pauls ressurected body Flashcards
What is paul arguing about the resurrection of jesus?
dying is gain, dying is better. death makes us with christ
what does paul say about the resurrection being factual?
it is definitely an objective fact as jesus appears to him in acts on the road to damascus
then in corinthians- he appears to 5 thousand
1) What does St Paul teach about death and the resurrection in Philippians 1:21-24?
We need to live in christ “
‘to die is gain”
“to live is christ”- we need to practice a life beneficial to christ and in his footsteps
What does Paul mean when the soul soul sleeps?
It goes into a state of relaxation before judgement
3) According to St Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, whose disobedience brought death into the world?
Death is not the last spot, it is before the gloirifd heavenly version of the body. We will have a purified and glorified body and those that believe in Jesus will have a body like christ
what does 1 corinthians 15:36 say about the seed?
“unless you sow does not come to life unless it dies”- chrsits resurrection was seen by many foretaste of our own resurrection, our earthly body is physical.
How does paul decribe the spirtiual body?
THe peirhsable body is sown into the ground and the imperishable one grows out the seed “It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.” The old body has life similar to an animal; the new body will be energized by spirit.
Are there 2?
If there is a physical body there is also a spirtual body
what does the nicene creed believe about the ressurection?
we look for the ressurection of the dead and the lift to come
What did the greeks of psyche thought happened in the afterlife?
anmed as thumos-, when a person died their psyche would be realised from their body and enter a stage of dark to hades where it would represent a stage of its darker self
what does pneumatikos mean?
special spirit of a person, directed by the spirit
How do we know our body will have same connecitons to our physical body?
When the tomb was empty in lukes, retained the scars. If it didnt have ant relation to the body it was raised it wouldnt be called a ressurection
what does paul say about the continuity between perishable and imperishable bodie in coritnhians?
The imperishable and perishable are connected, there is a conitnuty “it”
What does paul say about our bodies being spirtual
“shall not all sleep but we will be chnaged”
paul tries to suggest our bodies will always have continuity with oiur older body with just better capaiblites and qualities
what is pauls anaolgy of pigs?
Our bodies will be not worthy of sick they will be powerful imperishable spiritual and golirief
the emphasis on glory in the passage also hints that our bodies will have a glow surroudning it
How is the glory of our bodies emphasized in matthew?
“Then the rightenous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their father”
What do the catholiucs believe about the ressurection?
That we will rise with our body and our sarx, some christian poets said he wrose his scars like jewels - the parable of the sheep and goat
How did Paul distinguish between resucitation and ressurecin?
The seed analogy, the resurrection body has some connection to its before Boyd but it is pigs corntihinas 15 ch 15v42-44