Iranians theodicy Flashcards
what are the 2 properties of iraenaons theodicy?
“man was made in the image, likeness of god”
humans possess same qualities as god, we are intelligent and conscious beings with a moral nature
we must grow to be the likeness of god
humans aren’t created perfect, but have the potential to be perfect
Why didn’t god make us perfect?
God through it was better for humans to earn morality through hard work and was better than no work at all through our free will. readily made morality would plan to make us like robots
Why doesn’t iraneous think the world I perfect?
God didn’t design the world perfect and delieb raltye intended there to be pain and suffering to grow as human beings, in a world with no pain our actions have no moral consequence and therefore free will would be seen as pointless and wouldn’t grow as individuals
What did iraneous say?
a world without problems, difficulties, hardships would be morally static. moral and spiritual growth comes through response to challenges and in a paradise there would be no challenges
How did Swinburne adapt to this?
many of the moral virtues we admire are only possible in an imperfect world, compassion, generosity
without poverty pain and corruption these wouldn’t be possible
these virtues are in proportion to the sovereignty of the suffering experience
real compassion- real painm
What did John hick say?
Created the term soul making as a term to describe moral growth , if god intervened this it would undermine human freedom
god created up with epistemic distnce- god makes it deleirbate that our existence wasn’t certain. wed act delieberaltey and under no freedom
What do hick and iraneous both say about moral development?
god allows suffering in order to lead to the higher development goal of moral devilment
however there moral degradation- less kind, less nice
ireanous said everyone must attain perfection if not in this life in heaven (universal salvation)
What are the criticisms?
do the ends justify the means?- not acceptable to do something good by doing something bad, like god?
does all suffering evolve in moral growth, some people do make people grow but some degradation; criminals say about child hood experiences
is suffering the only way to create moral growth; learning a new skill can help create moral virtues
is universal salvation fair? - believes everyone makes it to heaven, what is the point in being moral right now if everyone goes to heaven anyway?
What does iraneous say about evil being created?
Evil wa created by god for a legitimate reason, god is reposbile for evil but shows he is justified in creating it and allowing it to remain
What is the vale of soul making?
The purpose of the world to iraneou was making souls. We were created imperfect for the potential of perfection
Human is developed through free choicee, we are placed on earth to suffer and struggle. To appreciate the goodness; and the aesthetic of th eWorld (geological argument)
How does john hick add to the vale of soul making?
If the universe was created perfect it would be a poor creation by creating happy lives.. Helps people to become moree like god
using the genesis quote “let us make man kind In our image, in our likeness” we were created imperfect, contradicts augustines.
What happens when evil occurs?
We can use our virtues and develop virtues like charity, altruism and compassion. These would be unnecessary in a perfect world, adding to the virtue theory of aristoles.
What are the second order goods?
rely on the existence of evil to florusij
What is the eschatological justification?
Hick and iraneos both argue that we can all develop as being perfect tin the afterlife. Those who are innocent and suffer will be rewarded in heaven, those who har will remain in pirgatory until they are perfect. It has more to do with our own faith and works
What are some challenges of the theory?
Universal salvation isn’t consistent iwht gods nature, hitler and stakin end up in heaven with the rest of us . No need to achieve good as we will all be rewarded in the end
What did Dostoyevsky say about an omnibevolene god for evil and suffering?
The Childs tears aren’t worth evil and suffering. we don’t need sufferingg to learn a lesson
What does Spinoza say about religion?
Says due to our lack of knowledge we fall prey to our evil passions
What is dualism?
Two types of evil, in the Ancient Greek terms Ahura Mazda (good) and Angra Mainyu the source of will who battled out called on people to fight against evil.
What dos es. brightmann say about god evil
God cant help ordering evil in the world it is rooted in his nature stops god from acting on his will
What are hicks criticism of agustuen?
He takes on the line of the doctrine of calvisinm to suggest that god deliberately acted under the foreseen knowledge of predestination. God is therefore responsible for evil as he had foreseen who would choose the evil