The trinity Flashcards
What are the Herseys of the trinity?
trinthteism ariainsim sabellionism adoptionism modalism
What is the view of arianism?
the view that the son is not truly equal to god but subordinate. so we can apply this to Moltmann and the view that god must suffer as if Jesus and god are the same, Jesus is suffering “why hath you forsaken me”
What is the view of tritheism?
3 gods, the son is not truly equal to god
there are 3 gods all together, didn’t come through christianity; islam and judaism
What is the view of sabellionisim?
The son is truly divine but not fully human
What is the view of adoptionnism?
The son was not pre existing ut made gods son at baptism
What is modalism?
The persons aren’t different, same modes
What did the councils who are together to talk about the the Hersey of tritheism say about the nature of god?
3 persons in one nature, 3 personaes, one substansia (in latin)
greek- hypostasis (person) ousia (nature). new testament mostly refer in greek
What was Gregory of nazanius analogy of the 3 ouzias in 1- tritheism?
Suggested if we look at gold for instance, we still only call it one but they are all distinct of each other, we can refer this as being the 3 personaes in one ouza
How did bulliavnt adapt Gregory of Nazareth’s analogy?
Think of a gold ring, a gold coin and a golf crucifix. we down say there are many gold. There is one gold in 3 expression. This essentially is the same substance but different forms, same ouzia
one gold- single ouzia, single nature
the gold the ring fully share the same ouzia but they are not the same, different personae (latin) different (hypostasis) greek
What does aranisim do?
Superiors one part of the trinity over the other, he believed the son cant really be god arias suggested the son was subordinate to the father
In terms of ouzia what did arianism belief believe?
The son has a different ouzia to the father this is why he is distinct and subordinate to god
What was bullivants analogy of arianism?
Used the analogy of pinnochio and geptetoo, Jesus is gepetoo Pinocchio is god
Jesus doesn’t have the same ouzia as gepetoo as Pinocchio created him.
Why did Constantine disagree to the view of arinaisim?
He didn’t want a theological division, Constantine emphasised that the father and the son were made out of the same ouzia- the same substance- also can be applied to Sallie mcfague if we said that Jesus wasn’t the same ousiza as god it would mean the Jesus couldn’t save humanity
Why did Christians reject modalism?
They’re all the same- it would seem ridiculous to say god resurrected.
christians believed there must be some plurality rather than modes, there are differences
What is the Filioque?
“and from the son”- the controversy about the relationship of the holy spiritt to god. Does the holy spiritt precede or emirate from the nicene creed
What does the eastern church believe?
the father is the prime cause, the father alone is the source of divinity , there is only one source of divinity god the father- the holy spiit and the father only come from the father
What was the christian creeds first formulation?
” we believe in the Holy Ghost” (council of nice)
What was the second development of the Constantinople which added a phrase?
” the council of Constantinople added a phrase “we believe in the holyy ghost, the lord, the giver of life who proceeds from the father” All churches agreed with this wording.
200 yers after Constantinople what did the council of toledo put?
They adapted the phrase and put “we believe in the Holy Ghost, the lord the giver of life who proceeds from the father and the son (Filioque). Te word was added by the latin churches without the agreeing of the greek churches (east)
Why did the western church add the Filioque?
Influenced by Augustine of hippo- the wanted to understand the trinity in terms of relationship and the godhead. The mutual relationship and the bone of love between the father and the son.The bond is the holy spirit
What is augustines view on the Filioque?
The father and the son are superior to the holy spiriit, the Holy Spirit comes from the father and the son
whereas the eastern it only comes form the father
the bond of love of the Holy Spirit is between the father and the son
Why did the western approve of augustines?
We can know it through the knowledge of the trinity within us. he didn’t differentiate between the economic and the immanent trinity. it is both one thing
since the Holy Spirit acts within the trinity of the father an the son, it follows the holy spirit must proceed from both
How can humans derive god through augustines method of the way the trinity works?
AS the holy spirit acts within humans, uniting us with humans it unites god and the father with us we can derive the nature of god from this experience- assess the immanent god and get understanding of the epistemic and transcendent god
What is the immanent trinity?
What god is- 3 persons
What is the economic trinity?
What god does father creates, son redeems, the Holy Spirit sustains
Why did the eastern church reject augusiitnes view?
We cannot derive the relationship on our own experience
What does the easter church believe?
Believes the structure of the trinity are 3 distinct persons, but doesn’t accept that anything is revealed to us about gods nature
the father alone is the source of divinity
the son alone is the begotten father
the spiritt proceeds from the father alone
What does the eastern church think all we can know is about god- linking to nature of god- language?
the father alone is the source of divinity
the son alone is the begotten father
the spiritt proceeds from the father alone
aquínas analogy of proportionality and attribution
ramsey’s models
charismatic movements
What does the arthrianism creed suggest?
The trinity are all distinct together but not the same but itnst this contradictotry if we say Jesus is god god is Jesus then how can they be different
What is st Patricks analogy of a shamrock/
The trinity are each a clover of the leaf and if we take one of them off nothing will alter
What is terutillians nature go god?
God is wearing a mask which would have been like an actor showing different parts yet containing the same substance and this is the trinity
For Barth what is the belief in the cosmos?
The belief In the cosmos for Barth is an act of faith
the cosmological argument the uncaused mover
faith in the creator only comes through the incarnate son of god who is Jesus
What is Jesus fro abrth?
The telos for creation