feminist thology- daly| Flashcards
How did Cunningham describe daly?
“the gol standard of absolute feminism “
How does daly describe the womens community?
“the womens movement is an exodus community”
What has happened over time according to women?
Women haven’t been able to fulfil their role and grow, biology has had a factor and defined themselves
women have been under this role of oppression
What is the system daly says?
The sexual caste system
women have amplified the
What did Mary say is the answer?
Women need to leave the church, like Hampson society is so patriarchal women need to leave the church
What is the quotation Mary uses about god and male?
God is male and the male is god
How has Mary described men being myth makers?
Men are the myth makers through time when they delierbaltey class women as being inferior to them to make themselves feel good
How does daly describe men in terms f robber?
Men have robbed womens rights of being patriarchal to suit themselves “their myths theyr energy”
How does daly describe presets?
“princes of the church”
How does Mary say the language of god is in the bible?
Too patriarchal, gives legitimacy that women are inferior to men it bolsters male]the male language needs to be catsratedb
How does daly describe eve?
Through scapegoat theology, even is the scapegoat of the male sexual guilt
What is Dalys scapegoat theology?
Encourage women to enter a new convent to eat the forbidden fruit again- a flall into freedom
What are Dalys two images of women?
Virgin Mary and Mary magadelene
Virgin Mary is seen as being pitted on- she is a rape victim to Mary daly who has been submissive to god
magadlene- the fallen Mary who is like eve
these have been developed into patriarchal society and had an absdomiation of the female sex
What does Mary daly say in her chapter 3 book beyond god the father?
Jesus must have been male- it is inevitable due to the patriarchal society
god is male, Jesus is male women are passive eco-tenets and the bible backs this up
how does Matthews gospe add to Mary the virgin being passive?
The greek translation inaccurate to virgin to deleibraltey show women being inferior to men
Jesus brother Mary cant have been unclear
How does daly say we need to describe god?
As a verb rather than a noun, our life is verbs
god as a noun is changeless, static and creator
god as a noun needs to be dethroned
What are the 3 ways god as being a noun dont inspire?
God as a stop gap (explanation of the unknown)
god as other worldliness (god goes rewards/punsihes after death)
judge of sin(establishes rules and society of men and women)
we need to dethrone these
How does Mary say we need to see god?
See god as a process of becoming with the universe to actualise our potential as female lamyguage doesn’t work
How are women described as objects with rape according to daly?
Women have been subverted to rape due to the fact that men can look after the women and be superior tp them
How are women described as objects with rape according to daly?
Women have been subverted to rape due to the fact that men can look after the women and be superior tp them
How are women described as objects with rape according to daly?
Women have been subverted to rape due to the fact that men can look after the women and be superior tp them
How does genocide promote this madness ?
Maliness can be seen in war
Wha is the number quotation to describe genoicde?
“kill every male among the little ones”
What is the deliberate association to woes attributes according to daly?
Women are deliberately linked to passive and gentlest to have men be superior over women
maargaret thatcher women who’d defeated this
What does daly say needs to be estabablisehd?
Sister hood to abolish the male terms, women need to work together and abolish this by either leaving the church
How does daly say men willl describe sisterhood?
“castrating female”
What does audio Lorde say?
says daly doesn’t consider women of colour and their racial bias
What are criticism that have been posed to daly?
daly saying “I really dont care about men” goes against her argument, she is basically committing dualism by saying the opposite to what she wants
How has the church tried to establish equal sexes?
Mulieres dignitatem- equality of the same sex
What does audre lord sy about daly?
“here story of myth”