Jesus' birth Flashcards
What is the version of Matthews narrative?
Focuses on the part of Joseph, baby Jesus is born in a house. wise men or “magi” dupe Herod and Herod kills all babies sunder 2. Joseph is warned and flees with Mary and Jesus to Egypt, after Herod dies goes back to narazeth.
What are we not told in Matthew gospel?
Followed a star from the east, could be the river Jordan, Babylonia?
Unsure how many there were,3 gifts unsure whether they are kings based on pslam 72:11 “may all kings fall down before him”
What is Lukes version?
Luke focuses on Mary, where the Gabriel angel announces her pregnancy, not mentioned she is married visited her cousin Elizabeth where they sing the magnficat in joy. elizabthe gives birth to john the baptist, and zercariah her husband makes the famous prophecy; Benedictua
Caesar Augustus makes is possible for Mary and Joseph who travelled to bethlehmen to be registered as theres no room at the inn, baby is born in a manger maybe in a stable.
shepherd are informed and visit Jesus
In Lukes version what happens eight days after Jesus’ birth?
Jesus is presented in the temple in jersuelm, recognised by the messiah by Simeon and Anna. Simeon speaks of the hymn nunc dimmitus
Joseph and Mary return home to nzaraeth
What are the differences between the 2 accounts?
Matthew writes from Josephs point of view, Luke writes from Marys
Matthew has quotations from Old Testament, lukes doesn’t
Matthews say Jesus was born in a manger Lukes says a house
Which old testament quoted the wise men?
to Micah 5.2
Where in the bible did it quote the slaughter of in infants?
“the slaughter of the infants Herod” Jeremiah 31:15
What is the historicity of the accounts?
Matthew gives little detail, but does give mascare of Herod and children, not mentioned by any other accounts so some might say Matthew delieberlatye put it in for the link between Jesus and Moses
Luke says his account was written when quirinus was governing syria from 6-12 ce, this is erroneous
the songs that Luke uses; magnificat were apparently used way before
What are the supernatural events in the accounts?
angel appears 3 times in Matthews gospel; angel appears to wise men which guides them to Jesus
In Luke angel Gabriel visits Mary
elizabeths unbirn baby leaps into her womb
shepherds are visited by a choir of angels
Jesus is miracheolsy recognised as the m3ssiah Simeon and Anna
both accounts say Jesus was conceived bt the Holy Spirit and born of a virign; birth was a miracle
What are the similarities in the events?
Both angels, shepherds and wise men may have visited Jesus
Jesus was born in Bethlehem when Herod was king of Judea
What is redaction criticism?
The gospels may have been changed by the writers to suit their own agenda
How can redaction criticism be applied?
Matthews gosepl was aimed at jewish readers, tried to prove that Jesus was connected to Jospeh. his account has 4 Old Testament quotations (micha, Jeremiah, Hosea and Isiah).
Collosians 4;4 says Luke is the only non-jewish writer in the New Testament Lukes book is aimed at gentiles and in greek. Luke quotes from the greek Septuagint
What does incarnation mean?
“becoming flesh” in+ carnis, Jesus Christ was god in human form
What accounts accept the incarnation?
first council of nice 315 council of Ephesus in 431
Jesus christ was both fully god; begotten form but nt created by the father and fully man; taking his flesh and human nature from vigin Mary
What is hypostatic union?
Human and divine
Why is Jesus fully god?
believed to have existed from the beginning from god and was god. after his resurrection returned to his father
Why was Jesus fully humaN>??
man of flesh and blood born like any other
Luke 2:40 52- had to learn to talk and walk like any other baby he ate, slept and drank; experience hunger, like all humans do
Why do muslims and jews reject it?
goes against god’s transcends
Wy is the term sitz im leben used with redaction criticism?
Means life setting, some of the gospel writers have been known to use it with redaction criticism and can write it from more of a theological point of view.