of Adam and eve
Abraham and his promises 12-50
What does God 1.11 genesis suggest?
The creation of the world of god,
Adam- humanity
eve- life in hebrew
god made these two in his image
due to the tree of knowledge they got a choice to pick between good and evil and chose evil, and turned into sin which put hell on the rest of the world
Eve and Adam sometimes hid from eahcother due to feeling indifferently
This downward spiral of the world gets bad, god tries to flood all the sin out of the world through the flood and Noah was the saviour who freed the animals
the tower of babel the humans tried to reach god in kingdom but again cant choose good so god scatters them
What is the book of genesis 12-50 Abraham?
Due to the tower of babel god scatters the nations and chose Abraham who through him everyone would achieve gods blessings.
Abraham had no children so stores of his wife forcing him to sleep ith someone…. they got old and then had sons, Issac and Jacob. Jacob was full of greed who wanted the money and Abrahams hertiance. Jacob had 12 sons, his favourtie- Joseph who he gives a dreamboat
Josephs brothers frowned upon him and wanted to kill hm but then put him in slavery but then in prison cell in Egypt becomes the second command of Egypt. The food shortage in Middle East, see Josephs brothers and Joseph grants them food
God always turns evil back into good
What did Joseph say in the last paragraph of genesis?
“we basically planned evil but god planned it for good to save peoples lives
What is the genesis quotation 1.26-28?
“so god created human kind in his image, in the image of god he created them; male and female he created them”
What is the psalms 119:105-112?
:the wicket have laid a snare for me, but I do not stray from your precepts”
What is the psalm 46:1-3 about evil and mountains?
“Therefore we should not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea”
God is our refuge and strength a hope for the messianic god
What does the Matthew 6:25 tell us?
“do not worry, about your life, what you will eat or what you will drinkl or about your body”
God knows what you need, theres no need to worry about things that will be extinct tomorrow
What does the bible teach us?
The bible teachers us as said in mark, Matthew not to be greedy being rich doesn’t make ruou better o worse. don’t let possessions possess you. Being rich heavily is more important than earthly as it is eternal
Therefore the purpose of life is to find God, know Him and do His will. Christians should serve Him, obey Him and worship Him.
Christians believe that those who believe in Jesus will share his resurrection and receive eternal life.
What does the bible offer us as. source of comfort?
The bible offers us hope for no sin, even when we sin god turns it bad into good; the flood of genesis. Joseph and his brothers
Why are the psalms useful?
they offer us a guide to living and a guide to lifee with comfort.
What are the controversial aspects of the bible?
The bible doesn’t provide total advice from life like ecessaites said; humans can look towards ethical series like utiliatiriansm
the bible may not be correct, use evolution to describe how humans were created.
many bible have been sold as an advocate of missionary usage rather than a prescribed belief
By Jesus muttering the words of the psalm on the cross what does this create?
Creates that Jesus may have doubted in himself that he was going to be saved “my god my god why have you forsaken me”?
What does the teacher of eccesialtes try and teach us?
How he learned his life under the sun and the experiences he accepted
The sun will continue to rise and set.[
A man might work an entire lifetime accumulating wealth only to have it all stolen and given to another.
theres nothing man can do to provide certainty to his life and processions; mans life is out of his own hand
Only when the reader accepts his natural condition, as a man living amidst the fog of life, can he look to something greater than himself for truth.[30]
] Fearing God is not intuitive, nor easy, but it is the greatest thing a man can do given his limited power within the grandness of the universe.[56]