Can god suffer? Flashcards
What is the classical doctrine of the nature and impassibility of god?
Chrsitains believe god cant suffer and therefore reflects an immutable and an impassible view- hw cant suffer and he cant change
Why do christians think god cant suffer>
if god were affected by emotions and other people it would mean he is dependent upon another being, but people like Malcolm would say god is necessary he doesn’t rely on anything else otherwise he would be cotignent and therefore not all powerful
Ho does the christian doctrine of god being aseity relate to aquinas?
God is an uncaused mover, he is the one who cannot change he doesn’t have any relational cause and doesn’t have any Cambridge cause, he is timelesss.
What is the biblical quotation of Malachi 3:6
I the lord do not change
Why would a god who is dependent on humanity be vulnerable?
If god was allowed to be mutable it would mean his nature as an all powerful god would fail and the be dependent on humanity
What did Paul helm say abut god?
Paul Helm has explained, that “God cannot change or be changed, and a fortiori God cannot be changed by being affected. So that impassibility is a kind of immutability.”8
What did terutillain the creator of the name of the trinity say about god needing to be passible?
“If the Father is impassible he cannot suffer with another; if he can suffer with another, then he is passible, should we not prefer the second alternative?- but for tertullian god possesses emotions in a divine manner
How can the doctrine of accommodation be used to suggest gods impassibility and possibility?
God reveals himself to us in a way that is easier to understand through the doctrine of accomdtion, It is an act of grace God speaks to us in a way of human udertsnading so that we may understand him
What did Paul helm say about the doctrine of accommodation?
God must act in a way according to human understanding so that us as humansns may respond to him and understand him
How can we say that god can show compassion and care for his people without actually saying he is passible or mutable?
“God is love” this statement simply suggests that god again revealing himself to us is just to develop a good relationship with us, god caring for us isn’t emotion, it is just a way to develop a good relationship so we can live in accordance to his word.
How does god show emotion and anger through the wrath?
God shows anger through our disobdeicne especially in the old testament, Adam and eve having this consicupiene to sin and original sin through the disodeicen
How does romans show the wrath of god?
“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness.
Even though Jesus is emphasising about the kingdom of god it does not say tha god won’t comment on hell and the sin. it emphasises gods justness and righteousness
How are humans emotions and gods emotions different?
We understand gods emotions through our own sensual experiences. through our own emotions and god tries to reveal himself to us through the bible.
How is god incorporeal meaning he has no emotions/
As god essentially has no physical matter this could permeate the fact that god doesn’t share the same emotions
What does st John of Damascus say about gods unchanging nature?
He is invariable and unchangeable,
What did Hebrew christians believe about gods imapssiblity?
They tried to preach of the doctrine that god cant suffer, but in yaweh god was presented as very angry who wasn’t incorporeal at all, he had fingers and hands. So they made a solution to suggest the biblical texts were intact metaphorical. Instead use the teachings of god as gods wrath to show us that we should be scared and in fear od god as he is the main juster of things
What are the links with this and incarnation- kenotic model?
If the kenotic mdoel is the emptying of jesus’ atributes it indicates god can chnage or god can suffer is jesus is part of god and fully human
What might the old testament in matthews gospe about the birth narratives want?
The reason matthews may sort of prsent jesus as a suffererer or more fragile is to under pin the way that jesus is the apocylpse the coming of the apopcylpse
In the 20th century what view do people take?
As axiomatic view god can suffer
the prevailing social and cultural milieu, modern interpretation of biblical revelation, and contemporary trends in philosophy.
how does god suffer in old testament?
freed his peopkr in the okdvtrstament
Moreover, the heart of the Christian kerygma is that the Son of God became man and lived an authentic human life.